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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

This is what is publicly available, the rest you dont deserve to know.

Major General Syed Najeeb Ahmed, commander, army aviation, told Defence IQ’s International Military Helicopter conference in London on 26 February.“We are looking at other options. One of them is in China in the shape of the new attack helicopter they have created called the Z-10ME,” he says.
Pakistan had previously evaluated an earlier version of the CAIC Z-10, but Ahmed says the latest iteration has improved weapons and systems.

China’s export helicopter Z-10ME ‘invisible’ to infrared homing missiles
@Blacklight whats ur opnion, PAA will get Z10ME additional to T129 (as deal is not officially over) or as replacement of T129 order
T129 deal is dead.
Seems to be like that apparently, in that case we can see z10me in 30+ numbers in future for PAA.


Possibly 1.5 billion proven turkish loan for T129 can be deverted to other PAA asset from turkish like advance drone or Atak 2
IMO ... the new attack helicopter will come from the first country to post a loan for Pakistan.

If the US does it tomorrow, then expect to see AH-1Zs. If the Chinese extend their credit line (on top of the loans for VT4, 054A/P, Hangor, etc), then we'll see the Z-10ME. A big reason why the T129 was selected was because the Turks let us pay in installments.
But you peddling lies should be everyone's problem Mr " The "ME" exceeds the T-129 in all aspects..."
Dear Clueless, stay clueless and move along, dont spoil threads with your nonsense.

What the "ME" can deliver or not, is for PAA to decide, you just keep pissing in the wind.
IMO ... the new attack helicopter will come from the first country to post a loan for Pakistan.

If the US does it tomorrow, then expect to see AH-1Zs. If the Chinese extend their credit line (on top of the loans for VT4, 054A/P, Hangor, etc), then we'll see the Z-10ME. A big reason why the T129 was selected was because the Turks let us pay in installments.
VT4's are paid for - No loan
Dont worry about me, worry about how foolish you look, after being caught clueless on the "ME".
Oh right, the specs of which you have in a secret black book that some how you can't share to backup your claim.
Oh right, the specs of which you have in a secret black book that some how you can't share to backup your claim.
I already posted a link to a statement by the CO of PAA, one which you could not fathom.

To the rest just more gibberish from you. Please continue, it is quite entertaining.
buddy have some respect for a service member
he is a professional
while guys like u are available dime a dozen on local landa market.
have a responsible debate and don’t insult anyone
Interesting that you are asking me to respect someone while disrespecting me in the same go. Nicely done. No thank you.
Interesting that you are asking me to respect someone while disrespecting me in the same go. Nicely done. No thank you.
cant blame me can u.
there is a generation in pakistan which has infringed sense of hatred towards anything good being said
no logic just badtamizi bakwas maskhara pan and jugat bazi
i m not saying its u but this is where our society is largely headed
so please try to keep it civil
Dear Clueless, stay clueless and move along, dont spoil threads with your nonsense.

What the "ME" can deliver or not, is for PAA to decide, you just keep pissing in the wind.

VT4's are paid for - No loan

Is there active protection system on vt4s ? For paa ? V5 4 has one on plaaa

Also AK?
IMO ... the new attack helicopter will come from the first country to post a loan for Pakistan.

If the US does it tomorrow, then expect to see AH-1Zs. If the Chinese extend their credit line (on top of the loans for VT4, 054A/P, Hangor, etc), then we'll see the Z-10ME. A big reason why the T129 was selected was because the Turks let us pay in installments.
In PAA the requirement is of mix of heavy and medium cetagory attack helicopter.
For replacing three sqds of AH-1F/S, PAA opt for one Sqd (12 units) of AH-1Z (heavy attack) and two-three sqds (30 units) of T-129 (medium attack).

Z-10ME, if arrived, will nullify the need for T-129 or even T-629. The gap for heavier attack helicopters will remain there where likes of AH-1Z or Mi-28NE can only fit. (T-929 in longer run?)

We need this heavy-medium combo to compensate our vastly different threat environment. Mediums will go to North-Center, Heavies will cover the center-South.
Is there active protection system on vt4s ? For paa ? V5 4 has one on plaaa

Also AK?
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