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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

No doubt the armoured division is getting an boost with these VT-4 tanks but the numbers need to be increased quickly and to be at least capped at 600 hundred
Unfortunately we have far to much state involvement in our military industry. HIT is one of the many SOE that is better off being privatized. For this to happen domestic pakistani companies have to be rich enough to make such purchases... well how would they get rich??? The govt could start subcontracting them and buying their products.

HIT right now is pitiful. It has the capacity to produce 100 Al-khalids a year since the last 15 years yet it has barely been able to produce 35-40 a year. This is the result of sheer mismanagement and no matter how many retired generals we put at the helm nothing has changed. Lets start by atleast making full use of our existing capacity.

More hands in the private arm industries pockets the more R&D we will get. More state guidance and less state control. Similar to Israel and now Turkey.
How many tanks and APCs has it overhauled? How much would a privately owned HIT charge for those overhauls?
you have barely 170.vt4 tanks delivered to date out if 300
plans for 1000 are plans not ordered..as our esteemed friend yasser says,.

India t90 contracts are 1650 MS nearly all delivered and 464 newer t90s 125 delivered thus far .

which ever the ratio between.t90.vt4 today is 6 or 7 to 1 tank.

as for Arjun that is the largest and heaviest tank in class of t99 Chinese tanks and the hardest to stop as per vedio . mark 2 is the latest variant which had over 70 improvements.


According to a senior officer T-90 has had its own share of challenges. In a tank biathlon held in Russia in August 2017 where tank crews from 19 countries competed in simulated battlefield conditions to determine which is the best, Indian Army was knocked out after both the main and reserve T-90 tanks developed mechanical problems.

T-90 tanks also suffer from night blindness as its night vision system does not work in high temperatures of the desert regions. Electronic systems of the tank also have failed consistently l in the desert heat. By comparison, Arjun has a much advanced night fighting capability, has not faced any troubles in high temperatures and does not even require any air conditioning due to its rugged systems suited for desert conditions."



According to a senior officer T-90 has had its own share of challenges. In a tank biathlon held in Russia in August 2017 where tank crews from 19 countries competed in simulated battlefield conditions to determine which is the best, Indian Army was knocked out after both the main and reserve T-90 tanks developed mechanical problems.

T-90 tanks also suffer from night blindness as its night vision system does not work in high temperatures of the desert regions. Electronic systems of the tank also have failed consistently l in the desert heat. By comparison, Arjun has a much advanced night fighting capability, has not faced any troubles in high temperatures and does not even require any air conditioning due to its rugged systems suited for desert conditions."

The Arjun regiments,which are made up.of mark 1 and 1a, are 240 tanks approx and geared,to operate in desert on indo pak borders,. something I have alluded to from my first post last week . we have mark 2 soon to be ordered which will.take nos to 500 . it's the best suited to heat and the best armour and missle capability in the army..

the t90 operate mainly in punjab Plains or more,recently in ladakh.
if we,have issues,in 2017 do you not think we will have addressed them.
we just ordered 2.8 billion deal for t90s x 460 tanks I'm sure if a,real deficiencyexisted we would acquired t14 armarta instead.
The Arjun regiments,which are made up.of mark 1 and 1a, are 240 tanks approx and geared,to operate in desert on indo pak borders,. something I have alluded to from my first post last week . we have mark 2 soon to be ordered which will.take nos to 500 . it's the best suited to heat and the best armour and missle capability in the army..

the t90 operate mainly in punjab Plains or more,recently in ladakh.
if we,have issues,in 2017 do you not think we will have addressed them.
we just ordered 2.8 billion deal for t90s x 460 tanks I'm sure if a,real deficiencyexisted we would acquired t14 armarta instead.
your information is invalid
The Arjun regiments,which are made up.of mark 1 and 1a, are 240 tanks approx and geared,to operate in desert on indo pak borders,. something I have alluded to from my first post last week . we have mark 2 soon to be ordered which will.take nos to 500 . it's the best suited to heat and the best armour and missle capability in the army..

the t90 operate mainly in punjab Plains or more,recently in ladakh.
if we,have issues,in 2017 do you not think we will have addressed them.
we just ordered 2.8 billion deal for t90s x 460 tanks I'm sure if a,real deficiencyexisted we would acquired t14 armarta instead.

You continually lie in almost every post. Every source everywhere indicates only 124 Arjuns are in service, and according to most reports only half servicable and those all in traning regiments.

Mods? How much fake news we allowing on here?

" Indian Army currently uses 124 (1 regiment -62 Tanks) Arjun Mk 1 across two regiments and 118 new improved versions Mk 1A tanks will be procured by the Indian Army in near future. Arjun is widely criticized for its weight, logistic issues, low serviceability, and timeline. In 2016 Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India report said that Arjun tanks have not been operational since 2013 due to a lack of spares. "



According to a senior officer T-90 has had its own share of challenges. In a tank biathlon held in Russia in August 2017 where tank crews from 19 countries competed in simulated battlefield conditions to determine which is the best, Indian Army was knocked out after both the main and reserve T-90 tanks developed mechanical problems.

