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Pakistan angry as Afghan Army unwilling to strike fleeing TTP.

Why Pakistan is angry? Have our fucking drones all over Af-Pak border and Tribal Areas..and our F-16s, Miraages, and JF-17s loaded and ready all the time.

Strike TTP pigs on their way to Afghanistan AND even INSIDE Afghanistan if the need be.

Lets get serious now? Shall we?
@Irfan Baloch

You have a bleak yet pragmatic view of things. I hope that PA gets your memo and stays put to hammer ANA if required.
Hypocrisy on display in front of everyone. Come to expect from this from NATO, Afghanistan, etc.
Why can't Pakistan chase these fleeing militants? It's not like Afghanistan is going to do anything?

If the Pakistan Army has to chase the militants across into Afghanistan the US people may just vote to increase aid to Pakistan by 1000%. If Karzai complains...we'll tell him to STFU as he is simply completely hopeless.

They can easily bombed the fence, cut through, dig underground, or as some poster said steal it and sell it.

That was me.
If the Pakistan Army has to chase the militants across into Afghanistan the US people may just vote to increase aid to Pakistan by 1000%. If Karzai complains...we'll tell him to STFU as he is simply completely hopeless.

That was me.

I don't know what the US media is telling you, though we have been asking the US to do a joint operation on the each side of the D Line ever since Operation Just Path concluded.

For some reason Obama isn't keen and wants us to fight a war which we don't have the resources for.

CENTCOM has been asked again by ISI. Lets see.
ISLAMABAD - Reluctance of Afghan National Army to act against the fleeing TTP elements crossing over to Afghanistan has irked the Pakistan military establishment, but it wants the US military and CIA to destroy sanctuaries of TTP in areas bordering Pakistan with a meaningful cooperation from Afghan National Army and its intelligence wing.
Yes! I agree that the ANA should do more. But as they say, charity begins at home. Meaning Pakistan must also destroy the 42 training camps on its soil especially in Pakistan Administered Kashmir and cease providing the terrorist organizations like the LeT, JeM, HuM etc sanctuary and training, and infiltrating them into India.

One can't have the cake and eat it too. In other words cry hoarse that the ANA is doing nothing to stop the TTP from infiltrating into Pakistan, but doing the same on its Eastern borders with India!

This is sheer hypocrisy.
Pakistan should announce operation against haqqani network to show its sincerity
you mean our army should attack them in Paktia and paktika ?? coz Haqqani taliban are controlling that part of the area in Afghanistan if afghan charsi army is incompetent call us baby we will help u instead of u wasting ur time with indians who are miles away..

Yes! I agree that the ANA should do more. But as they say, charity begins at home. Meaning Pakistan must also destroy the 42 training camps on its soil especially in Pakistan Administered Kashmir and cease providing the terrorist organizations like the LeT, JeM, HuM etc sanctuary and training, and infiltrating them into India.

One can't have the cake and eat it too. In other words cry hoarse that the ANA is doing nothing to stop the TTP from infiltrating into Pakistan, but doing the same on its Eastern borders with India!

This is sheer hypocrisy.
are we talking about u indians here?? open ur eyes and se its for afghans and Pakistan.. dont poke ur nose i can understand hw butthurt indians are after their proxy LTTE terrorist got raped in Srilanka by srilankan army please stay away from our and afghan matters.
Deoband is a city in UP - India.
Like the qadyani city...
Is brelvi also a city in india?? Makes me wonder. These groups seem to emerge from India, where they are easy to exploit.
Like the qadyani city...
Is brelvi also a city in india?? Makes me wonder. These groups seem to emerge from India, where they are easy to exploit.

Yes Bareilly - again in UP.

What do you mean by "easy to exploit"?.
They are being divided based on differences.

I don't know much about them or the reason why they have their own schools of thought, you can research it if you need to know more.

In India , a Muslim is a Muslim - at least for non Muslims, no one bothers what sect or school or anything else they belong to - even Ahmedi's, Bori's, Shia's - all are Muslims for us.
I don't know much about them or the reason why they have their own schools of thought, you can research it if you need to know more.

In India , a Muslim is a Muslim - at least for non Muslims, no one bothers what sect or school or anything else they belong to - even Ahmedi's, Bori's, Shia's - all are Muslims for us.
But all these groups and factions have roots in india.
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