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Pakistan Army is ready to fight big Army like India.

I thought you were a reasonable person, but look what you did. I have not read such an ignorant poster in recent days.
@Razia Sultana and you

You break my heart. :angry:

The thing is first I did not want to say this but, you know "Ub Mujay yeh kehay bagair khana Hazam nahi ho ga". How much time Indians took to complete that Mumbai op? I think it lingered on for days and Pakistan forces on other hand have been completing such ops in hours. Pakistan forces cleared Swat area in record time, and if someday you can take out sometime do study Pakistan's map and look at NW area, then may be I will consider you worth of discussing Zarb E Azab. Otherwise don't just rant here just to feed your BIG INDIAN EGO. And with changes in this region I see India as the biggest looser in Afghanistan (if you understand what I said).

It took three days to clear Mumbai because the attackers were locked up in a 5 star hotel which consisted of foreign tourists and guests who were trapped as hostages. It took time to locate them, neutralising them was not tough. Neutralizing them while ensuring foreign lives were not lost were the main concern.

W-H-E-N did pakistan ever face a Mumbai like situation?

W-H-E-N did you clear SWAT? If the pakistani forces are so tough and brilliant the operation zarb e azb would have been over by now. What has the map of your country got to do with anything? It is not a foreign army, it is your own army in your own country. Are you suggesting that your army has no clue about the geography and topography of their own country?

Indian interests will stay secure in afghanistan. But Pakistan will suffer a huge disaster if taliban ever came to power. More so after the taliban swore allegiance to ISIS.
You guys have a habit of sniffing controversies everywhere, LOL!!


Only you guys in Pakistan would thinking America is losing the war or has lost the war. For the rest of the educated world it is very clear as day that America won and both saddam and taliban were defeated.

Just like you keep repeating that America somehow lost the war. Taliban is there in pakistan not in afghanistan. In afghanistan it is the govt. ruling Kabul. The taliban is now powerless thanks to America. In case they did not tell you in pakistan the taliban used to control 90% of afghanistan before Americans arrived. Now the taliban have less than 9% territory under their thumb. That's why they shifted base to pakistan.

ISIS is a terror outfit sponsored by middle east and being bombed by the US. ISIS is not saddam hussein irrespective of what they tell you in pakistan.

Thank God Hindustan was split in three pieces, at least taliban is now not an Indian problem.

Come on dude stop it man, unlike you we don't watch American news channels, hence we are less deluded. The only thing that helped Americans to continue these invasions was their controlled media. A hard learnt lesson from Vietnam.

Americans came in Afghanistan with an understanding that it will be over soon, they will achieve their objectives and that would be it. Taliban of Afghanistan fought them with "You have the watches we have the time" attitude and guess what Americans ran out of time on their watches, now they are looking for safe honorable exit. And for Goodness Sake try doing some research on Afghanistan Taliban and TTP and learn the difference between two.

American invasion of Iraq was based on pile of lies (WMD), they messed big time there. They lost 20+ seals in a dubious op in Pakistan.
Come on dude stop it man, unlike you we don't watch American news channels, hence we are less deluded. The only thing that helped Americans to continue these invasions was their controlled media. A hard learnt lesson from Vietnam.

Americans came in Afghanistan with an understanding that it will be over soon, they will achieve their objectives and that would be it. Taliban of Afghanistan fought them with "You have the watches we have the time" attitude and guess what Americans ran out of time on their watches, now they are looking for safe honorable exit. And for Goodness Sake try doing some research on Afghanistan Taliban and TTP and learn the difference between two.

American invasion of Iraq was based on pile of lies (WMD), they messed big time there. They lost 20+ seals in a dubious op in Pakistan.

So according to you American channels are liars and only Pakistani ones are honest? How does that make sense?

America did not land in Afghanistan to rule over the country, they came to defeat the taliban which they did. There is no difference between taliban and TTP.

LOL, the Americans did not lose 20 SEALs in an operation in Pakistan. They raided Abottabad, killed OBL and made off with his body.

