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Pakistan and Israel

So why did we got sanctioned after 65 war and continued for many years,

The US sanctioned both countries. We had provided you with all sorts of arms that you then used to invade India with (Operation Gibraltar). Leaving aside the issue of whether or not Kashmir is or is not rightfully part of India or Pakistan your country started military operations against a neighbor.

where was US in 71.

What exactly was the US supposed to do in the 2 weeks the war lasted when the Pakistani army collapsed? And why would we intervene on Pakistan's side when it was conducting a genocide?

Why did they leave Afghanistan & Pakistan alone after Soviets left

Huge mistake on our part

and slapped us with sanctions right within a year of defeating the soviets, that is how you repay us ??

Decade plus sanctions and it gets lifted only, when US again needs us in Afghanistan.

Your country knew the Pressler amendment existed and chose to chest thump with India anyway. You didn't have to pop nukes, you knew you had them, your country only did it to chest thump.

Strange thing is you guys used the atomic bomb on Japan, defending it by saying to reduce further US casualties, it was done,

The bombings of Japan saved millions of lives on both sides.

and when our arch enemy detonated atomic bombs in 74 and yet again in 98 and dismembered us in 71, it becomes a problem after we detonate an atomic bomb to defend our sovereignty. That's pathetic.

It was not defending your sovereignty, it was going tit for tat in a chest thumping display with India. BTW, in 1971 Pakistan dismembered itself.

Mistake is done once, not multiple times. In 65 it was done, in 71 it was done, in 88-89 it was done

own your country's role in those events.

and i assure you and bet, it will be done again the moment IF US forces leave this region, mark my words, we will get slapped with yet another round of sanctions.

Depends on how you behave. Paksitan is a client state of either the US or China take your pick.

Nuke tests & program is & was our right,

Not according to the international community. Even though you did not sign the NPT the US was bound by it.

especially with a neighbor like India on our side, waiting to destroy us.

If India wanted to destroy Pakistan, it would be destroyed.All the Indian navy has to do is sit off the coast and Pakistan starves.

If you guys can keep it and expand it with the pretext of a threat from Soviets, so could and can we, with such an arch enemy in sights.

The Soviets were bent on global domination. India jsut wants to be left alone.

History is very clear, US was never our friend, is not our friend and will never be.

We you see everyone as an enemy, everyone is an enemy.

And as for Billions spent, much more then those Billions has been lost by us due to this War of Terror alone. The 71 saga separate to that, and the multiple time sanctions beside.

Uh-huh, and much of that loss is self inflicted.
The bombings of Japan saved millions of lives on both sides.

lol, WHAT????????????:rofl:

lol, what a silly excuse?

Thousand of Japanese people lost their lives and you say this BOMB (a weapon of mass DESTRUCTION) saved lives?
Do you know that millions of Japanese infants were born deformed because of the radiation from those nukes? Do you know that even today, many residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have symptoms of Cancer?
you've got to bloody be shitting me...

i hope you had whisky when you said it, and you weren't sober.

how many innocent people were killed in Nagasaki and Hiroshima?


i would also ask you to learn about the conflicts before passing judgements. As for Pressler Amendment, yes Pakistan knew what was at stake.

So did the USA, when she showered Pakistan with support for the mujahideen.

Why was israel never hit by such sanctions. We at least made it clear we had nukes. Everybody knows that israel has the bombs, but they dont deny or confirm it.

I like America. But American foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired; you people really have a lot to learn.

In the end, sanctions and arms embargo on Pakistan were blessing in disguise --even though Pakistan did not see an era of substantial economic growth or debt servicing

p.s. salute to Mr. Charlie Wilson, who passed away a few days back
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The US sanctioned both countries. We had provided you with all sorts of arms that you then used to invade India with (Operation Gibraltar). Leaving aside the issue of whether or not Kashmir is or is not rightfully part of India or Pakistan your country started military operations against a neighbor.

Who started the war in 65 once again ??;)

What exactly was the US supposed to do in the 2 weeks the war lasted when the Pakistani army collapsed? And why would we intervene on Pakistan's side when it was conducting a genocide?

