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Pakistan Army - AIR DEFENCE CORPS - Formation, Structure, Weapons

Work is in progress, its not as fast as we would have hoped it too be. The Turks have been a great help in this. They will be fully net-centric very soon. The good thing is, all three branches are working together on the concept of Joint Command (similar to the US) so information between all three services will be shared.
Yeah I know it's a process that can take a while...especially for a country like Pak with limited resources. So I'm not faulting them for it...just asking out of curiosity.

Also that was gonna be my next question...once all three branches have all the net centric elements in place...would the three be integrating it all into one shared big picture(like the joint command concept)? But u already answered that...which is a treat to hear :yahoo:
The good thing is, all three branches are working together on the concept of Joint Command (similar to the US) so information between all three services will be shared.
Is it different from JSHQ?
The indigenous SAM is said to be a Navy-oriented project, lets see what comes out of it.

Regarding numerous AD systems, LY-80 and FM-90 are mostly with regiments subordinate to Air Defence Divisions. Defend sensitive sites.

The Armoured/Mechanized Div's make do with MANPADS equipped APCs - limited capability considering the enemy's potential to employ AGMs & CBU-105s against PA armour. Something the Pantsir is being sought for.

The Jaguars with CBU-105s are a serious threat to PA armor. Pak doesn't seem to have an equivalent. India now seems to have an unsurpassable advantage in attack helicopters and fixed wing ground attack.

Seems they learned the lessons of the Gulf Wars better than PA.
fill the gap in air defense, we need medium and high range air defense system.
either buy it off the shelf or develop it by getting the technology from China and Turkey.



The Jaguars with CBU-105s are a serious threat to PA armor. Pak doesn't seem to have an equivalent. India now seems to have an unsurpassable advantage in attack helicopters and fixed wing ground attack.

Seems they learned the lessons of the Gulf Wars better than PA.

The Jaguars won't even come close to causing the kind of damage you apprehend.
The Jaguars with CBU-105s are a serious threat to PA armor. Pak doesn't seem to have an equivalent. India now seems to have an unsurpassable advantage in attack helicopters and fixed wing ground attack.

Seems they learned the lessons of the Gulf Wars better than PA.

This post is a joke right?

You know that in summer months the IAF have to severely limit the load the Jaguar carries and flame outs have been the cause of many crashes. The plane is severely under powered and now they are adding more bits to it without a new engine. DARIN upgrade was done and added much weight. The plane does not even have a designator pod. Even if you do manage to take off with it, it will be bulky, overweight, lacking manourverability. It will be a sitting duck for MANPADS or even a guy with an AK-47......
This post is a joke right?

You know that in summer months the IAF have to severely limit the load the Jaguar carries and flame outs have been the cause of many crashes. The plane is severely under powered and now they are adding more bits to it without a new engine. DARIN upgrade was done and added much weight. The plane does not even have a designator pod. Even if you do manage to take off with it, it will be bulky, overweight, lacking manourverability. It will be a sitting duck for MANPADS or even a guy with an AK-47......

Underestimating the opponent is one of the biggest weaknesses of the Pakistani military. Jaguars are a first rate ground attack aircraft. Talking about shooting them down with a trusty AK-47 is a bit insane if you ask me.

So, if are to believe you, Jaguars, a European aircraft flown by NATO, built to NATO requirements and standard, are unable takeoff. That even if they take off they won't be able to carry weapons. And if somehow they manage all that they will be shot down by manpads and AK-47s.

If only we could be more independent and realistic in our thinking, Pakistan's defenses would be better served.
Underestimating the opponent is one of the biggest weaknesses of the Pakistani military. Jaguars are a first rate ground attack aircraft. Talking about shooting them down with a trusty AK-47 is a bit insane if you ask me.

So, if are to believe you, Jaguars, a European aircraft flown by NATO, built to NATO requirements and standard, are unable takeoff. That even if they take off they won't be able to carry weapons. And if somehow they manage all that they will be shot down by manpads and AK-47s.

If only we could be more independent and realistic in our thinking, Pakistan's defenses would be better served.

You seem to put words in my mouth, either by accident or design.

Jaguars are certainly NOT first rate attack aircraft anymore. No one would describe them as such. Oman, Nigeria, Ecuador, France and UK have withdrawn them for a good reason. What was a good plane on 1978 may not be a good plane in 2020. Modern ground attack is much more sophisticated and air defences have improved.

The Jaguar has severe issues in hot and high areas, thsi was discovered by RAF and IAF is painfully realising this. The original plane was designed for attack missions in Northern Europe.

There was indeed an incident of a 7.62mm bullet penetrating the cockpit of an RAF Jaguar and hitting the pilot in the helmet
The Jaguars with CBU-105s are a serious threat to PA armor. Pak doesn't seem to have an equivalent. India now seems to have an unsurpassable advantage in attack helicopters and fixed wing ground attack.

Seems they learned the lessons of the Gulf Wars better than PA.
You are looking at weapon vs weapon tactic. Lets look at other options.

A different perspective would be, instead of bringing down the IAF strike aircraft through firing a missile at it - use EM or Cyber warfare. What does an aircraft carry electronically that can be jammed or interfered with ? Radar, targeting pod, data link, Comms etc. What does the weapon carry that can be jammed and spoofed with ? guidance, comm link or data link etc. Now analyse Jaguar and CBU-105 to see their specs. One has to view PA's EW, ECCM and Cyber warfare domain.
There are other options too, like strike by PAF aircraft on specific IAF airfields or use of BM/CM/ALCM to destroy nearby IAF airfields in the region where PA armor/mech/inf will operate.
I think an MoDP official told TASS that there's interest in the FD-2000. IMO they're past evaluating that system -- likely at the stage of trying to secure funding to buy 3-4 batteries.

The really interesting thing to see is whether the FD-2000 is an Army-only acquisition (since it can seamlessly link those with its mostly Chinese ADGE), or if the PAF and PN will follow. I wonder if the PAF might look to acquire the CAMM-ER and/or SAMP/T instead.

We need medium to high range air defense system. If i need to pick one between these two, i will go for SAMP/T because of 120 km range.
Anything coming from Europe is going to be expensive. Turkish HİSAR-U system won't be ready until 2025 and it's not going to cheap. What other options do we have?

Chinese systems do their job. If you have 1.5 billion dollars, Erdo will gladly give you the S400s in this times. (Can also give to Indians)
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