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Pakistan Army is ready to fight big Army like India.

Actually all the terrorist operations in SW & NW have been a blessing in disguise for our Army.
They are now the most battle ready then they ever were.

Peace time exercises cannot provide the level of training as compared to what they have gone through in the last 10 years...
All men and material has been tested, zeroed and ready...

Fighting rag tag militia tribal make PA operational ready??
The Pakistanis cannot fight an organised army, never mind "big army like India". The reason Pakistan invested so heavily in "non-state actors" like Taliban, LeT, JuD etc. is because the army needed scapegoats to bind India in one place while they plan strategic moves. Unfortunately Pakistan did never calculate about a certain OBL and the effects of 9/11. The Taliban felt betrayed by Pakistan siding with US and now you have a civil war in Pakistan which is unlikely to end because the rebels have emotional and ideological support from conservative Pakistani society.

The Pakistani army has been a flop show in their zarb e azb, yes the Pakistanis are pounding furiously at rebel cities with bombardment and air power. But the Pakistanis forgot what they had been shouting to USA all along, indiscriminate bombing only adds numbers to rebel cause. To kill 10 militants Pakistan bombards an entire village killing 10 militants and 100 civilians with them. 10 years has passed but the end of Pakistani civil war is still not in sight. One commander dies, another one comes up to take his place. More and more ground has been lost by Pakistan in the war and the casualties simply keep mounting.

A "professional" army that cannot defeat taliban in their own backyard cannot make such lofty claims.

I thought you were a reasonable person, but look what you did. I have not read such an ignorant poster in recent days.
@Razia Sultana and you

The thing is first I did not want to say this but, you know "Ub Mujay yeh kehay bagair khana Hazam nahi ho ga". How much time Indians took to complete that Mumbai op? I think it lingered on for days and Pakistan forces on other hand have been completing such ops in hours. Pakistan forces cleared Swat area in record time, and if someday you can take out sometime do study Pakistan's map and look at NW area, then may be I will consider you worth of discussing Zarb E Azab. Otherwise don't just rant here just to feed your BIG INDIAN EGO. And with changes in this region I see India as the biggest looser in Afghanistan (if you understand what I said).
If anyone here has ever been at the rank of a four star general and served in the Special Forces for more than half his life then come forward please. And if not than keep your traps shut!
Thank You!
You are right.

I do not believe that the leadership in both countries is as foolish as some members here who throw the nuke equation at the drop of a hat. :)

And thank God our keyboards don't have an option of Nuke strike :D
Army is always prepared for meet the security threats.Be it Pakistan Army or Indian Army..Size is not factor in there.You can attack or defend anyone.But its outcome will decide whether you are right or wrong.
koi pakwan ya mithai ka naam lagta hai ZArb e Azb !

"Zarb" in Urdu means a cut or gash to be more specific, while Azb is the name of the sword of Prophet.

If you lack simple language skills; I can't help you, brother.
You are right.

I do not believe that the leadership in both countries is as foolish as some members here who throw the nuke equation at the drop of a hat. :)
Dude most posters here are nothing more than irrational trolls .Despite being that much hate and daily killings at LOC still there is something which is stopping us from going into a full scale war.Because the military establishment on both sides know there will be no winners. We must learn to get along with each other if we want to prosper and exist.
Wow, this is a conspiracy. You should call every news organization and tell them that American generals are intentionally losing, and siding with the enemy, don't forget to provide them with proof. They are traitors to the American people, enemy of the state and should be court-martialed and executed....

You guys have a habit of sniffing controversies everywhere, LOL!!


Only you guys in Pakistan would thinking America is losing the war or has lost the war. For the rest of the educated world it is very clear as day that America won and both saddam and taliban were defeated.

Ok you keep saying destroyed Taliban and destroyed Saddam Hussein like an old record player. Open your eyes. Taliban is still there. Isis is still there. Americans meanwhile are not.
1971 was a war of independance by Bengalis. If you want to go that far back go 20 years further to 1947 when your hindustan was split into three pieces.

Just like you keep repeating that America somehow lost the war. Taliban is there in pakistan not in afghanistan. In afghanistan it is the govt. ruling Kabul. The taliban is now powerless thanks to America. In case they did not tell you in pakistan the taliban used to control 90% of afghanistan before Americans arrived. Now the taliban have less than 9% territory under their thumb. That's why they shifted base to pakistan.

ISIS is a terror outfit sponsored by middle east and being bombed by the US. ISIS is not saddam hussein irrespective of what they tell you in pakistan.

Thank God Hindustan was split in three pieces, at least taliban is now not an Indian problem.
from the horse's mouth, folks ... "offensive hum nahi kar sakte.." <- lesson he learnt from Kargil

challo badhiya hai, humey bhi nahi karna koi offensive

kiss Kashmir goodbye forever :partay:

The day you move back an inch from Kashmir, India will be divided in many small parts on map. Do ask this some sane knowledgeable Indian someday, who understands the ground realities and keeps a balance between his patriotism and reality normally.:)
General Musharraf would do a big favour to Pakistanis IF
he declared the COMPARATIVE size and strength of Indian Army and Pakistani Army

Then LET the members decide whether he is saying the truth or not
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