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Pakistan Army soldier inadvertently crossed LoC; Indian Army killed him.

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f4 ya, he fired and injured 2 indian soldiers so in reply indian army sent him were all ***** belong (in hell).

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There are still open questions about how he happened to cross the LOC, but assuming it was a mistake we should all keep calm and remember the following points -

1. If he crossed by mistake then it is an unfortunate and regrettable incident

2. IA's reaction has to be seen in the context of the continuous infiltration of non-state actors, and the recent beheading incident.

3. On previous occasions, when it could be confirmed that a soldier had crossed over either by accident or without any threatening intentions, the Indian Army has allowed the individual to return unharmed.
lol..that one incident really brings out many surprising possibilities ...

Why not. If one person got lucky its natural that you find more people giving it a try.
Rest in peace Sepai Ikhlaq. May God have mercy on your soul.
This version is really hard to believe but not unexpected from Pakistan.
I really wonder if the LOC is such a maze that you can't go back the way you came in unless you have strayed kilometers inside LOC. Also what you suggest is that he had a comm device. How can you come Kilometers inside LOC alone and then check on your comm if you are lost or not. What was he doing alone so far way from his unit.

And yeah when faced with armed opponents and if you have the intention to surrender you thow away your gun and shout "I surrender" But I guess its all IA fault. The Pakistani soldier is too naive and simple to do any wrong.

I believe this is either a case of Another Lover Boy or he intended to ambush and kill IA patrol. Its hard to believe any other version

The latter part must be true - must have seen Rambo III or something and out he went to conquer the enemy and got what was coming to him.
@Windjammer As a professional soldier and a human, if the enemy fires at me, I will fire back. There are also report of similar ceasefire violations from other sectors too.

You said in that beheading thread that Indians are being drama queen, when the case was Beheading and mutilation.

Now we are on 16th page. So who is being drama queen ?
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The latter part must be true - must have seen Rambo III or something and out he went to conquer the enemy and got what was coming to him.

I also heard they get few lakhs Pakistani Rupees for for every head of Indian Soldier they carry back. Well we all know money can be a motivating factor along with the celebrity status such an action fetches (remember illias Kashmiri)

considering the above for us it should alway be "Better safe than sorry"
and what , just get Shot ? he had two choice to die weapons down or to die Fighting , He choose the later one .

In the same way, what choices did IA men have? They see an armed intruder who seems hostile. This is an area which saw cross border attacks from your side. Our men had no way of knowing if he was alone lost or if he was part of a larger attack group. Our men did what is expected of them.
Based on history, you can't blame us for not trusting your intentions.
Do you also feel that the Pakistani soldier who crossed over to meet a village girl should have been harmed?

I'm not complaining anything to the Indians, I know how they behave on their side of the border. Bangladeshis know it better! What I'm saying is, Pakistan should now change its 'peace' mode and reply in the same manner. Next time your chopper comes into our territory, we should shoot it down. Just saying that!

Fair enough, isn't it?
Well beheading of our soldiers also want me to think that those 93,000 soldiers should have been beheaded too. But we acted like a professional army.

Abaii teriii pooooshal pei kissss neii paaaon rukhhh diyaa haiii; Genghis Khan ke mameiii ! :lol:
Well beheading of our soldiers also want me to think that those 93,000 soldiers should have been beheaded too. But we acted like a professional army.

The same beheading that only exist in Indian stories with no proofs at all, right? And you know what, I think the same, we should also behead your PoWs, after what I read in Burkha Dutt's article in the Himal Magazine, about beheading of Pakistani soldier in Kargil.
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