And where are all of those dead bodies ?? Now there is an independent govt in BD why they are not Conducting an investigation that they can get Pakistan on nail tips ?

I guess you are a regular listener to BBC world service !

Huge mistake on our part

Your country knew the Pressler amendment existed and chose to chest thump with India anyway. You didn't have to pop nukes, you knew you had them, your country only did it to chest thump.

We had to show that we have "Balls" simple is that !

The bombings of Japan saved millions of lives on both sides.

How can you be so sure & on a cost of hundred and thousands of lives and where still people are suffering ?

It was not defending your sovereignty, it was going tit for tat in a chest thumping display with India. BTW, in 1971 Pakistan dismembered itself.

We do not expect any help from US & if our leadership did expected at that time then they were a bunch of Idiots because US will not help us but our enemies .

Depends on how you behave. Paksitan is a client state of either the US or China take your pick.

On military hardware maybe we have already made a choice if you can see it or not:confused:
Our eyes are open now and i guess we also can convince Arabs to think "Different"

If India wanted to destroy Pakistan, it would be destroyed.

They do not have balls to do that.

All the Indian navy has to do is sit off the coast and Pakistan starves.

They will come on our coast and before we starve we will send them a gift of 100+ Thermonuclear bombs in a preemptive Missile Strike.

The Soviets were bent on global domination. India jsut wants to be left alone.

India just wants to be a smart a$$ which it wont be.

We you see everyone as an enemy, everyone is an enemy.

Just India is our enemy .

lol, WHAT????????????:rofl:

lol, what a silly excuse?

Thousand of Japanese people lost their lives and you say this BOMB (a weapon of mass DESTRUCTION) saved lives?

The US had three options for ending the war.

1. Don't invade and rely on the submarine blockade. The result is mass famine on the Japanese home islands as Japan cannot grow enough food to feed itself. Millions die like in Ethiopia or the Sudan. Of those who survive you get a generation stunted like North Korea and tales of cannibalism. By 1945 japan was out of fuel, had no merchant marine left and the USN was sailing off the coast firing at will. Its people were starving and only weeks from disaster. Never before has a population that large been that close to mass starvation.

2. Invade, based on what Japanese nationals did on Okinawa and Saipan you'd see parents killing their children. Half the Japanese civilian population there died by their own hands. Of those who did not suicide, many would have died caught between the opposing armies or under the rain of bombs and shells. Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands more would have died in firebombings of Japan's remaining cities as America tried to break the Japanese will.

3. Drop the atomic bombs, it would kill hundreds of thousands but spare millions more outside the city their fate.

BTW, who really cares about Japanese Civilians, Japan murdered somewhere between 30,000,000 and 100,000,000 civilians in its war of aggression. Japan created deliberate famines in Malaysia, Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Singapore....

They experimented on civilians, released plague into China on purpose...

Not to mention the theft and rape. Ask your friends the Chinese what the Japanese are like.

Do you know that millions of Japanese infants were born deformed because of the radiation from those nukes?

Got any proof?

Do you know that even today, many residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have symptoms of Cancer?

people in every modern city have cancer.

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki tumour registries, which have been in operation since 1958, are among the few population-based cancer registries in Japan. This analysis evaluated cancer incidence in Hiroshima and Nagasaki between 1958 and 1987. The overall age-adjusted (World Population Standard) cancer incidence has increased from 217 to 301 per 100,000 among males, and from 176 to 197 per 100,000 among females during the first 30 years of cancer registration. The most recent rates are intermediate to rates in other countries. Despite a gradual decrease, gastric cancer remained the most common malignancy among males and females throughout the surveillance period, accounting for 24% of all cancers by the late 1980s. The rate of liver cancer has increased dramatically among males during the past 20 years, with a 2-fold increase in incidence in the past 10 years alone. The populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki now have among the highest rates of liver cancer in the world. Breast cancer incidence in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in contrast, is among the lowest in the world, although incidence rates have doubled since the 1960s. Other common malignancies include cancers of the lung, colon and rectum among males and cancers of the colon, cervix and lung among females.

