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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

Depends what PA has planned for Type-59 II

The important question that you should be asking is that do our tank crews have decent education level to fully understand and use the electronics and sensor system of modern tanks like VT4 ? There was a time in past (60s) when laser range finders on M-48s became a difficult task to be taught to tank crews who had little or no education.
Secondly, on what criteria are tank crews chosen to become driver and gunner.
Thirdly, how much time will it take for the crews and commanders to fully understand and employ VT4 in best possible manner for combat.

I dont have answers of all above.
same challenge is faced in Artillery. the gunners have to have a certain level of education specially officers must have science background..
the personnel have continuous educational programs to familiarize with the functioning , maintenance and trouble shooting of the weapon systems depending on the complexities. they would have specialists among them who would have further training to sort out any issues in the filed before having to send the equipment back to repair shops
Pakistan should stop getting t-72 mods, we should find a way to make more affordable leopard class tanks; something like the Turkish Altay but slightly smaller and more affordable.
I think smaller, maneuverable, stealthier and more numerous tanks are going to be the way go in the future.
I know the answer. I thought someone might know more on this.
I noticed that the VT-4 does not have the dozer blade for self entrenchment like the Alkhalid Tanks, is it nowadays outdated ?
Unmanned tanks anyone??

May be the begining ...
Unmanned tanks anyone??

May be the begining ...

May be the begining ...

May be the begining ...

From Terminator 3 movie back in the naughties(early 2000s)
Probably around 2050s, the Russians have said that alot of the Technologies of T-14 Armata will help to develop the tech needed for Unmanned Tanks.
With the speed AI and machine learning is progressing I'd say 2030s. With semi autonomous ones around 2040s.
With the speed AI and machine learning is progressing I'd say 2030s. With semi autonomous ones around 2040s.
Along with more capable drones to counter them. I wish Pakistan could invest more in strike drones as well as seen in our region.
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