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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

I think the ISPR video and and the pictures from the demonstration clearly show that it is NOT Uniform dark green rather its is indeed a CAMO. The dominant color in the camo is dark green though.

I think the pattern looks the same as the one that appeared in the pictures when news of delivery to unknown customer from China came out. The tanks being carried on trucks in those picture look the same as the one that appeared in today's ISPR video.

But then who cares about the color? :-) It's good news and thanks for breaking it to us here and it came true not within days but within HOURS.

This purchase does give PA armour a boost and VT-4 looks like a formidable foe for anything India has. However, I do hope this is not the end of the Alkhalid.

Nigerians were seen wearing olive green paint.
Even though, members were discussing presence of vT-4 in Pakistan but its good to see official presence of machine.300 numbers are good too to enhance our strike capability.

Looking forward to hear about Gunship helicopter.

Two types are in queue
Is there any plan to raise new armored division of PA or these tanks will be used to strengthen the existing armored divisions.
More than a dozen Armored and Independent Armored Brigades have already been raised and deployed.

No new armored divisions are being raised.

Existing armored division is already a well balanced organization.... Any additions might actually unbalance it.

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