Cancer incidence in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan,... [Eur J Cancer. 1994] - PubMed result
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Regarding the 71 war---the U S realized that it was an issue with two brothers who wanted to go their own ways---the U S then decided accordingly to the situation---.

If pak army had made a full scale attack from its western border against the indian forces---an all out no hold barred kind of attack---the U S might have looked at things differently.

Bottomline is that our actions determine how our allies would act in a given situation. We failed ourselves in 71---no reason to blame anyone else---this debacle was of our own making.

The U S just wanted to see some light---there was no initiative on our part. Our general staff acted like chicken---Indira gandhi tore them up piece by a piece.
Who started the war in 65 once again ??;)

Pakistan via Operation Gibraltar

And where are all of those dead bodies ?? Now there is an independent govt in BD why they are not Conducting an investigation that they can get Pakistan on nail tips ?

DAWN.COM | World | Bangladesh urges Pakistan apology for 1971 ?crimes?

I guess you are a regular listener to BBC world service !

We had to show that we have "Balls" simple is that !

But you didn't have a right to our aid if you violated our laws. You chose balls, how did that work out for you, your nukes fizzeled.

How can you be so sure & on a cost of hundred and thousands of lives and where still people are suffering ?

see my earlier post

We do not expect any help from US & if our leadership did expected at that time then they were a bunch of Idiots because US will not help us but our enemies .

when you see everyone as an enemy, then everyone is an enemy.

On military hardware maybe we have already made a choice if you can see it or not:confused:
Our eyes are open now and i guess we also can convince Arabs to think "Different"

Pakistani might as well be an Arab word for slave.

They do not have balls to do that.

Coming from someone whose country prefers terror attacks on civilians....

They will come on our coast and before we starve we will send them a gift of 100+ Thermonuclear bombs in a preemptive Missile Strike.

And get nuked in turn and then the whole argument is pointless.

India just wants to be a smart a$$ which it wont be.

leave them alone, stop the terror attacks and watch peace break out.

Just India is our enemy .


Pakistan is Pakistan's own worst enemy.

The atrocities committed by the japanese during the second world war were at the same level as committed by the germans---the slaughter of civilian population, the slaughter of soldiers who laid down their arms---the torture of the prisoners of wars---none of these were the redeeming characters of the japanese.

It was totally sickening to read about the execution of soldiers who laid down their weapons by the japanese---who would not imagine of laying down their arms under any condition.

The japanese laid down and wrote the laws for combat---last man to the last bullet and the death by suicide bomb---the japanese pride in not laying down their arms and not believing in surrender became their ultimate nightmare.

Why did the japanese had to execute in millions the chinese civilian populations or the philipinos or those in singapore and other places they conquered en masse---why did they have to kill anyone or anyone who looked non japanese---war crimes didnot mean anything to the japs---killing of the unarmed soldiers was fun and games---a satisfaction of japanese pride and self serving ego.

A people who didnot believe that a soldier who laid down his arms has any right to live---how many thousands of soldiers were killed by the japs---just because they laid down their arms---how many thousands died in prison camps like changi---thousands and thousands---from malnutrition and executions---malnutrition because the japs didnot want to give food to those soldiers who had laid down their weapons---.

And why are we paks badering the americans over here---ain't we been threatenibg to use the same device to satisfy our means as well---regardless what the circumstances are.
hey totach just wanted to know what do think of your foreign minister. have to admit that dude is some kinda a crazy
How they can even "DARE" to think about Destroying Pakistan.
They are feeding their proxies In Pakistan Through their Indian "Friends".

Tell them to wait and you have my promise we will triple the amount of BS and send it back.:tup:

It is funny the thread is about Pakistan and Israel, yet input into the thread relates to destruction of Pakistan, or shall I say Israel intention of distruction of Pakistan.

