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Pakistan Army is ready to fight big Army like India.

Taliban are not an organised army which is why they cannot be defeated purely by military means. NATO couldn't defeat them either with all their technology and neither could 'professional' Indian Army hold the 'militants' in Occupied Kashmir.

As for Pakistan's investment in 'non-state actors', show me a government that wouldn't do that. Think of Mukti Bahni for example.

I do agree to some extent that military has to be careful in the amount of fire power it unleashes, specially when you are operating within the boundaries of your own country.

I for one would rather ban the use of armed forces in the country altogether and instead, heavily invest in police and intelligence to do the job. Fighting terrorists is not Army's job, thats for police.

If USA/NATO bombs Taliban like they bombed Japan and Germany, or even like they bombed Vietnam the fear of God will be fixed deep in your hearts. You have no idea how big, bad and powerful USA can be. They are fighting with their hands tied behind their back.

Indian Army is in full control over Kashmir that's why Indians are there and you Pakistanis are crying. Indian Army has better control over Kashmir than Pakistan does over its tribal regions.

Other states invest in non-state actors. Russia is doing that in Ukraine now. Thing is you Pakistanis lack the intelligence on how to use non-state actors. Mukti bahini and the Ukraine rebels did not fight against India and Russia, The Taliban is bombing the daylights out of you.

I agree with your last line though.
Yes America did not mobilise their full power.

You are talking 180,000 soldiers, only? American military is the second largest in the world. They have the second largest army, the largest navy and the largest air force in the world. And I am not even counting their national guard and armed reserve. USA mobilised 500,000+ troops for Vietnam and over 4 million during second world war.

Only an invasion of USA or a WMD strike against American territory will make them mobilise full power. You have not seen the full power of America. Germany and Japan has.

1/4th of their entire army? ROFLOL!! US army is 1 million plus you fool. They had their best assets in very modest numbers. You should check out the size of American military before making such foolish comments.

Is Pakistan not begging the Taliban for talks? The USA can leave tomorrow and nothing will change. If Pakistan stops its war against Taliban they will end up being second Afghanistan.

The Americans have the largest military industrial complex on earth. They are not Pakistan. They can mobilise any time they want, they just don't feel the need to do so. The US President has to plead with the Congress to send extra troops and supplies, their economy is not mobilised for war, their reserves are happily sitting in America and their is no war time production. Declare an invasion of America and you will see President have absolute power, their economy diverted to war effort, American youth drafted for war and all their industries will be manufacturing tanks, planes, missiles. And it is funny reading a Pakistani saying America does not have money.
Your response is foolish and i don't even know how to respond to it. So America will rather accept defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan than mobilize completely? What a foolish statement. What are armies for if not for fighting wars to win?

If USA/NATO bombs Taliban like they bombed Japan and Germany, or even like they bombed Vietnam the fear of God will be fixed deep in your hearts. You have no idea how big, bad and powerful USA can be. They are fighting with their hands tied behind their back.
Yes i wonder how much worse than bombing weddings can they get.
Yes America did not mobilise their full power.

You are talking 180,000 soldiers, only? American military is the second largest in the world. They have the second largest army, the largest navy and the largest air force in the world. And I am not even counting their national guard and armed reserve. USA mobilised 500,000+ troops for Vietnam and over 4 million during second world war.

Only an invasion of USA or a WMD strike against American territory will make them mobilise full power. You have not seen the full power of America. Germany and Japan has.

Yes they didn't unleash their full military firepower because they wanted to lose the war in Afghanistan. Got your point.

1/4th of their entire army? ROFLOL!! US army is 1 million plus you fool. They had their best assets in very modest numbers. You should check out the size of American military before making such foolish comments.

According to the document published by DoD in 2012, the strength of US army is 546,057.


Or do you know about their numbers more than their defence ministry? Speaking of foolish comments.

Is Pakistan not begging the Taliban for talks? The USA can leave tomorrow and nothing will change. If Pakistan stops its war against Taliban they will end up being second Afghanistan.

