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Pakistan approves Gwadar port transfer to China

Overseas bases are only needed if necessary for China, with Most of the crude coming through the Indian Ocean then China will need a Naval base similar to the US base in Bahrain also Bolster Pakistan's Naval capability as well. A naval base in needed, When ? perhaps in 10 or 15 years.

You mean raw resources or oil here with the word crude?

In any case, the major users of raw materials/oil aren't in western China, where the railway would connect but on the coast. I dont think it makes a lot of sense to unload in Gwadar, train to China through Pakistan, then again train through the whole of China to the coast on the south east.

It makes a lot more sense that this helps with raw materials the development of western China, some residual effects like transit fees and investment strengthens an ally and last but not least a base as you i think correctly stated. I would also think some sort of radio traffic/satellite data listening post would be set up quite soon, not in 10 or 15 years.

The federal cabinet used one of its final meetings to make some key decisions with potentially far-reaching implications for Islamabad’s ties with Washington.

During the cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, the challenging multi-billion dollar Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline was approved, while a deal transferring the management of the Gwadar port from Singapore to China was also given the go-ahead.

“The cabinet today gave approval to transfer Gwadar port operations from Port of Singapore to Chinese Overseas Port Holdings Limited,” Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira told reporters after the meeting. “Both the companies have settled their deal,” he said, without giving a timetable for the transfer, adding that the decision was taken to meet the country’s soaring energy requirements.

Kaira said that Singapore’s PSA International could not develop or operate Gwadar “as desired” and said he hoped that under the new management the strategically located deep-sea port would soon contribute to Pakistan’s flagging economy. “The Chinese will make more investment to make the project operational,” Kaira said.

China provided about 75% of the initial $250 million in funding for the construction of the port in Balochistan. It is currently being operated by Singapore’s PSA International, but needs further development work to become fully operational. According to PSA’s Gwadar website, there has been no ship in the port since November.

According to defence and strategic analysts, China wants to use the port for commercial and defence purposes, which will undermine US influence in the Arabian Sea.

Iran-Pakistan pipeline project

Referring to the Iran-Pakistan pipeline project, Kaira said Iran is an important country for Pakistan while downplaying US pressure on Islamabad to scrap the project. An agreement on government-to-government cooperation on engineering and the procurement and construction of the pipeline on the Pakistani side was also approved.

Kaira said the cabinet has also constituted a four-member committee to finalise modalities for arranging finances for the pipeline. The committee will include the finance minister, petroleum minister, law minister and State Bank governor.

The cabinet also approved an agreement to obtain $250 million in loans from Iran to finance the $1.5 billion project. A petroleum ministry official said the government was also negotiating for another $500 million loan with Iran.

Analysts wary of decisions

A mechanism to enter into a financial agreement with Iran will be tough to manoeuver for Pakistan, since the United States has publicly said the pipeline project would violate US restrictions on major financial deals with Tehran.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had earlier called the project ‘inexplicable’, adding that it could invoke US sanctions that would further ‘undermine’ Pakistan’s “already shaky” economy.

Even though the cabinet’s decisions seem to have been taken in the national interests, analysts have questioned the timing of the approval.

“An outgoing government has no business to take decisions that have far-reaching implications for the country,” said former ambassador and foreign secretary Shamshad Ahmad Khan. Khan said the decision should have been taken five years ago, adding that the timing suggested it was a politically motivated decision.

Ombudsman office

The cabinet also approved the Ombudsman Institutional Reforms Bill 2013, which aims at providing vast powers to the Ombudsman Office for speedy justice.

Kaira said the existing 11 ombudsmen institutions will be unified under the proposed bill. “If Parliament approves the bill, it will empower the toothless tiger,” he said referring to the office, adding that there were over 45,000 appeals pending for disposal before the federal ombudsman.

Furthermore, a four-year term has been proposed for the ombudsman, who can only be removed according to the prescribed manner for the removal of a judge of the Supreme Court. All government departments will be obligated to respond to the ombudsman’s queries within a fortnight, while the ombudsman will also be bound to dispose appeals within 45 days.

Under the bill, appeals against the ombudsman’s decisions can only be filed to the president, who will be bound to dispose of the appeal within 120 days.

Apart from this, the cabinet also approved the Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2012-15.
Looks like there is at least some angel in the Pakistani government who listens to what I say. I just wrote it on PDF and it reached the years of the hukmaraan. Sounds like magic. A few days ago I posted this:

The solution: The first thing we must do is reduce our dependence on the US. This is phase 1. 1) Initially we can start by trying to find new markets for our exports because in the event of us quitting their alliance they may increase tarriffs and create hurdles. We currently export about 18% of our goods to US (15.8 billion in 2012)

2) We have lots of defence contracts and a lot of components still have to be delivered. We have to ensure we make no new deals and initiate no new ventures with the US. Perhaps even wait an year for things we bought to be delivered. This field could suffer. Furthermore we have to begin concentrating on China, Russia and ingenious production. India is working on a 5th generation fighter.

Now we move to phase 2 of the solution. 1) Develop contacts with Iran. Now this might not go down well with a lot of people and even I don't like theocracies/mullahcracies. But I can only agree with their foreign policy. I mean what is a nation supposed to do? Even if they are seeking nukes, Iraq tried to build WMD's, US is in 2 neighboring countries (possibly 3 if Shamsi was used to spy on Iran) and is the only state to have used them and Israel has them as well as neighboring Pakistan. The negative point may be we may become too influenced by the system present there. I favor secularism so I am worried about the rights situation.

2) Offer China military bases in Pakistan in return for favoring us in UN and in all foreign policy matters. For example Iran was sanctioned to the teeth-but it could not have happened had the Chinese vetoed it. That veto has a lot of power. China may be a very important member and we must lean on it for our relationship. It is the bulwark of this idea. I would not have presented it even if China hadn't been an ally.

