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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

In PAA the requirement is of mix of heavy and medium cetagory attack helicopter.
For replacing three sqds of AH-1F/S, PAA opt for one Sqd (12 units) of AH-1Z (heavy attack) and two-three sqds (30 units) of T-129 (medium attack).

Z-10ME, if arrived, will nullify the need for T-129 or even T-629. The gap for heavier attack helicopters will remain there where likes of AH-1Z or Mi-28NE can only fit. (T-929 in longer run?)

We need this heavy-medium combo to compensate our vastly different threat environment. Mediums will go to North-Center, Heavies will cover the center-South.

Yep the plan was for a heavy and light mix. If the Z-10ME comes, then the heavy would have to be 9-10+ tons for sure. In that case, there's a chance we could hop on the T-929 (and T-925 for transport).
IMO ... the new attack helicopter will come from the first country to post a loan for Pakistan.

If the US does it tomorrow, then expect to see AH-1Zs. If the Chinese extend their credit line (on top of the loans for VT4, 054A/P, Hangor, etc), then we'll see the Z-10ME. A big reason why the T129 was selected was because the Turks let us pay in installments.
Make sence...
Z-10ME, if arrived, will nullify the need for T-129 or even T-629. The gap for heavier attack helicopters will remain there where likes of AH-1Z or Mi-28NE can only fit. (T-929 in longer run?)
@Tipu7 do you really think PAA will be seriously considering Mi28s , can you please share why T929/Atak2 are out ?
Yep the plan was for a heavy and light mix. If the Z-10ME comes, then the heavy would have to be 9-10+ tons for sure. In that case, there's a chance we could hop on the T-929 (and T-925 for transport).
So can PAA divert approved loan fron atak 1 (t129) to atak 2 (929 ? @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
PAA is well aware of chinese Helos, especially Z-9.
Chinese helos looks very beautiful but they are too costly to maintained.
@Tipu7 do you really think PAA will be seriously considering Mi28s , can you please share why T929/Atak2 are out ?
PAA has considered a tailored version of Mi-28 in past, but the negotiations never advanced beyond a certain stage.
T-929 is never out as its yet to 'in'. It's a thing of future. Their is a good probability that US will allow AH-1Z soon enough.
If AH-1Z materialized, then there won't be any T-929. If AH-1Z fails to deliver, PAA will re evaluate its options. It will either opt for Mi-28 or will join (may be) T-929 program alongside T-925.
PAA has considered a tailored version of Mi-28 in past, but the negotiations never advanced beyond a certain stage.
T-929 is never out as its yet to 'in'. It's a thing of future. Their is a good probability that US will allow AH-1Z soon enough.
If AH-1Z materialized, then there won't be any T-929. If AH-1Z fails to deliver, PAA will re evaluate its options. It will either opt for Mi-28 or will join (may be) T-929 program alongside T-925.
So PAA want more AH-1Zs other then those 12 , that will be interesting case
Would something like Super Tucanos be inducted into PAA? It's cheap, easy to maintain, doesn't need prepared airfields, can carry guided munitions, is more difficult to be shot down than a gunship, is faster than a gunship, it can fly higher than a gunship and much more. Plus it can provide rapid air support along the western border.... Or is PAA strictly against fixed wing combat aircraft, like the US Army?
Would something like Super Tucanos be inducted into PAA? It's cheap, easy to maintain, doesn't need prepared airfields, can carry guided munitions, is more difficult to be shot down than a gunship, is faster than a gunship, it can fly higher than a gunship and much more. Plus it can provide rapid air support along the western border.... Or is PAA strictly against fixed wing combat aircraft, like the US Army?
Something like that would be a good buy consid wrong we are strut to provide air support to troops under attack at remote outposts. PAA is certainly not against fixed wing aircraft as they fly more Mushshaks than the aid force does.
I think much of this will possibly be decided by the US Basing negotiations. Recent NYT article qouted 3 senior US officials as saying negotiations were on going. Let's not kid ourselves, this will be a very transactional affair, Pakistan will simply demand things from US in exchange and I suspect release of AH-1Z, T-129 engines is something the US have been holding back specifically for these negotiations.
PAA has considered a tailored version of Mi-28 in past, but the negotiations never advanced beyond a certain stage.
T-929 is never out as its yet to 'in'. It's a thing of future. Their is a good probability that US will allow AH-1Z soon enough.
If AH-1Z materialized, then there won't be any T-929. If AH-1Z fails to deliver, PAA will re evaluate its options. It will either opt for Mi-28 or will join (may be) T-929 program alongside T-925.

Whats the news on the new AW's? :D

Note: Not AW139
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