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3rd time I am asking, just one link or source to your claim of 240 Arjuns in service

See the opening line buddy it states,242 Arjun tanks in service already

i DID START my thread of 500 Arjun tanks in future with this article
and for the

See the opening line buddy it's clearly staying indian army has 242 tanks in service already... read it please

i DID START my thread of 500 Arjun tanks in future with this very same article so etji g
something you took real.offence too.thinking you will.rely on a 8 year old indian CAG report and audit commissions

you seem to hell bent on suggesting I'm just plucking numbers from.the air
I'm not it's researched, and then I state my case so quit your one man campaign to get me banned.

if you want latest information re our armed forces,ie info from 2021 not 2015 or 2017 ask me I will.update you .
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I think you have missed the large insightful thread that I started after mark 2 Arjun tank passed 90.improvements and the 4tn February report in Indian media that the army are ordering 2 more regiments of Arjun following several.years of testing.
that the army will.look.to increase numbers to 500 tanks.
check the thread and the clips .

and please... this nonsense of indian sources don't count. for God's sake it's a indian main battle tanks who else are we suppose to seek. news from.the Cubans.
it's our project.
if the critical cag reports are relevant for your criticism.fron.2013 and 2016 and you jump on those Indian sources that are years old why is it when the Indians confirm.we have made 90 improvements and are Idris g 2 more regiments it deemed indian fake news let's report to mods.

you have my thread read it from.the start there is the full details from news on 4th February.
I request you to reply with some links about what I asked, not about the improvements. And if your did give a linknin a thread already, please give it here as I can't scroll endlessly to find it

I expect an actual defence analysis that supports your claims other than Indian media because we all know Indian media isnprone to blatantly lying.

Remember Karachi Civil War?
Remember F16 "kill" lmao?
Remember "Pakistan is in Dark grey list"? [emoji23][emoji23]
Remember 350 terrorists killed?
Remember 40% JF-17 are broken [emoji1787][emoji1787]?
Remember SURGICAL STRIKE of 2016?
Remember Iran surgical strike?

These are all just minor examples of Indian lying media.

So you must understand my concern when you link Indian media.
An Indian Army official's tweet or interview that supports your claim would also be acceptable.

See the opening line buddy it states,242 Arjun tanks in service already

i DID START my thread of 500 Arjun tanks in future with this article

you seem to hell bent on suggesting I'm just plucking numbers from.the air
I'm not it's researched, and then I state my case so quit your one man campaign to get me banned.

if you want latest information re our armed forces,ie info from 2021 not 2015 or 2017 ask me I will.update you .
Even the Indian dominated Wikipedia states this.

See the opening line buddy it states,242 Arjun tanks in service already

i DID START my thread of 500 Arjun tanks in future with this article

you seem to hell bent on suggesting I'm just plucking numbers from.the air
I'm not it's researched, and then I state my case so quit your one man campaign to get me banned.

if you want latest information re our armed forces,ie info from 2021 not 2015 or 2017 ask me I will.update you .

As per the link you posted

" As per defense reports, the Indian Army has sought two regiments of the new indigenous Arjun 1A tank. DRDO has developed them and it incorporates 71 improvements from the original version. The Defence Acquisition Council and the Cabinet Committee on Security will have to clear it. The deal is worth Rs 8,956 crore, not just for the tanks but also, spares and servicing. "

So the very link you posted as evidence contradicts you. Not only that, but every single source in the world. Even India's tank factory will tell you they have not produced 240 Arjuns.

We can play this game all day, you look more and more stupid with every post
Ignore him. He is a over enthusiastic guy who often lose the difference between fiction and reality.
As per the link you posted

" As per defense reports, the Indian Army has sought two regiments of the new indigenous Arjun 1A tank. DRDO has developed them and it incorporates 71 improvements from the original version. The Defence Acquisition Council and the Cabinet Committee on Security will have to clear it. The deal is worth Rs 8,956 crore, not just for the tanks but also, spares and servicing. "

So the very link you posted as evidence contradicts you. Not only that, but every single source in the world. Even India's tank factory will tell you they have not produced 240 Arjuns.

We can play this game all day, you look more and more stupid with every post
As per the link you posted

" As per defense reports, the Indian Army has sought two regiments of the new indigenous Arjun 1A tank. DRDO has developed them and it incorporates 71 improvements from the original version. The Defence Acquisition Council and the Cabinet Committee on Security will have to clear it. The deal is worth Rs 8,956 crore, not just for the tanks but also, spares and servicing. "

So the very link you posted as evidence contradicts you. Not only that, but every single source in the world. Even India's tank factory will tell you they have not produced 240 Arjuns.