Optional: 3) I say optional because it will not go down well. Adopt secularism. Western nations sympathize with other secular states but I know the minds of my people still equate secularism with anti-Islamism which isn't true. In any case if it can't be done give people dignity, rights, freedom, justice and stop wrong and injustices whereever we see them. Most importantly deal with terrorism which should become easier after this since TTP will lose its backing since we are no more officially in the WOT.

Phase 3: 1) Become more assertive and defend national interest. This comes with being free of the US yoke. Demand things from the US we should be given. Recompensation for losses in war on terror. Aafia Siddiqui case. Everything. Present in the media how US has misused us. A knowledgable person can destroy the US narrative in moments. We suffered more in terrorism than we received aid so the narrative we are earning something is false and broken but not a single Pakistani challenges it. It is time to stand on our own feet. This should be the last phase.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...ion-pakistanis-against-usa.html#ixzz2JVImyKQC

This was supposed to be an alternative to our relationship with the US. The exact same plan I proposed (Iran and China were part of it) is being implemented. Finally the government is doing something right-late but at least they are doing it. We all know US will abandon us. They did it in the past when the Soviet Afghan war was over and we had to suffer sanctions and all forms of bullying. It is time to look for new allies unless US completely changes its relationship with us to one of equals from the leader-subject one. May Pakistan thrive and prosper.
You mean raw resources or oil here with the word crude?

In any case, the major users of raw materials/oil aren't in western China, where the railway would connect but on the coast. I dont think it makes a lot of sense to unload in Gwadar, train to China through Pakistan, then again train through the whole of China to the coast on the south east.

It makes a lot more sense that this helps with raw materials the development of western China, some residual effects like transit fees and investment strengthens an ally and last but not least a base as you i think correctly stated. I would also think some sort of radio traffic/satellite data listening post would be set up quite soon, not in 10 or 15 years.

Connecting to Pakistan Gwadar is only make sense to develop the west section of China (Xinjiang) and possibly Tibet. I believe that gradually China will move some manifacturing industries to West to take advantage of close proximity of resource countries and Eastern coast will be mixed with industrial and service sectors.
That's too late but certainly not too little.

With Chinese collaboration once this port starts running near full capacity the area will get huge business.It'll become an economic hub.

For Dubai, ships have to wait for days for the route clearance due to Strait of Hormuz, where only a few ships can cross at a time.The location of Gwadar Port is such that the whole world business converges and diverges at this place.

Good for the people at Gwadar,Good for Balochistan and certainly Good for Pakistan.
You mean raw resources or oil here with the word crude?

In any case, the major users of raw materials/oil aren't in western China, where the railway would connect but on the coast. I dont think it makes a lot of sense to unload in Gwadar, train to China through Pakistan, then again train through the whole of China to the coast on the south east.

That is not the issue, but China's Oil going through vulnerable areas of the Indian Ocean which is undefended and the over reliance of the Malacca Strait, so there is no problem with shipping it into Western China to the East, But not entirely sure to could be sent through rail maybe a pipeline.

It makes a lot more sense that this helps with raw materials the development of western China, some residual effects like transit fees and investment strengthens an ally and last but not least a base as you i think correctly stated. I would also think some sort of radio traffic/satellite data listening post would be set up quite soon, not in 10 or 15 years.

Well of course this investment will help Pakistan and Southern region of Xinjiang which is poorer, as for the base that will come sometime later When China will need it but must help also bolster Pakistan Navy, China has set up a radio post on one of Myanmar's Islands it is possible but China will need ultimately a Naval base to operate in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean.
Gwadar will need decades for becoming a regional economic hub considering that if it is maintained properly. It can't function as a grand port without the railway line and seeing the condition of railways in Pakistan its really doesn't seems plausible. Karwar Naval base would be sufficient to face any challenge coming out of any Chinese military presence in Arabian sea.

It won't take long once China concentrate on this project, i would expect the project will achieve a great speed since China need to complete this project as soon as possible, time is money, the faster it finish the faster we can transport resource back to Kashgar and the faster Pakistan can make money on transit fee and economy exchange.

I always dream that the silk road from East Asia to Middle east will re-established again like the old time instead of Persia this time we will reach middle east and Pakistan just fall right in between Middle East and China and server as junction and hub. Too bad the ancient partner such India is decided to navigate alone in ocean instead of being partner to this silkroad.
Perhaps a more appropriate term would be- the String of pearls has turned out to be a non-starter.

i smell something burning :laugh:

the string of pearls after successfully adding the gem known as "hambantota" has just added
another diamond to the crown of "China" known as "Gwadar" the gateway to "OIL"

congrats to China & Pakistan :china: :pakistan: & also sri lanka here this is a new pic of the railway construction from gwadar to china


Gwadar Development
I have been hearing about this Gwadar hype for almost a decade now.

When will this investment pay off?

I don't know the stage of Gwadar development and the rail development but as soon as you see Gwadar perform load and unload cargo as this video, you can be sure it's time for investment pay off :P

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see the Chinese webusers comments after this Chinese news report,they all call Pakistan China's only true friend and N.Korea a trouble maker.many say that is China's future lifeline and China got an important heart bypass surgery.a naval base will surely follow to protect this lifeline.

guys that port is not only for oil,it will boost China exports to the middle east and central Asia and railway only has an eye on easy transporting minerals from Afghanistan to China,it can be connected with many other railways.as so Chinese posters stated here before,Pakistan sits on a strategically and geographically golden location,that's no reason why the country can not be the richese one in central and south Asia.the country is the connectiing point of the east and west with its back to the world's top two potential market.it's like one of the bigges artery in the world.
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