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Pakistan boasted of nuclear strike on India within eight seconds

For god sakes get real. Even the shield US is developing is not perfect. Pakistan and India are right next to each other. You don't need thousands of missiles to hit india. Indian population is very dense and just 10 hits on major conurbations would have catastrophic effects. Just think 2 missiles each on New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Banagalore, Kolkatta, Pune and a few other cities would do?

And the distances from Pakistan are in 100s not 1,000 of miles. Read up the latest reports on Pakistan nuclear capability, in fact it appears to be more advanced than what had been thought. I will post some details later.

Therefore proximity and population density are in favour of Pakistani nuclear strike.
id call that a bluff ...but interesting topic nonetheless ..

good read on America's nuclear strike readiness n procedures ...

For god sakes get real. Even the shield US is developing is not perfect. Pakistan and India are right next to each other. You don't need thousands of missiles to hit india. Indian population is very dense and just 10 hits on major conurbations would have catastrophic effects. Just think 2 missiles each on New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Banagalore, Kolkatta, Pune and a few other cities would do?

And the distances from Pakistan are in 100s not 1,000 of miles. Read up the latest reports on Pakistan nuclear capability, in fact it appears to be more advanced than what had been thought. I will post some details later.

Therefore proximity and population density are in favour of Pakistani nuclear strike.

No one's discounting the fact that Pakistan cannot fire a couple of nukes against India, or will harm a few cities, but the effect will be suicidal for Pakistan, India's got thousands of towns and lakhs of villages so India will not cease to exist. But Pakistan will be wiped out.
No one's discounting the fact that Pakistan cannot fire a couple of nukes against India, or will harm a few cities, but the effect will be suicidal for Pakistan, India's got thousands of towns and lakhs of villages so India will not cease to exist. But Pakistan will be wiped out.

Couple? Read the following:-

But the most recent estimates, according to officials and outsiders familiar with the American assessments, suggest that the number of deployed weapons now ranges from the mid-90s to more than 110. When Mr. Obama came to office, his aides were told that the arsenal “was in the mid-to-high 70s,” according to one official who had been briefed at the time, though estimates ranged from 60 to 90.

We’ve seen a consistent, constant buildup in their inventory

experts say Pakistan has now produced enough material for 40 to 100 additional weapons, including a new class of plutonium bombs

not now, Pakistan will soon have the fifth largest nuclear arsenal in the world, surpassing the United Kingdom,” said Bruce Riedel, a former C.I.A. officer and the author of “Deadly Embrace: Pakistan, America, and the Future of Global Jihad

Extracts from : http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/01/world/asia/01policy.html?pagewanted=all

Assuming half of the present nukes hit their targets in India, that would be 50 major Indian cities. I think that is 'credibile deterance'.

And the numbers keep on "steadily going up".

* Going back to the what the General said, I think he was trying to relay that Pakistan could hit India very soon after orders were given. 2 seconds, 2 minutes or 2 hours ... the times are very short since india is next to Pakistan.
Couple? Read the following:-

But the most recent estimates, according to officials and outsiders familiar with the American assessments, suggest that the number of deployed weapons now ranges from the mid-90s to more than 110. When Mr. Obama came to office, his aides were told that the arsenal “was in the mid-to-high 70s,” according to one official who had been briefed at the time, though estimates ranged from 60 to 90.

We’ve seen a consistent, constant buildup in their inventory

experts say Pakistan has now produced enough material for 40 to 100 additional weapons, including a new class of plutonium bombs

not now, Pakistan will soon have the fifth largest nuclear arsenal in the world, surpassing the United Kingdom,” said Bruce Riedel, a former C.I.A. officer and the author of “Deadly Embrace: Pakistan, America, and the Future of Global Jihad

Extracts from : http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/01/world/asia/01policy.html?pagewanted=all

Assuming half of the present nukes hit their targets in India, that would be 50 major Indian cities. I think that is 'credibile deterance'.

And the numbers keep on "steadily going up".

* Going back to the what the General said, I think he was trying to relay that Pakistan could hit India very soon after orders were given. 2 seconds, 2 minutes or 2 hours ... the times are very short since india is next to Pakistan.

:lol: You guys are being taken for a ride, the world is painting you as an existential threat, take note of the author there - doesn't it look as if its a build up to portraying Pakistan as a unstable nuclear armed country - with the threat of its nukes falling into Jihadi hands. And you guys are taking pride that you will be able to fire nukes at India - (so can North Korea) - without a thought to the consequences of such an action. This also portrays your leaders numerous ill conceived actions against India.

