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Pakistan Army soldier inadvertently crossed LoC; Indian Army killed him.

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He did not fire First , he Crossed the LOC & realized it afterwards , he contacted his CC who told him to wait for further orders ( as they try to establish contact with Indian counter part , contact established & Indian's told that they will look into it ) , and around that time Indian post noticed him , & opened fire , he was not in a position to take a sustainable cover , so he had to retaliate , however lack of cover got him shot & he embraced Shahadat .

That is what I am told .

Fault was on both side , his fault was that he crossed LOC Unknowingly , and Indian fault was they were too impatient & Trigger Happy .

When the IA fired instead of firing back he could have tried to make the IA know his situation..

We cant be sure of many things here, a lone soldier crossing the LOC fully geared is suspicious to say the least.
Fault was on both side , his fault was that he crossed LOC Unknowingly , and Indian fault was they were too impatient & Trigger Happy .
Trigger happy ? After what happened in LOC before, they were just being cautious.
He did not fire First , he Crossed the LOC & realized it afterwards , he contacted his CC who told him to wait for further orders ( as they try to establish contact with Indian counter part , contact established & Indian's told that they will look into it ) , and around that time Indian post noticed him , & opened fire , he was not in a position to take a sustainable cover , so he had to retaliate , however lack of cover got him shot & he embraced Shahadat .

That is what I am told .

Fault was on both side , his fault was that he crossed LOC Unknowingly , and Indian fault was they were too impatient & Trigger Happy .

we are trigger happy the day after you deliberately beheaded 2 IA soldiers..Besides...am not gonna believe 1 PA soldier just casually strolled into Indian territory fully armed without realizing it.. Soldiers always go in groups..no matter where you are in the world...
When the IA fired instead of firing back he could have tried to make the IA know his situation..

We cant be sure of many things here, a lone soldier crossing the LOC fully geared is suspicious to say the least.

And how was he suppose to do that ??

Trigger happy ? After what happened in LOC before, they were just being cautious.

When your CC assure someone that they will look into it , all the nearby posts are contacted to tell them the situation , so they dont shoot the person in question .
Delhi drama queens are now giving another twist to the story.

How pathetic is that, a single soldier decided to cross over and attack the Indian post.

don't Pakistanis believe in 1 Pakistani > 10 Hindu
He might have thought he can alone take up 5-6 IA men on the patrol.
And how was he suppose to do that ??

Ummm, by not firing back. :azn:

You dont give your soldiers that much training to get your message accross? bad!

And what proof do you have that the garbage you wrote is true? Save your breath and post not on what you were told but on what you can read :lol:
And how was he suppose to do that ??

1. Drop your weapon.
2. Raise your hands & keep them visible.
3. Call out - things are in voice range.
4. Remember, you are under observation/ surveillance - false or jerky move could someone squeeze the trigger.
And how was he suppose to do that ??

When your CC assure someone that they will look into it , all the nearby posts are contacted to tell them the situation , so they dont shoot the person in question .

At what time did your soldier die and what time did you contact our CC ... it was proly too late....
He did not fire First , he Crossed the LOC & realized it afterwards , he contacted his CC who told him to wait for further orders ( as they try to establish contact with Indian counter part , contact established & Indian's told that they will look into it ) , and around that time Indian post noticed him , & opened fire , he was not in a position to take a sustainable cover , so he had to retaliate , however lack of cover got him shot & he embraced Shahadat .

That is what I am told .

Fault was on both side , his fault was that he crossed LOC Unknowingly , and Indian fault was they were too impatient & Trigger Happy .

The fault was only his, not India's. Shooting an armed intruder is not being "trigger happy", it is being alert, watchful and dutiful. The Indian soldiers did their duty.

If the pak soldier's crossing was really inadvertent, then it is very unfortunate that he had to die - but it is nobody else's fault. My sympathies and condolences to the man (if the crossing was unintentional) - but I cannot blame the Indian armymen.

Maybe you forget that there is a big difference between the Indian side of the LoC and the Pakistani side. The Indian side is used to terrorists and infiltrators trying to sneak in throughout the year, and shooting down infiltrators is what the soldiers there get paid to do. Since you don't have terrorists infiltrating from India to Pakistan, maybe you don't understand why our soldiers are so "trigger happy" as you put it.

Terrorists with AK-47s crossing the LoC is a one way street - the traffic is always from the west to east.
Indian border fences are at least 500 to 600 meters inside our part of the border and Indian posts are even deeper inside Indian territory, plus the whole area is heavily fenced and monitored - it's really stupid to think that the PA soldier inadvertently walked at the least more than 600 - 700 meters into Indian territory unless he came there to kill any patrolling Indian soldiers and why did he fire on Indian troops when he could very well have surrendered?
One thing have to say is, he fought like a soldier and died like one!!

RIP soldier..
your Soldier fired upon IA and injured 2 men .. what do you expect ???? He should have just surrendered .....please read the entire story....

No issue you did the right thing, our soldier if wanted he should've surrendered to save his life, he didn't ran away like puss leaving weapons behind instead he stayed there so higher authorities can make some arrangement and when he was challenged he injured two nath brigade soldiers. This is act of valor and i hope PA will award him Sitara-Jurat.
Ummm, by not firing back. :azn:

You dont give your soldiers that much training to get your message accross? bad!

And what proof do you have that the garbage you wrote is true? Save your breath and post not on what you were told but on what you can read :lol:

and what , just get Shot ? he had two choice to die weapons down or to die Fighting , He choose the later one .
And how was he suppose to do that ??
When your CC assure someone that they will look into it , all the nearby posts are contacted to tell them the situation , so they dont shoot the person in question .
So at what time Indian CC was informed and when the soldier was killed ? It just takes few second to spot and kill a person out in the open.

May be the order came late by the time fire exchange already happened and soldier got killed. We have to make a time line to deduce what was the situation.

And Indian Army soldiers have been angry since LOC incident. They couldn't see an enemy soldier way into our side. He was a threat and could have killed some Indian soldier.
The fault was only his, not India's. Shooting an armed intruder is not being "trigger happy", it is being alert, watchful and dutiful. The Indian soldiers did their duty.

If the pak soldier's crossing was really inadvertent, then it is very unfortunate that he had to die - but it is nobody else's fault. My sympathies and condolences to the man (if the crossing was unintentional) - but I cannot blame the Indian armymen.

Maybe you forget that there is a big difference between the Indian side of the LoC and the Pakistani side. The Indian side is used to terrorists and infiltrators trying to sneak in throughout the year, and shooting down infiltrators is what the soldiers there get paid to do. Since you don't have terrorists infiltrating from India to Pakistan, maybe you don't understand why our soldiers are so "trigger happy" as you put it.

Terrorists with AK-47s crossing the LoC is a one way street - the traffic is always from the west to east.

So by your Logic if we had shot down your chopper some way back it would have bee All Right ? Indian CC was contacted , and he assured that he will be returned safely .
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