We can play this game all day, you look more and more stupid with every post

you asked me to post s single source you got it ...
you have no idea your a arm.chair Pakistani with no links to indian military what so ever..
so you have access to open source material
you cherry pick some cag report probably 5 years,old taking that as,a an excuse to malign progress which you find difficult to stomach.
you do t know more than rest of us .
regardless of whether it's 242 or 123 or 118 the simply fact is more Arjuns are coming so take it on the chin.
just like more tejas are coming
and more nuke subs are coming
and more guided missle frigates are coming
billions of dollars and thousands of.jobs to.i Indian workers.
you asked me to post s single source you got it ...
you have no idea your a arm.chair Pakistani with no links to indian military what so ever..
so you have access to open source material
you cherry pick some cag report probably 5 years,old taking that as,a an excuse to malign progress which you find difficult to stomach.
you do t know more than rest of us .
regardless of whether it's 242 or 123 or 118 the simply fact is more Arjuns are coming so take it on the chin.
just like more tejas are coming
and more nuke subs are coming
and more guided missle frigates are coming
billions of dollars and thousands of.jobs to.i Indian workers.

So now you are back tracking on your original claim

"regardless of whether it's 242 or 123 or 118 the simply fact is more Arjuns are coming so take it on the chin."

Does Indian Army have 240 Arjuns as you claimed earlier, yes or no? If no (which is a universal truth) will you apologise for lying?
So now you are back tracking on your original claim

"regardless of whether it's 242 or 123 or 118 the simply fact is more Arjuns are coming so take it on the chin."

Does Indian Army have 240 Arjuns as you claimed earlier, yes or no? If no (which is a universal truth) will you apologise for lying?

in shared the link and it states 242 you have your source

9000 crore rupee deal.for another 118.tanks is 1.3 billion dollars but this will
include Arjun infrastructure support including weapon ..bridge laying capability and transport lorries specifically designed to carry the 60 tonne heavy tanks
typical. regiment has between.59 and 62 tanks .
242 plus 118 equals 360 by 2025 in.guessing
and then. further order for mark 2 in future as we keep on progressing
more pictures coming yasser
in shared the link and it states 242 you have your source

9000 crore rupee deal.for another 118.tanks is 1.3 billion dollars but this will
include Arjun infrastructure support including weapon ..bridge laying capability and transport lorries specifically designed to carry the 60 tonne heavy tanks
typical. regiment has between.59 and 62 tanks .
242 plus 118 equals 360 by 2025 in.guessing
and then. further order for mark 2 in future as we keep on progressing
more pictures coming yasser

No, the link clearly stats only two regiments and potentially another 124 will be ordered. Your own link says that, Indian Army and Indian Tank factories state 124 tanks in service. Yu got caught lying and now you are desperatly trying to change the subject. You have no source, you twisted one sentence in a report that then goes on to state only 2 regiments in service. The whole forum has seen you exposed again as a liar and fake news peddler.
No, the link clearly stats only two regiments and potentially another 124 will be ordered. Your own link says that, Indian Army and Indian Tank factories state 124 tanks in service. Yu got caught lying and now you are desperatly trying to change the subject. You have no source, you twisted one sentence in a report that then goes on to state only 2 regiments in service. The whole forum has seen you exposed again as a liar and fake news peddler.

You carry on like a broken record .............

You asked me where i got it from HERE IT IS

Two regiments of Indigenous Arjun 1A tanks to be ordered by Indian Army: Defense sources
According to recent reports, the Indian Army has sought additional 118 units of Arjun MBT for its armored corps. It marks Army's further step towards promoting the 'Make in India' initiative. Indian Army already has 242 Arjun Tanks in its service.
By Harkirpal Singh, Updated : Feb 05, 2021 11:48 IST

I started my thread with this very aticle .......... You asked where ............GO CHECK THE THREAD I STARTED #
500 Arjuns planned in future ............ I started with this ..


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Nope they are not equally matched at all, the VT-4 is far superior to the TY90MS in terms of electronics , armour, mobility etc. This debate has been done, please see the thread earlier.
India does not have anywhere near 2,000 T-90 tanks, it has just over a 1,000, this has also been discussed.

The numbers are here;

From March 25 2020.

There are currently around 1,000-1,100 T-90 MBTs of both the MS and Bhishma S variants in service
, although the operational readiness rate of the tanks remains unclear. According to one estimate, 850-900 are of the T-90S Bhishma variant. Of the two, the T-90MS MBT is the more advanced design.”

It entered service with the Russian Army in 1992. In February 2001, the Indian Army signed a contract for 310 T-90S tanks: 124 were completed in Russia and the rest were delivered in ‘knocked down’ form for final assembly in India.

The Indian Ministry of Defence placed a $2.8bn contract with the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) to licence-build 464 additional T-90S tanks at its heavy vehicle factory (HVF), Avadi, for the Indian Army in November 2019.

Pakistan's initial order is 300 tanks yes, but there are plans for over 1,000. Do remember 180 tanks are already being delivered.
The Arjun suffers mobility issues, has less HP ratio than the VT4 and we could go on.

Indians totally underestimate PA capabilities our T-80UD, AKs & Al Zarars can tackle any threat in NCW envionrment as now tanks dont fight alone they also have other assets to support them which includes ATGMs too.
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