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @Leader @Luftwaffe @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @waleed3601 @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @IceCold @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Dil Pakistan @asq @junaid hamza @Pukhtoon @jamahir @Strigon @Rafi @Ulla @HughSlaman @420canada @sathya @slapshot @raza_888 @hacsan
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @Pakistani Exile @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @dexter @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Shoaib Rathore @OrionHunter @CHARGER @Major Sam @yesboss @TheNoob @Bratva @ghazaliy2k @Viny @StormShadow @suresh1773 @SOHEIL @venu309 @danish_vij @Force-India @faisal6309 @S.U.R.B. @vsdave2302 @jarves @WAJsal @pursuit of happiness @Winchester @janon @pak-marine @AgNoStiC MuSliM
@Etilla @SpArK @Srinivas @desert warrior @DRAY @pumkinduke @wolfpack @pursuit of happiness @danish_vij @rubyjackass @Star Wars @Ammyy @bloo @Marxist @karan.1970 @Not Sure @Arav_Rana @Avik274 @SamantK @Major Shaitan Singh @Omega007 @farhan_9909 @haviZsultan @Sidak @ranjeet @Yogijaat @ravi Nair @WAR-rior @halupridol @he-man @Indrani @Mike_Brando @SarthakGanguly @sreekumar @OrionHunter @lightoftruth @Water Car Engineer @indiatester @Ind4Ever @13 komaun @anant_s @itachiii @SwAggeR @Brahmos_2 @Blue_Eyes @bhangi bava @SAMEET @naveen mishra @Bagha @utraash @Chanakya's_Chant @Krate M @gslv mk3 @r1_vns @blood @noksss @kurup @PARIKRAMA @thesolar65 @Rohit Patel @wolfschanzze @levina @vostok @rahi2357 @Norwegian , , @razahassan1997 , @Leader , @DESERT FIGHTER , @Horus @Jazzbot @Norwegian @pkuser2k12 @Fahad Khan 2 @Spring Onion Onion @chauvunist @Pukhtoon @Jzaib @Pakistan Shaheen @karakoram

why think of war???? think of peace....
You break my heart. :angry:

That was your own doing. Don't blame me.

It took three days to clear Mumbai because the attackers were locked up in a 5 star hotel which consisted of foreign tourists and guests who were trapped as hostages. It took time to locate them, neutralising them was not tough. Neutralizing them while ensuring foreign lives were not lost were the main concern.

W-H-E-N did pakistan ever face a Mumbai like situation?


W-H-E-N did you clear SWAT? If the pakistani forces are so tough and brilliant the operation zarb e azb would have been over by now. What has the map of your country got to do with anything? It is not a foreign army, it is your own army in your own country. Are you suggesting that your army has no clue about the geography and topography of their own country?

You know that Swat is a city in Pakistan and not that SWAT which we see in Hollywood movies? For rest of your post I would suggest you first have a look at operation area, its terrain and then come back tell me how our bodybuilder army is taking so long. You know as a case study just refer LTTE in Sri Lanka or Khalistan in Indian Punjab and then compare Zarb E Azb.

Indian interests will stay secure in afghanistan. But Pakistan will suffer a huge disaster if taliban ever came to power. More so after the taliban swore allegiance to ISIS.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying. Won't go into details here.
Nature of conflict evolves with time. It will be different this time. Let us spend some time on how a conflict is likely to take place between India and Pakistan.

Indian decision maker is aware of nuclear weapons on both sides. Last thing they would want to do is to push Pakistan to its nuclear threshold. Which means no large scale sustain war. Attempting to capture large cities or destroying large portion of Pakistan military machine. Those talks about splitting Pakistan? are just fancy talks. There are nuclear weapons with us and Indians live very close by. So this leaves options of coercion, using non state actors like TTP, BLA etc, economic strangulation, encirclement of Pakistan, firing on LOC, naval intimidation, some surgical strikes and shallow incursions at LOC, or in case of larger conflict at international borders. Aim of all this is to make people of Pakistan believe that Pak Military can not defend the state, subversion and intimidation. In short to break the morale and spirit of Pakistani nation and make them subservient to Indian desires.

So how Pak military is ready to fight this? Well, first of all they would not be looking at something like capturing Delhi our something of this sort. They have to blunt Indian offensive and keep their nukes ready to fire. For that, policy is simple. Bleed them. And that they can do very well. Indian army knows the price associated with an adventure. Keep in mind that they can not throw their full weight in this war. Nuclear Pakistan does not allow that. Then a considerable portion of to be kept for northern border. Unlike war in 1971, this time our soldiers will be fighting right next to their home towns. There will be much ferocity in their resistance. In an effort to humiliate Pak army, Indian military can very well end up getting humiliated. It is a big gamble and they are not ready to play at the moment.

Result is what you are seeing at the moment. Intimidation, proxies, strangulation attempts, encirclement attempts, cover Intel ops, buying off media persons to attack Pak military etc.. With nuclear weapons that's all they are likely to do. If they do any further, PA will throw full weight and if its not working, go nuclear. India will respond nuclear. Pakistan will respond nuclear again and so on...

But wait a minute. Here is the catch. As soon as things start to move in direction of conflict, nuclear war becomes a real possibility. Given the proximity of both states, it will just take minutes for nuclear exchange to take place. And the real world knows that. No one wants to stay in a nuclear fall out zone. Foreign investors will flick out in "the great Indian exodus" the moment India starts rattling war. That is a really big price to pay. India knows it.

So, yes. Pak army looks pretty much ready to take on Indian army. To me at least.
The day you move back an inch from Kashmir, India will be divided in many small parts on map. Do ask this some sane knowledgeable Indian someday, who understands the ground realities and keeps a balance between his patriotism and reality normally.:)
I understand the ground realities in India better than you.

