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Pakistan Army is ready to fight big Army like India.

Good .... maybe now they will have the courage to fight face to face rather than hiding behind and sending in terrorists .
Indian police forces fight with maoists and not army.India is against using force and bombing against its own people unlike Pakistani army.
Check out the casualities on both sides due to terrorists and this will give you a perspective about proffessionalism.
Does it matter whether they use police or army? Insurgency is insurgency. it's just that Indians choose to be foolish and accept half measures that's why their police is suffering heavy casulties and much of central Indian states are under Maoists control.
The Americans can, they CHOOSE not to.

It is the taliban and ISIS that beats women, children and defenseless civilians, not USA. An outraged USA will bomb their enemy as they see fit, who has the courage to stop them?
Wow, this is a conspiracy. You should call every news organization and tell them that American generals are intentionally losing, and siding with the enemy, don't forget to provide them with proof. They are traitors to the American people, enemy of the state and should be court-martialed and executed....
They destroyed taliban that's why after US invasion taliban shifted base to Pakistan.

US is not begging them for peace anymore than Pakistan which is begging for a ceasefire. They destroyed saddam hussein and they destroyed ISIS forces in Kobane, Syria. ISIS will run out of volunteers before USA runs out of bombs to drop on their heads.

You very much run away. Look at 1971 war and the recent set backs suffered against TTP.
Ok you keep saying destroyed Taliban and destroyed Saddam Hussein like an old record player. Open your eyes. Taliban is still there. Isis is still there. Americans meanwhile are not.
1971 was a war of independance by Bengalis. If you want to go that far back go 20 years further to 1947 when your hindustan was split into three pieces.
the only issue was victory after that :D
And how certain are you of victory my friend?



American did not mobilise their full power? Tell me what will make the americans mobilize their full power? At their peak they had 180,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, 1/4th of their entire army. They had their best assets there, drones, B-52s, F-15s, Apaches. And yet you say they didn't? Tell me what will make American mobilize full power? They are already on their knees saying they are ready for talks with taliban and don't think taliban are terrorists.
As for WW2, they can never mobilize on that scale again. The global politics has changed and they haven't enforced conscription, neither do they have the money to mobilize on that scale. If anything they are becoming smaller.

Agreed. But you will see more war drum beating from Pakistan because it is logical for us. If India does not care or prepare much for war, it doesn't make as much difference to them if they get caught off guard. But Pakistan cannot afford that luxury. We need to keep reminding the Indians that our swords are sharp as a precaution against misadventure. Mind you, Pakistanis don't want war anymore than Indians. It's just a survival instinct.

read your post, so even 1/4 power = full power? How does that make sense?

by the way, we have about 1.2 mil in our Army branch today, 600000 regular, 200000 reserve and another 400000 National Guard. And that does not include individual reserve (Those who fulfilled their ETS and still retained for operational readiness)

In reality, Afghanistan represent less than 1/10 of our Army strength. We can do 1/4 in term of logistic under full mob, not in a war like in Afghanistan.
read your post, so even 1/4 power = full power? How does that make sense?

by the way, we have about 1.2 mil in our Army branch today, 600000 regular, 200000 reserve and another 400000 National Guard. And that does not include individual reserve (Those who fulfilled their ETS and still retained for operational readiness)

In reality, Afghanistan represent less than 1/10 of our Army strength. We can do 1/4 in term of logistic under full mob, not in a war like in Afghanistan.
Sigh. Are you also suggesting that US lost intentionally? By the way since you jumped in without reading anything, USA was brought in response to an indian troll saying that not being able to defeat taliban means Pakistan is not a professional military, surely by that standard even USA does not have a professional military.
By the way since you mentioned, US presence in Afghanistan did have a significant portion of US military stuck in Afghanistan. US follows a two simultaneous wars policy, so if there was to be a 3rd war, they would have had to move troops from either of the two frontlines.