The word Proxy is thrown around so easly in this forum, where it does not matter no more. In order for any country to create such "Proxy", it requires time and dedication, but here India buy's one missile technology from Israelies, it becomes a "Proxy."

Well let me tell you a true form of Proxy--------Afgan Taliban!!!!! Need I say more...
It is funny

Its not funny !
the thread is about Pakistan and Israel, yet input into the thread relates to destruction of Pakistan, or shall I say Israel intention of distruction of Pakistan.

It was you who started it , Well Israel has Tried to Attack us for a couple of times with their Indian friends but they did not had any "Balls" so stop spreading your BS all over the place.

The word Proxy is thrown around so easly in this forum, where it does not matter no more.

And why it does not matter? / to you or to us.

In order for any country to create such "Proxy", it requires time and dedication, but here India buy's one missile technology from Israelies, it becomes a "Proxy."

Who is Spending 100 Billion Dollars on weapons ?:blink:

Well let me tell you a true form of Proxy--------Afgan Taliban!!!!! Need I say more...

The sense of insecurity among the people of Pakistan has become so high that they have started sensing proxies and a plan to dismantle pakistan in each and everything

they had nothing to do with Israel and they made a enemy out of them. Americans they are the enemy. Ever Arabs are enimies because they are useless spines.

Apart from china which just provides with the supplies i have started feeling that the whole world is enemy of china though china is making the economy of pakistan dependent on him and the local industries are crumbling because of that

Israel on the other hand if was just cup of tea then it would have been destroyed by now. it existed even with the presence of nuclear power pakistan and so it is going to exist. so it would be better to have good relations when you know that you cannot remove an entity from existance so there is no use in living in hatred for that entity
same old propaganda ....... bla bla bla

the Palestinans rejected 1947 U.N offer for 2 states
they are cowards terorists using only force even between
their own people
ask any Israeli arab citizen if he want to live in the palestinian state
there not even one why????????

I live in Haifa which is mixed town some of my best friends are arab
Muslims and Christians all of them want to stay Israeli citizen
all of them think that Yassser Araffat was a gay... stole
billion of dollars from his people and never wanted peace with Israel
He was dreaming like most members here to be on the road to Jerusalem with force and push all the Jews to the sea

but again as I said here before Israel is the homeland for all Jews
it will always be and is here forever
got that?:tup:

We want peace and respect
Inshalla it will come


Propaganda? how is it propaganda when it is a historical fact?
you just have to open a history book to confirm what I am saying. Of course the Palestinians rejected the 1947 partition plan because it was unfair. First of all who is Britain to give away land that is occupied already, second of all the partition plan and the way it was created was absolutely fraudulent. Before the two major migrations of jews into palestine, jews were less than 6% of the total population, how the heck did European jews end up with 56% of the most fertile land in the 1947 plan? Notice I said EUROPEAN jews who I believe have nothing to do in the Middle East.
I'm sorry, lets go back a bit. Palestinians from all over the world, conspirated with the world's leading powers and created a false claim based on a constructed misconception of a right to some land, they or their grandfathers have never seen, infiltrated into a land claiming it was empty and its people doesn't exist, then had the UN under pressure from the same leading powers carve up the land with the foreign people getting the advantage, and then attack into the malicious people's areas claiming selfdefence. Annexing the land, deporting the people under terror and initiate various ethnic cleansing projects.
Does that sound familiar to you?
Tell me are you a member of the Hasbara network?
Yes Arafat was a corrupt moron, what's your point?
And the only reason why Palestinians in the 48 doesn't want to move to the occupied palestinian areas is because of its poor state as a result of occupation, believe me it's not out of love to you. We all know how you treat them.
How is "Israel" a homeland for all jews? that's pure racism.
How is a jew let's say who was born in Alaska have more of a right to live in Palestine than a Palestinian?
You see, there will never be peace with you as long as you have this supremist and racist thinking.
I am afraid you will inflict a second holocaust on yourself. What a tragedy that would be.
Israel & Pakistan :woot:

David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister had something real interesting to say about us:

“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”

- David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister. His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1967.
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