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Pakistan angry as Afghan Army unwilling to strike fleeing TTP.

Pakistan should announce operation against haqqani network to show its sincerity

Haqqani network is the backbone of real Talibaan, the freedom fighters who engage only NATO & US forces, they do not target civilians or Pakistan.
Why are you getting all upset Pakistani's? @Aeronaut

Pakistani's supported Taliban in Afghanistan.
When the Talibs were driven out of Afghanistan, they were given refuge in Pakistan.

Its only logical that Afghans would want to reciprocate to what Pakistani's have done.
Is that wrong?

well this not right either and wont expect someone to justify that who preaches morality either.
as they say two wrong dont make a right.

if they want to play hard *** then they will end up loosing more , Uncle Sam has had enough of them is waiting out the goon in Kabul .
they wont bother us much anyway because they would soon need to pack up and make a run for it from taliban.
I do not understand why Pakistan is getting angry.

Its the good Taliban bad Taliban 'game' being played by Afghans..
well this not right either and wont expect someone to justify that who preaches morality either.
as they say two wrong dont make a right.

if they want to play hard *** then they will end up loosing more , Uncle Sam has had enough of them is waiting out the goon in Kabul .
they wont bother us much anyway because they would soon need to pack up and make a run for it from taliban.
Which is exactly the point.

Why are Pakistani's being hypocritical.
They supported and gave refuge to Taliban when they were on the run from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is simply copying Pakistan. Then why is every Pakistani oozing anger?
Its okay when Pakistan does it, but Pakistani's get angry when Afghans do the same.

Lastly, Afghanistan is in the same situation vis-a-vis Pakistan as Pakistan is vis-a-vis India.
They are already down and out. They are already devastated and Pakistan is not. So damage to Pakistan will be more.
Which is exactly the point.

Afghanistan is simply copying Pakistan. Then why is every Pakistani oozing anger?
its a natural human trait when the things dont turn in your way you feel anger
specially when you DO try to help and even go at length to facilitate the peace but still get no cooperation then anger and frustration is expected.

BUT.. once the realization sinks in that no matter what, Northern Alliance would continue to settle the old scores then the anger will go and replace with determination

and NO Pakistan will NOT loose any more than it has over 10 years but we will ensure that Northern alliance ceases to exist. this time we will not contend with good taliban but we will make them "very Good Taliban".
by the way I am not angry
its business as usual. ;)
you mean our army should attack them in Paktia and paktika ?? coz Haqqani taliban are controlling that part of the area in Afghanistan if afghan charsi army is incompetent call us baby we will help u instead of u wasting ur time with indians who are miles away..

are we talking about u indians here?? open ur eyes and se its for afghans and Pakistan.. dont poke ur nose i can understand hw butthurt indians are after their proxy LTTE terrorist got raped in Srilanka by srilankan army please stay away from our and afghan matters.
Command and control centre of haqqani network is in the north waziristan, from there they launch attacks on khost, paktiya ,paktika and else where. They also use route through kurram. All of its financial operations are in Pakistan.
Expecting Afghan governament to launch operation against TTP while doing nothing against haqqani network will be insincerity.
@Sher Malang, @Afghan-India
its a natural human trait when the things dont turn in your way you feel anger
specially when you DO try to help and even go at length to facilitate the peace but still get no cooperation then anger and frustration is expected.
Pakistan has not cooperated. When the time to kill Taliban was nigh, Pakistan gave them refuge. Today when Taliban is against Pakistan, saying that Pakistan is against Taliban is not cooperation.

BUT.. once the realization sinks in that no matter what, Northern Alliance would continue to settle the old scores then the anger will go and replace with determination

and NO Pakistan will NOT loose any more than it has over 10 years but we will ensure that Northern alliance ceases to exist. this time we will not contend with good taliban but we will make them "very Good Taliban".
by the way I am not angry
its business as usual. ;)
That Pakistan continues to remain in the situation it is in, is continuing to lose.
Northern Alliance can not cease to exist as long as Iran supports them. India can only aid NA, but as we dont share a physical border, we are not the deciders.

Iran is.
Northern Alliance can not cease to exist as long as Iran supports them. India can only aid NA, but as we dont share a physical border, we are not the deciders.