I'm not in favor of any war between us, maybe you should read my post again.. I was just quoting what gen Musharraf himself said in the video in the OP. watch 1:50 onward, or, in case it's banned for you and you don't know proxy/tor etc... he says clearly "hum offensive nahi kar sakengey, hum countre offensive karengey.. inko aaney do.."
Pakistan cant even think of conventional war with its pathetic economy.
So according to you American channels are liars and only Pakistani ones are honest? How does that make sense?

I never mentioned Pakistani channels by the way, so make whatever sense you want to.

America did not land in Afghanistan to rule over the country, they came to defeat the taliban which they did. There is no difference between taliban and TTP.

Okay I thought they said they wanted OBL. And have they killed Afghan Taliban?

Did you know America itself declared head of TTP as terrorist recently and on the other hand tried to tell the world that Afghan Taliban are not terrorists but insurgents? Do you see a difference?

LOL, the Americans did not lose 20 SEALs in an operation in Pakistan. They raided Abottabad, killed OBL and made off with his body.

Did you ever see a body, just answer me this and I will agree to rest of your post.
That was your own doing. Don't blame me.

Fine then, I will learn to live with heart-break. :enjoy:


Very much. WHEN was Pakistani under attack from cross-border terrorists who held foreign tourists hostage?

You know that Swat is a city in Pakistan and not that SWAT which we see in Hollywood movies? For rest of your post I would suggest you first have a look at operation area, its terrain and then come back tell me how our bodybuilder army is taking so long. You know as a case study just refer LTTE in Sri Lanka or Khalistan in Indian Punjab and then compare Zarb E Azb.

I was confused, thanks for clarifying about the SWAT.

A country's army trains in its territory, it is a different matter that Pakistani army needs to ask permission from tribal chiefs to enter tribal territory. Your army never trained there, never ventured there and possibly never mapped those regions. An army is expected to know their own country like the back of their hand with every lake, river, ravine, forest, desert clearly mapped. How else are you supposed to fight an invading army them?

The Sri Lankans defeated LTTE in three years flat, your war has been going for last ten years. Khalistan terror group is dead as well.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying. Won't go into details here.

Nature of conflict evolves with time. It will be different this time. Let us spend some time on how a conflict is likely to take place between India and Pakistan.

Indian decision maker is aware of nuclear weapons on both sides. Last thing they would want to do is to push Pakistan to its nuclear threshold. Which means no large scale sustain war. Attempting to capture large cities or destroying large portion of Pakistan military machine. Those talks about splitting Pakistan? are just fancy talks. There are nuclear weapons with us and Indians live very close by. So this leaves options of coercion, using non state actors like TTP, BLA etc, economic strangulation, encirclement of Pakistan, firing on LOC, naval intimidation, some surgical strikes and shallow incursions at LOC, or in case of larger conflict at international borders. Aim of all this is to make people of Pakistan believe that Pak Military can not defend the state, subversion and intimidation. In short to break the morale and spirit of Pakistani nation and make them subservient to Indian desires.

So how Pak military is ready to fight this? Well, first of all they would not be looking at something like capturing Delhi our something of this sort. They have to blunt Indian offensive and keep their nukes ready to fire. For that, policy is simple. Bleed them. And that they can do very well. Indian army knows the price associated with an adventure. Keep in mind that they can not throw their full weight in this war. Nuclear Pakistan does not allow that. Then a considerable portion of to be kept for northern border. Unlike war in 1971, this time our soldiers will be fighting right next to their home towns. There will be much ferocity in their resistance. In an effort to humiliate Pak army, Indian military can very well end up getting humiliated. It is a big gamble and they are not ready to play at the moment.

Result is what you are seeing at the moment. Intimidation, proxies, strangulation attempts, encirclement attempts, cover Intel ops, buying off media persons to attack Pak military etc.. With nuclear weapons that's all they are likely to do. If they do any further, PA will throw full weight and if its not working, go nuclear. India will respond nuclear. Pakistan will respond nuclear again and so on...

But wait a minute. Here is the catch. As soon as things start to move in direction of conflict, nuclear war becomes a real possibility. Given the proximity of both states, it will just take minutes for nuclear exchange to take place. And the real world knows that. No one wants to stay in a nuclear fall out zone. Foreign investors will flick out in "the great Indian exodus" the moment India starts rattling war. That is a really big price to pay. India knows it.

So, yes. Pak army looks pretty much ready to take on Indian army. To me at least.

last time i checked india pak trade was over 2billion dollar with a potential of 20billion dollar... do you think leadership of both country will go to a war and destroy the economy jus to make warmongers happy???
You collective rapists are a joke and entirely make a joke out of yourselves. Your nation is the size of an elephant's gand, yet here you are threatening Pakistanis. :rofl:

Ja dub ke mar ja putra. You Indians can not even touch a Pakistani's hair, even under Modi. General Raheel would make Modi comb his mustache. Na mard salaay.
@Manticore Remember what you said about trolling? And abusing? I dare you to kick this fellow out.:enjoy:

@mods Please take care of this troll. He is blatantly abusing and trolling.
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