How does it help you in projecting yourself as a quick fire nuke dispenser to a 90% nuke free world? Does your nukes scare India - it does not - when push comes to shove India will not back down from a war if you initiate it. nuke or no nuke.
Sir turn off Caps letter.
This is called shouting in PDF
:lol: You guys are being taken for a ride, the world is painting you as an existential threat, take note of the author there - doesn't it look as if its a build up to portraying Pakistan as a unstable nuclear armed country - with the threat of its nukes falling into Jihadi hands. And you guys are taking pride that you will be able to fire nukes at India - (so can North Korea) - without a thought to the consequences of such an action. This also portrays your leaders numerous ill conceived actions against India.

How does it help you in projecting yourself as a quick fire nuke dispenser to a 90% nuke free world? Does your nukes scare India - it does not - when push comes to shove India will not back down from a war if you initiate it. nuke or no nuke.

I don't have time here to go into detail but I assure you there are various sources that paint Pakistani nuclear capability to be greater than is assumed. What your saying is [ which is possible ] that these sources are 'sexing up' the facts to raise fears about Jihadi factor.

Whilst that is possible but equally it is plausible that Pakistan nuclear capability is greater than is recognized. You or I are not in a position to make a absolute statement of fact. I don't have any insiders in the Strategic Plans Division, although it is possible you might.

Nobody said India would back off from a war if Pakistan initiated it. That was true in non nuclear South Asia as well as today. What I can say is India could crush Pakistan with it's conventional forces but if it ever happens there will be a nuclear riposte. Only than would we able to judge the potency of Pakistani nuclear capability from the the size and number of mushrooms in India.

I am pretty sure that India would have launched some type of limited attack on Pakistan after the Mumbai incident. India did nothing. In the Kargil war despite clear Pakistani provocation the war remained restricted to the LOC/Kargil sector. Back in 1965 when Pakistan attacked across the LOC in Jammu sector India launched an all out war along the entire international border.

No such thing happened in the Kargil provocation. You can find all sort reasons for this very 'restrained' behaviour by India but I know the nuclear factor is what capped everything. You are aware in 1998 India enjoyed massive conventional superiority, so what prevented India from launching two massive hammer blows.

One on the Lahore sector and another thrust towards Multan. 50 miles ingress and Pakistan would be finished. If India had done so in 1998 she woud have been morally justified. If Mexico attacked Texas with brigade sized formation what do you think US reaction would be. Or China for that matter?

We, Pakistan are a tiny mole compared to India. Despite this India postured, mobilized but then went silent. I say it was the Pakistani nuclear deterance that caused this. If you think differant fine.

And best of all every year the quantum and quality of Pakistani nuclear force goes up and up.

* I am rather miffed why you brought up North Korea, how is that relevant to this discussion?

** Peaceful Civilian why are you using 'Sir' in referance to Debashish? Can't you surmise from his post that he is only 10 years old, so address him accordingly.
look who are talking abt The great Leader one of the greatest leader in the history of man kind he achieved what was unthinkable
u guys are shameful leave him alone else it is offence but u guys deserve u guys are piss drinkers u guys drink pee of =)) cow and take shower in that well that shows ur mentality how grows you are and u are talking about him
look who are talking abt The great Leader one of the greatest leader in the history of man kind he achieved what was unthinkable
u guys are shameful leave him alone else it is offence but u guys deserve u guys are piss drinkers u guys drink pee of =)) cow and take shower in that well that shows ur mentality how grows you are and u are talking about him

Are you in anyway talking about Indians here? coz if you are then believe me I can come up with plenty of vile things that goes on in your society as a riposte, but I am not gonna do that and enjoy your camel piss in the meantime.
Just in case people think I am advocating the use of nuclear weapons, I am not - I realize that if that were to happen we would have a nuclear holocaust and suffering on a biblical scale. But Pakistan has to have a credible minimum nuclear deterant and I support the first strike policy. By being robust with this I think your reducing chance of war in South Asia - M.A.D is in place.

I also think that Pakistan conventional forces should be slashed to half their present size. The money saved should be ploughed into Nuclear Strike Forces and the rest into internal security [ Police, FC, Paramilitary forces etc ] against the TTP and other groups that threaten the Pakistani state.
Just in case people think I am advocating the use of nuclear weapons, I am not - I realize that if that were to happen we would have a nuclear holocaust and suffering on a biblical scale. But Pakistan has to have a credible minimum nuclear deterant and I support the first strike policy. By being robust with this I think your reducing chance of war in South Asia - M.A.D is in place.

I also think that Pakistan conventional forces should be slashed to half their present size. The money saved should be ploughed into Nuclear Strike Forces and the rest into internal security [ Police, FC, Paramilitary forces etc ] against the TTP and other groups that threaten the Pakistani state.

But there is one thing that nukes have done that India and Pakistan could not do for almost six decades: solve Kashmir. Both countries will think at least a hundred time before opting for the military option.
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