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Pakistan approves Gwadar port transfer to China

cut that monkey talk, bullshiitt will you??, i understand what you are upto here dear, and i understand you here fully, dont take me as some kid, yes your comments are very pro american, but i dont think you are being illogical, you are defending your country and even you were born in punjab doesnt automatically make you a pakistani, you are an american citizen and you have taken a vow of defending american values and i have no arguements with that

im pissed off when you started talking crap out your mouth in our internal matters

as i said if you go to india and start talking about punjabi supremacy and taking crap out of every other non punjabi, the indian punjabis will start beating you

stop pretending to be a pakistan which you are not ok

i can talk about anti punjabi stuff or anti other ethnicity stuff here, which im not going to, its none of your business, and i would only talk that stuff to my fellow country men not your rubbish american out here, ok? is it clear enough for you now?

every where you talk about punjab punjab punjab, well punjab is not a free country, its part of pakistan, if you wanna talk about punjab go ahead, but dont ever talk bad about pakistan,

Where have I talked bad about Pakistan?? You are asinine. You sound a like a kid in your comments, I will respond to you as such. Why are you bringing up India when they have nothing to do with anything.. Terii aukaat itnii nai hai joh mujhe Pakistan ke baare me baat karne rauk sakta hai tou. Zaada over naa baan saale agar tumhe mirche laakthi hai mere baatou sain phir paar maat. Funny that I do not see you haram khor *** attacking fauj historian when he says Pakistan needs to become more like America in habit but me saying little to nothing got your temperature rising. Take a hike or report me dikhead if my comments are so insulting for you.
@darkinsky take your complains to webmaster and ask him to tell me what I can and cannot talk about, you are just a two bit kid acting like I grounded you or something. I won't bother responding to you anymore. :rolleyes:
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Punjabis need to kick some sense into the Baloch, saar paar chariaya wah hai. :sniper:

Baloch are our people. No action against them. However appropriate action would be taken against BLA and it would be taken by PA's soldiers which consists of different ethnicity. Not just punjabis. So stop this punjabi-baloch BS.
Gawadar is purely trade and economy. For defense and military base we already have Ormara. :rolleyes:
LOL...what is the problem, Pakistan can't have it own naval base within it own territory?:blink:

Some of our indian friends are pure drama queens.


Even such measures by China would be enough to mount tensions in the region.

Don't be alarmist mate- have you seen the IN's own plans? It is setting up 3 MAJOR naval bases (costing $3-5 BN USD EACH) and plenty of smaller (but still sizable) bases not to mention other less publiscesed bases for SSBNs on India's coast. Also India is effectively turning the A&N islands into an Indian military fortress. No one is getting all that concerned about these developments.

And, as has been said, the Gwadar port is almost soleley for commercial purposes and even if used by military outfits poses very little, if any, threat to India or the wider region.

At a time when the IN is looking to spend $100bn alone in the next 8-10 years purely on modernisation you shouldn't be making out these little devlopments are likely to be all that worrying to a force like the IN.
Since when China is interested to use Gwadar as naval base? China has never set a base beyong in own boundary, unless China can afford military budget as U.S.A and even that il won't happen in this century.

Overseas bases are only needed if necessary for China, with Most of the crude coming through the Indian Ocean then China will need a Naval base similar to the US base in Bahrain also Bolster Pakistan's Naval capability as well. A naval base in needed, When ? perhaps in 10 or 15 years.

If this route is used not all of the crude resources will go through it China has an Arctic route that is shorter and another through Central Asia.
Don't be alarmist mate- have you seen the IN's own plans? It is setting up 3 MAJOR naval bases (costing $3-5 BN USD EACH) and plenty of smaller (but still sizable) bases not to mention other less publiscesed bases for SSBNs on India's coast. Also India is effectively turning the A&N islands into an Indian military fortress. No one is getting all that concerned about these developments.

And, as has been said, the Gwadar port is almost soleley for commercial purposes and even if used by military outfits poses very little, if any, threat to India or the wider region.

At a time when the IN is looking to spend $100bn alone in the next 8-10 years purely on modernisation you shouldn't be making out these little devlopments are likely to be all that worrying to a force like the IN.

Gwadar will need decades for becoming a regional economic hub considering that if it is maintained properly. It can't function as a grand port without the railway line and seeing the condition of railways in Pakistan its really doesn't seems plausible. Karwar Naval base would be sufficient to face any challenge coming out of any Chinese military presence in Arabian sea.
Baloch are our people. No action against them. However appropriate action would be taken against BLA and it would be taken by PA's soldiers which consists of different ethnicity. Not just punjabis. So stop this punjabi-baloch BS.

Sir look what safriz wrote and I responded in that regard, he said every other kid in Balochistan thinks he is owed something and I agreed with him because then when they do not get what they want they blame it on the Punjabi and say Punjabi are trying to steal baloch resources etc. In that regard what I said was 100% correct because punjabis do get blamed for much of Balochistan woes and so punjabis should kick some sense into them by telling them they are the cause of their own problems. The guy who was fighting with me was obviously mad at me for some other comment I made about US-Pakistan relations as he is constantly bringing that up and said I should not talk about Pakistan for that comment. As far as I am concerned he should mind his own business if I bother him that much. I never talked about killing Balochis or anything go through my post history if you must.
It's a long waited move for economic, trade and strategic development. China has track record of building rail road in record breaking pace in most difficult terrain. Let's hope and wait for best to come.
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