Thanks for your concern about Pakistan, much appreciated.

The Americans have the largest military industrial complex on earth. They are not Pakistan. They can mobilise any time they want, they just don't feel the need to do so. The US President has to plead with the Congress to send extra troops and supplies, their economy is not mobilised for war, their reserves are happily sitting in America and their is no war time production. Declare an invasion of America and you will see President have absolute power, their economy diverted to war effort, American youth drafted for war and all their industries will be manufacturing tanks, planes, missiles. And it is funny reading a Pakistani saying America does not have money.

Is America now one of your countless gods? Congrats and good luck with worshipping.

We Pakistanis though don't give a damn, sorry.
This is what a lot of people don't understand. History is full of smaller armies beating much larger armies. Numerical superiority is just one of the factors that influence the outcome of the battle.
I don't need any facts or references to say that Pakistani forces enjoy a much higher morale compared to Indian forces. And that too is a deciding factor in the outcome.

can you give any source of your clam?? AFAIK a force with high moral will never surrender or runaway from war. but pakistan army does it. history of PA tells that high moral of PA is only in paper.

I guess then we can rule out the Americans as a professional army. Only Indian army is the professional army.
I wont even bother mentioning the maoists.
army is not involved in the fight against Maoists.
Your response is foolish and i don't even know how to respond to it. So America will rather accept defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan than mobilize completely? What a foolish statement. What are armies for if not for fighting wars to win?

Your propaganda says they were defeated. Who said they were defeated?

They destroyed taliban, they destroyed saddam hussein and his regime. What more should they do, start a genocide? The US President has to seek approval from the Congress to fight wars. The Congress feels the fiscal benefits of the war are nil and hence they must withdraw. Does the taliban or iraq have the power to push America out of their country like the Vietnamese did? Is America engaged in a battle for survival in iraq or afghanistan like they were in Vietnam?

They already won their wars.

Yes i wonder how much worse than bombing weddings can they get .

Google for Dresden bombings and THOUSAND BOMBER air raids, Google for Tokyo fire-bombings. You will know what full force American attack really means. Sending a single predator drone to launch a Hellfire missile on a suspected base is not USAF air attack. ROFLOL!!
Google for Dresden bombings and THOUSAND BOMBER air raids, Google for Tokyo fire-bombings. You will know what full force American attack really means. Sending a single predator drone to launch a Hellfire missile on a suspected base is not USAF air attack. ROFLOL!!
They can't do that in today's world. No one will put up with it. Secondly, fire bombing civilians and killing innocent people is not a measure of military prowess. That sounds like a bully who comes home to beat his wife after being beaten on the street.
Your propaganda says they were defeated. Who said they were defeated?

They destroyed taliban, they destroyed saddam hussein and his regime. What more should they do, start a genocide? The US President has to seek approval from the Congress to fight wars. The Congress feels the fiscal benefits of the war are nil and hence they must withdraw. Does the taliban or iraq have the power to push America out of their country like the Vietnamese did? Is America engaged in a battle for survival in iraq or afghanistan like they were in Vietnam?

They already won their wars.
Destroyed taliban? No, taliban is still here and US is begging them for peace. Destroyed Saddam Hussain? No, ISIS is being led by former Baath party members. Look at what is happening in Iraq.
can you give any source of your clam?? AFAIK a force with high moral will never surrender or runaway from war. but pakistan army does it. history of PA tells that high moral of PA is only in paper.
We don't run away or scare away from a fight. Pakistan wouldn't exist if that were the case.
Most of those rented Terrorists are already in hell .............
And still within this week they have mounted an attack in Lahore and another in Rawal Pindi. Frnkly, from where I see, Zarb-e-Azb is a limited success to a moderate failure. Just like earlier operations of Rah-e- series.
This is what a lot of people don't understand. History is full of smaller armies beating much larger armies. Numerical superiority is just one of the factors that influence the outcome of the battle.
I don't need any facts or references to say that Pakistani forces enjoy a much higher morale compared to Indian forces. And that too is a deciding factor in the outcome.