How does MAD represent victory for Pakistan? :D
Suicide bomber mentality does not work in case of nuclear war
Did i say it is a victory for Pakistan?
on paper in the past when pakistan was a stronger country 1960s and 1970s they had a great chance at beating india in a war but we failed twice, 1965 was not a victory but a failure(the objective of taking kashmir failed and in turned into a defensive war). whenever we fought india we suffered higher casualties then there side we are a smaller nation and we can't afford such losses, we need to score a minimum of a 2:1 casualty ratio against the enemy. so no with pakstan being in the economic and social turmoil its in and with our airforce not being near as good as it was in the 60s,70s and 80s we have little chance of a sucessful war against a more modern foe who outnumbers us and outguns us. Let me put something in prespective to you the mirage III/V which the PAF had back in the 60s/70s was like a 4.5 generation fighter you could compare it to the rafale/eurofighter of today, yet it still didn't make a difference in the end. In 2015 what do we have? JF-17? don't kid me.
Sigh. Are you also suggesting that US lost intentionally? By the way since you jumped in without reading anything, USA was brought in response to an indian troll saying that not being able to defeat taliban means Pakistan is not a professional military, surely by that standard even USA does not have a professional military.
By the way since you mentioned, US presence in Afghanistan did have a significant portion of US military stuck in Afghanistan. US follows a two simultaneous wars policy, so if there was to be a 3rd war, they would have had to move troops from either of the two frontlines.

did we lose? Really?

Tell me what stop the US from getting into Iraq and Afghanistan, and make a mess out of both country and set them back another hundred year?

Our goal is not to destroy Taliban nor destroy Iraqi insurgency, aka ISIS, our goal is to send them this message

You mess with US, and we will come over to you and burn your land and kill your citizen and set your country on fire.

ISIS and Taliban were never "An American Problem" to begin with, if Middle East dont care why do the American have to care? As long as they stay in the middle east and terrorise Miedle Eastern country, American dont care. But if they decide to come to America and start some Jihad again, we can, and WILL go back to Iraq, afghanistan or Any hell hole in this world to F you up, this is the Iraq war and Afghanistan war is about.

Let me ask you this, how many terrorist attack originated by the Middle east happened in Akerica since the Iraq and afghanistan invasion? And how many terrorist attack in the middle east?

the US does not follow a 2 war policy, we follow a global response policy, and in today term, we will first dilute the present and complement with PMC in an operational theater first, if that was not enough to Manage all the war at hand, then we will go for a national service, bear in mind the Draft has already been in Place (Called Selective Service) and even was not used today, the selective mechanism are still currently in place so by a notice of congress, US can fully mobilise within 30 days ( Full mobilise mean every male between 18 to 26 in US being inducted and trained for military service)

The fact that afghanistan represent less than one tenth of US Army operational strength tell you that the operation is not at that stage right now

By the way, are you the one that said Falkland have less than 200 or 400 defender that can be overwhelm with ease by the argie loo?
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Actually all the terrorist operations in SW & NW have been a blessing in disguise for our Army.
They are now the most battle ready then they ever were.

Peace time exercises cannot provide the level of training as compared to what they have gone through in the last 10 years...
All men and material has been tested, zeroed and ready...
We don't run away or scare away from a fight. Pakistan wouldn't exist if that were the case.

yes you did that. pakistan exists because of india's too soft policy towards pakistan.. all prime ministers except Indra ghandi maintain a soft policy towards pakistan. india always initiate peace talk with Pakistan. even your former military officers agreed that india never wants to attack pakistan. it was pakistan who thinks that india is looking for chances to destabilize pakistan. if india wants to destroy pakistan then we would had had done it in 71. we let let your soldiers(PoW) go free.. pakistan exists because its enemy, india is too soft while dealing with her enemy.
Actually all the terrorist operations in SW & NW have been a blessing in disguise for our Army.
They are now the most battle ready then they ever were.

Peace time exercises cannot provide the level of training as compared to what they have gone through in the last 10 years...
All men and material has been tested, zeroed and ready...

Pakistani military will conduct COIN operations against Indian military? :D
Does it matter whether they use police or army? Insurgency is insurgency. it's just that Indians choose to be foolish and accept half measures that's why their police is suffering heavy casulties and much of central Indian states are under Maoists control..
I never said that there is no insurgency,just that unlike PA we dont use brute fore against our own people.Check out how IA has defeated terrorists in Kashmir without bombing them with Sukhoi's or using heavy firepower of artilleries and then check out the casuality figures and ultimate failures of Pakistani army in last ten years,this may help you in getting out of your delusions.

The hunger for war and to fight has made the country lag in most aspects creating social, economical,diplomatic,development paralysis mess that is looming straight in the face.

Maybe its time to give peace, development and progress a chance for atleast once ....since the creation of the nation,

Its never too late and its better late than never.
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