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Pakistan angry as Afghan Army unwilling to strike fleeing TTP.

We are giving them an opportunity to join in the fight. It means more to them than to us. As soon as the NATO leaves, all of these Talibitches are going to march to Kabul BEFORE trying to enter Pakistan again.
there is no conspiracy brother, and it has become fact now when even the Americans have exposed the double dealing Northern Alliance.
but since some people will have selective memory so I would remind them to look into how the Americans got the intelligence and who from that lead to the drone strike on Hakim Ullah Mehsood,

yup no other than a TTP guest of Afghan intelligence who was snatched by Americans by force from them.

instead of any relief or help I would expect the exact opposite from Afghan regime, they will openly facilitate and actually might even start a border skirmish with Pakistani forces the day we launch the Waziristan operation.

this is the very nature and nomenclature of the Northern Alliance made up of thugs, drug lords, extortionists, ex Communist generals, smugglers and warlords and the only good thing going about them was they were fighting the Taliban hence became the American buddies .. but over ten years one can see how this relationship has "flourished".

its a done deal that sooner or later these crooks will have to retreat to the north. they had ample opportunity to bring the Pashtun population into their fold but these chronically racists and hypocrites did the exact opposite and siezed the chance to alienate and persecute the Pashtons who themselves had suffered at the hands of Taliban but Taliban not only got their loyalties but even generated support in the north, something unimaginable in the past.

in short I expect them to flare up fights on the borders, help BLA and facilitate the TTP with relief and support when it will get hammered by Pakistan military.
You can't really blame them (this blame game looks more like point scoring then anything else), they have an equal or a bigger fight on their hands and that too with much lesser resources and a weaker army.

They have the same complaints against Pakistan - so let the point scoring continue.
we just need to do what the Iranians do....be RUTHLESS
Spot on....You just words of my mouth. We must protect our borders ruthlessly. We are facing the terrible consequences already. According to the Minister of Interior, more than 200,000 Afghans are living near the capital territory unregistered, without any legal documentation. They suck our resources, they create law and order situations, they are involved in drug smuggling, weapons, food smuggling to the other side of border, creating food shortage here, and they multiply like rodents ( hate to say that but true ). Such situations creates a serious challenge to our national security. Just kick them where they belong to. Khuda ka wasta hay jan chor do hamari bus.
You can't really blame them (this blame game looks more like point scoring then anything else), they have an equal or a bigger fight on their hands and that too with much lesser resources and a weaker army.

They have the same complaints against Pakistan - so let the point scoring continue.
yup catch 22 and our mutual bickering is helping the terrorists
Any operation without the use of attack helis, armed drone and armored vehicles, is bound to fail.
Can our generals not see this? Do they need more experience of Pak-Afghan terrain and gorilla war fare?
I just can't believe, it is happening again!
I thought, this time around we moved in with plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, bring back Musharraf, TTP's nightmare and the decimator of al-qaeeda.
Any operation without the use of attack helis, armed drone and armored vehicles, is bound to fail.
Can our generals not see this? Do they need more experience of Pak-Afghan terrain and gorilla war fare?
I just can't believe, it is happening again!
I thought, this time around we moved in with plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, bring back Musharraf, TTP's nightmare and the decimator of al-qaeeda.

Armed drone and Pakistan ? keep dreaming ...

Pakistan army is already using jets and attack helis.
But you can not kill TTP leadership which has already moved in Kunar province of Afghanistan.

Either violate the soveriegnty of Afghanistan or beg Afghanistan for co-operation.
Armed drone and Pakistan ? keep dreaming ...

Pakistan army is already using jets and attack helis.
But you can not kill TTP leadership which has already moved in Kunar province of Afghanistan.

Either violate the soveriegnty of Afghanistan or beg Afghanistan for co-operation.

Yeah because Afghanistan hasn't been violated already.

Pak/NATO will smoke them out.
i would support scrapping our signatures on the Geneva Convention and just utlizing land mines

i dont see any cooperation coming from the karzai regime and quite frankly, the ANA will be in tatters. I head they had another blue on blue incident a couple days back.

i think covert methods coupled by plausible deniability are the only option on the table

we just need to do what the Iranians do....be RUTHLESS
We are different from your iranians
Yeah because Afghanistan hasn't been violated already.

Pak/NATO will smoke them out.

Logically, you are both fighting the same bunch of 7th century retards...but then differentiating between each others good and bad taliban based on who attacks which country is whats creating the blocks.
We are different from your iranians

So @Hyperion a Turi just because he has a difference of opinion & belongs to a different sect automatically becomes an Iranian ? :unsure:

By that logic most Pakistanis are Indians because both Deoband & Barely are in Indian & most Pakistanis are either Barelvis or Deobandis ! :undecided:
Why look at Afghanistan hoping that they will fight Pakistan's enemies? Why not build a wall & seal that damn border.

It is common sense - no operation will succeed unless the border is not sealed & cross border movement is not controlled.
Barelvis are Muslims and Pakistani..... Deobandi's are turds and Israeli spies...... :guns:

So @Hyperion a Turi just because he has a difference of opinion & belongs to a different sect automatically becomes an Iranian ? :unsure:

By that logic most Pakistanis are Indians because both Deoband & Barely are in Indian & most Pakistanis are either Barelvis or Deobandis ! :undecided:
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