Smaller armies defeating larger armies are not norms rather exceptions. And I can Pakistani army is no match for India. You will loose badly.
Yes they didn't unleash their full military firepower because they wanted to lose the war in Afghanistan. Got your point.

Only a deluded Pakistani would believe America lost in iraq and afghanistan. So who defeated taliban and destroyed saddam hussein's regime, alladin and his flying carpet?

According to the document published by DoD in 2012, the strength of US army is 546,057.


Or do you know about their numbers more than their defence ministry? Speaking of foolish comments.

You should improve your education levels if possible, your comprehension skills are awful.

According to your own link, Page 20 of 221, it is mentioned thus,

Overview of Military Personnel

The total number of military personnel is over 3.6 million strong, including DoD Active Duty
military personnel (1,388,028); DHS’s Active Duty Coast Guard members (41,849); DoD Ready
Reserve and DHS Coast Guard Reserve member
s (1,086,447); members of the Retired
Reserve (212,314) and Standby Reserve (16,327); and DoD appropriated and non-appropriated
fund civilian personnel (907,121). DoD’s Active Duty and DHS’s Coast Guard Active Duty
members comprise the largest portion of the military force (39.2%), followed by Ready Reserve
members (29.7%) and DoD civilian personnel (24.8%).

Which clearly states total military personnel as 3.6 million and active duty military personnel as 1,388,028. Which is 1.38 million.

Thanks for your concern about Pakistan, much appreciated.

Can't have taliban take over Pakistani nukes. Maybe USA will send a task force or India will have to intervene.

Is America now one of your countless gods? Congrats and good luck with worshipping.

USA are our partners, their President paid a visit to India to discuss important strategic issues. Interestingly US president criticised Pakistani support of terror outfits and withheld aid money.

We Pakistanis though don't give a damn, sorry.

You Pakistanis very much give a damn that's why in a regular basis you beg for US aid and get annoyed when they refused. And for US donations you are fighting and bombing your own people. 2.5 billion dollars is what they paid you for your efforts.
neither could 'professional' Indian Army hold the 'militants' in Occupied Kashmir.
Hold?? We have flushed them out long before.The era of insurgence in Kashmir is over now and unlike PA,Indian army doesnt even use Sukhoi's,heavy artilleries e.t.c.Infact Maoists are a bigger threat to Indian than militants in Kashmir are.
If both armies war now, it will be a battle of attrition and IA will have a huge advantage in dealing damage for sustained periods of time because of its size.
As simple as that, Pakistanis may strawman argument themselves into believing otherwise but bigger usually does mean better.
I wont even bother mentioning the maoists.
Indian police forces fight with maoists and not army.India is against using force and bombing against its own people unlike Pakistani army.
Check out the casualities on both sides due to terrorists and this will give you a perspective about proffessionalism.
They can't do that in today's world. No one will put up with it. Secondly, fire bombing civilians and killing innocent people is not a measure of military prowess. That sounds like a bully who comes home to beat his wife after being beaten on the street.

The Americans can, they CHOOSE not to.

It is the taliban and ISIS that beats women, children and defenseless civilians, not USA. An outraged USA will bomb their enemy as they see fit, who has the courage to stop them?

Destroyed taliban? No, taliban is still here and US is begging them for peace. Destroyed Saddam Hussain? No, ISIS is being led by former Baath party members. Look at what is happening in Iraq.
We don't run away or scare away from a fight. Pakistan wouldn't exist if that were the case.

They destroyed taliban that's why after US invasion taliban shifted base to Pakistan.

US is not begging them for peace anymore than Pakistan which is begging for a ceasefire. They destroyed saddam hussein and they destroyed ISIS forces in Kobane, Syria. ISIS will run out of volunteers before USA runs out of bombs to drop on their heads.

You very much run away. Look at 1971 war and the recent set backs suffered against TTP.
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