Iran is.

yes , India stands no chance, its not as powerful as NATO and doesnt have endless funds either. as for Iran, they are more concerned about the imminent Invasion from Saudi/ Israeli forces. a the blackops operations from some Middle Eastern and Western countries with the help of Baloch Jundullah are another headache for them. Northern Alliance is not missing them much.

regarding cooperation narrative we have difference of opinion, not only we facilitated in the peace talks but also continued to host the Afghan refugees and the providing the food supplies to the war ravaged country.

Afghan intelligence on the other hand has been caught with its pants down not once but twice by Americans assisting and hosting TTP terrorists.

so Game ON

I do not understand why Pakistan is getting angry.
I know you are not alone, many other Indians are having a confused moment and cant understand why
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Haqqani network is the backbone of real Talibaan, the freedom fighters who engage only NATO & US forces, they do not target civilians or Pakistan.
Haqqani network has killed more civilians than TTP through suicide bombings and IEDs. Just like TTP they enjoy relationship with alqaida and has uzbek fighters under its wing. They also enjoy dirty relationship with ISI.
They and TTP are very much similar, while tactics and principles of taliban of southren afghanistan are different.
yes , India stands no chance, its not as powerful as NATO and doesnt have endless funds either.
We have sufficient funds to prop up a strong militia. The only thing we need is a physical border to give refuge to the fighters and organize logistics.

Since we dont have that, we become secondary players. Iran has a vast physical border, it can and does single handedly support NA.

And Iran itself does not have to worry about funds, with India as a supporter.

as for Iran, they are more concerned about the imminent Invasion from Saudi/ Israeli forces. a the blackops operations from some Middle Eastern and Western countries with the help of Baloch Jundullah are another headache for them. Northern Alliance is not missing them much.
I disagree.
Iran was concerned about the imminent invasion and a buckling economy. With relief from sanctions and support of international community towards diplomacy, the worst is long gone for them.
Their oil exports are going to surge within the next financial year itself. You will see a much more confident Iran gunning for its interests in the region.

regarding cooperation narrative we have difference of opinion, not only we facilitated in the peace talks but also continued to host the Afghan refugees and the providing the food supplies to the war ravaged country.

Afghan intelligence on the other hand has been caught with its pants down not once but twice by Americans assisting and hosting TTP terrorists.

so Game ON
I disagree again. You are deliberately ignoring half the story.
You have facilitated peace talks. But the reason why peace talks became necessary. is because Taliban could not be destroyed.
The reason Taliban could not be destroyed despite being hounded out of Afghanistan is because Pakistan gave safe refuge to Taliban in its border areas. That is because your military deemed Taliban as assets.

So today, Pakistan cannot claim rights to being the good guy or a pat-on-the-back in the Afghan imbroglio, because Pakistan is the reason Taliban survived.
Afghanistan is doing exactly what Pakistan did. Not stopping or hunting the Taliban running from Pakistan to Afghanistan.

The game is indeed on my friend. But you are suffering from your own military's and governments short sighted policies of using extremist/religious groups to achieve regional goals.

And as long as TTP survives, Pakistan will have trouble where it matters and hurts most - economy.
We have sufficient funds to prop up a strong militia.
Afghanistan is a bottomless pit... I will stop here

thanks this was a good post
I will respond later. I will point out few things which you cant pick up from google and talkshows. but we are almost on the same level.

I like that :)
Afghanistan is a bottomless pit... I will stop here
Just one last point before we stop here. I agree Afghanistan is a bottomless pit. We have seen up close what happens in Afghanistan.
It is a pit for those who wish to change Afghanistan or develop it. It is not a bottomless pit to develop a small credible militia whose aims is to disrupt the existing forces and carry out sabotage.

There are differing goals. Our goal is not the same as/was US's goal or the Soviet Union's goal.
thanks this was a good post
I will respond later. I will point out few things which you cant pick up from google and talkshows. but we are almost on the same level.

I like that :)
Indeed. Whenever you have the time.
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yaar papu do some justice to your title, look up the web or books first before posting
the emergence of these groups dates back to united India,
they were purely ideological and theological nothing to do with RAW , RSS or Modi etc
dont be harsh on nanha munna....we all like him.
Ask an Afghan and you will get a different perspective..

The perspective of an Afghan doesn't change the timeline of the history. Taliban came decades not years after Afghan support to a half a dozen miscreants inside Pakistan. And that includes Afghan invasion of Pakistani land too. That can't be changed ether.

Afghans can have any perspective they like to.
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