T-90 tanks also suffer from night blindness as its night vision system does not work in high temperatures of the desert regions. Electronic systems of the tank also have failed consistently l in the desert heat. By comparison, Arjun has a much advanced night fighting capability, has not faced any troubles in high temperatures and does not even require any air conditioning due to its rugged systems suited for desert conditions."

Why don’t they send Arjun to the tank biathlon then? Maybe Russia is scared that it would give India too big of an advantage?
You continually lie in almost every post. Every source everywhere indicates only 124 Arjuns are in service, and according to most reports only half servicable and those all in traning regiments.

Mods? How much fake news we allowing on here?

" Indian Army currently uses 124 (1 regiment -62 Tanks) Arjun Mk 1 across two regiments and 118 new improved versions Mk 1A tanks will be procured by the Indian Army in near future. Arjun is widely criticized for its weight, logistic issues, low serviceability, and timeline. In 2016 Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India report said that Arjun tanks have not been operational since 2013 due to a lack of spares. "

why do you insist on showing cag reports from.2013 and 2016.
hey Mr.... we are in 2021 do you comprehend this
yesterday you were showing bsf infantry in another thread from.2017 claiming it was regular indian army until.s fellow poster pulled you up to for this.
but you can't help yourself
My stomach is hurting due to how much I am laughing after reading this shit [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
Oh my, this is just GOLD.
thank you good comparison I think there are equally matched
one issue for pakistan the Indians have over 2000 t90 main battle tanks in contrast I think pakistan have barely 300 vt4 tanks .
indian t90 fleet is 6 times,the size of your vt4.

one more thing the most powerful.and most modern tank in indian army now is the arjun.
240 in service and 123 more on order
Arjun is the only heavy tank fielded in South Asia,they cost twice the cost of t90 or vt4 but are western designed concept tanks or indian equivalent of chinease t99 heavy tanks .
An Arjun v vt4 or T90 my money is on Arjun all.day
It'd be REAL swell if you could back your claims with ANYTHING other than face value. (quite a common thing among Indians)
The man you're criticising the most recently available information regarding the pitiful state of Arjun.

I URGE you to provide any source for the claims you pull from your ***. And for f's sake don't link Indians state media.
why do you insist on showing cag reports from.2013 and 2016.
hey Mr.... we are in 2021 do you comprehend this
yesterday you were showing bsf infantry in another thread from.2017 claiming it was regular indian army until.s fellow poster pulled you up to for this.
but you can't help yourself
why do you insist on showing cag reports from.2013 and 2016.
hey Mr.... we are in 2021 do you comprehend this
yesterday you were showing bsf infantry in another thread from.2017 claiming it was regular indian army until.s fellow poster pulled you up to for this.
but you can't help yourself

Provide one link showing 240 Arjuns in service as per your claim, if not I suggest Mods inflict another ban for continous fake news.
I think you have missed the large insightful thread that I started after mark 2 Arjun tank passed 90.improvements and the 4tn February report in Indian media that the army are ordering 2 more regiments of Arjun following several.years of testing.
that the army will.look.to increase numbers to 500 tanks.
check the thread and the clips .

and please... this nonsense of indian sources don't count. for God's sake it's a indian main battle tanks who else are we suppose to seek. news from.the Cubans.
it's our project.
if the critical cag reports are relevant for your criticism.fron.2013 and 2016 and you jump on those Indian sources that are years old why is it when the Indians confirm.we have made 90 improvements and are Idris g 2 more regiments it deemed indian fake news let's report to mods.

you have my thread read it from.the start there is the full details from news on 4th February.

Still avoiding answer? Please give one source to back up your claim of 240 Arjuns in service. I will keep asking
Provide one link showing 240 Arjuns in service as per your claim, if not I suggest Mods inflict another ban for continous fake news.

bans,are for abuse,and trolling my Arjun thread started with Y tube clip confirming intent to order 118 more tanks mark 1a,after successful.trials last 3 years.
it's,genuine Indian news, not fake

just like my thread of s400 first regiment in October is real.news

or the news,regarding 83 tejas,mark1a ordered is real.news

or the thread that our new defense budget is 64 billion dollars for this,fiscal year is real.

for some reason you take great offense,it sticks in your throat a lot.

I back each post with evidence Be it y tube or written article
bans,are for abuse,and trolling my Arjun thread started with Y tube clip confirming intent to order 118 more tanks mark 1a,after successful.trials last 3 years.
it's,genuine Indian news, not fake

just like my thread of s400 first regiment in October is real.news

or the news,regarding 83 tejas,mark1a ordered is real.news

or the thread that our new defense budget is 64 billion dollars for this,fiscal year is real.

for some reason you take great offense,it sticks in your throat a lot.

I back each post with evidence Be it y tube or written article

3rd time I am asking, just one link or source to your claim of 240 Arjuns in service
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