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Pakistan boasted of nuclear strike on India within eight seconds

This state by Pak General is on the same line where PAK leader claim one muslim equal to 100 Hindus and untimely fails in wars.
I think it is a bitter pill to digest by the Indians that Pakistan have the capability to destroy them. But ofcourse we wont do that, it was just a thought.But it is a nice thought.
The one who feel threatened and scared finds the need to keep boasting about its nuke. Also Pakistani Generals have habit of bluffing.
The one who feel threatened and scared finds the need to keep boasting about its nuke. Also Pakistani Generals have habit of bluffing.

Their own gov said that they cant win war against India so all these are just to satisfy their ego
Their own gov said that they cant win war against India so all these are just to satisfy their ego

I know they cannot do anything in reality to bolke hi man halka kar lete hai, we can destory India etc.
sometimes it urges me to say that people have Nuclearbomb Phobia but Pakistan is one country, having Nuclearbomb-philia. And this is not an act of bravery.

the morning starts with Nuking India and ends with Nuking Israel, US or Russia. If you really want to die why dont you eat poison alone, launching a nuclear weapon is not more than a suicide.

And it wont be India alone which will hit you back, it is also possible that you make other Muslim nations to suffer. You people do not know the consequences of it.

For this alone reason, Big powers like US, Russia etc are not in favor of any other country producing this weapon, because they cannot handle this technology wisely.

US could nuke Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.. post cold war, finish the game once in a while, but they know the consequences of it, so does Russia could bomb Serbia, Poland for installing American air defence against Russia. Pakistan should realize, this weapon is not boy's toy.
8 seconds is enough to wipe India out of the world map with over 100 nuclear war heads.

than why your generals are waiting...are they waiting for SAM uncle order or they are waiting for US donation so that you can pay monthly wages to your Nuclear scientist because after first attack you know where you will be after next 8 sec........
I unable to what your general want to say, what is his qualification ? gradate from any madarsa college, is that his education qualification...?
"8 Seconds & India Khatam" No wonder if that Genaral would be Lal Topi follower..

Some more........
*ek din pakistan chand pe jayega.
*ek din pakistan ki han aur naa mein duniya ka phesala hoga.
* and now new one "8 Seconds & India Khatam"
*no wonder if they say "without giving command and USA Khatam" because no guarantee of Chinese product.
What a goddamn stupid thread! This should have been put in the jokes forum. Such a massive fart from a Pak general must have embarrassed the Pakistani top brass too. :P
It is clear from the article and the comments on this thread that Indians do have a habit of underestimating Pakistan. After all that is what a comment made by the British
It is clear from the article and the comments on this thread that Indians do have a habit of underestimating Pakistan. After all that is what a comment made by the British

nope(actually yes)..we are enjoying this thread pretty much..its fun..just like another zaid hamid thread.. carry on.. :lol: :lol:
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