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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

What a brilliant Idea :D

Now India can have a Tri party talks with India-China-pakistan and discuss both Indus river AND Brahmaputra river :lol:

In fact, thanks to chinese interference, we can now make a directly claim that any New Indus Water treaty will be signed ALONG with a treaty for Brahmaputra river with China and BD :devil:


It's not just the Brahmaputra river you need to worry about regarding the Chinese.....
What a brilliant Idea :D

Now India can have a Tri party talks with India-China-pakistan and discuss both Indus river AND Brahmaputra river :lol:

In fact, thanks to chinese interference, we can now make a directly claim that any New Indus Water treaty will be signed ALONG with a treaty for Brahmaputra river with China and BD :devil:


You are welcome!
India would never violate IWT...if they did, it would be an act of war.

Furthermore, they are in no position to threaten Pakistan of such acts, as the Dragon controls much of their water.


In the 1950s, the People’s Republic of China upped its ante for occupying Tibet. In the year 1959, His Holiness the Dalai Lama escaped from his land and the Chinese occupation of Tibet was “complete”.

Besides getting a big boost in its territorial expanse, access to South East Asia and mastery over the huge natural resources of Tibet, China gained control over 46 percent of the world’s population (as per current figures) who depend upon rivers originating in Tibet— these rivers include the Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy, Salween and Mekong.

China’s ambitious plans of becoming a major world power started with this occupation. The world ignored this as an “internal matter”, without realising that it was soon going to be changed in many ways by this development and that these changes started with India’s sensitive frontier regions.

Since the 1960s, China’s unprecedented progress in all tangible spheres like industry, trade, power generation, cultural propaganda, etc., have not been in the interest or safeguards of the world. It has adopted a multi-pronged approach towards world domination, something like what the USA had adopted much earlier. India, especially the northeast and Jammu and Kashmir, has much to fear from the policies and demands of this stealthy and overpopulated neighbour controlling our water sources.

Water As A Weapon

Much has been debated about the impact of the dams China has built on the rivers that flow through Indian land, but little is known about their details. Before deliberating much on this, other lesser-known, scorching issues that could affect us in the future should be highlighted.

55 percent of China’s 1.36 billion people reside in urban centres and the urban population has an annual growth rate of three percent (higher than the Chinese average of 0.5 percent). This population pressure will increase China’s demand for water. China has started to bottle Tibetan water and, in 2014, the government of the Tibetan Autonomous Region established a $54 million development fund to promote the bottled water industry.

Madeleine Lovelle of Future Directions International warns that development of the bottled water industry threatens available water sources for China’s downstream neighbours, and could have dire implications for water security across the entire region. The World Bank estimates that, by 2030, China’s population will reach 1.4 billion. Irrigated agriculture, on the other hand, takes up almost 40 percent of land on the Tibetan Plateau. Chinese irrigation practices are leading to overexploitation of water resources and continuation of this will add further tension between China and neighbouring downstream states.

Unless China displays empathy for the lower altitude neighbours of their occupied land, water shortage will scorch future generations of many states in the near future. Construction of dams on international rivers such as the Mekong, Brahmaputra or Amur shows that China is adamant on unilateral actions and least bothered about the happenings below. The key concern about China’s dam building activities (which one shall not detail here) for downriver countries is its opacity on such projects. The construction behemoth begins a project secretly and then presents it as necessary and beneficial (for flood control).

Bhaskar Dutta Baruah----swarajyamag.com 9/24/2016
Do your country men understand the importance of cutting water to Pakistan or is it a Toy

The Good will expired as soon as Indian attacked pakistan in 1965, 1971 , any cut on Pakistans would be war. That would a suicidal move by India

Under the treaty , we had gave up some rights over the Eastern flowing rivers
in order that India does not messes with Western rivers


Therefore it is suggested , Indian politicians (realize the importance) of leting Kashmiri vote by democratic means so we don't move towards such a 100-200 year impact scenario. Respect the will of international community for freeing Kashmir.

People who suggest on water cuts , or abuse against civilian populations should know , we have moved on , and we demand a peaceful end to crisis for people of Kashmir. We do not wish to even entertain any idea of water cuts

And politicians of India need to smell the coffee.

- On 1965 war
Pakistan started the 1965 war with Operation Grandslam and Operation Gibraltar. India only responded to Pakistan by opening the Punjab front which left Pakistani forces gasping to defend Lahore and took steam out of operation Grand slam/Gibraltar.

- On Kashmir resolution
India always stood for that it was Pakistan who is shying away by not agreeing to UN Kashmir resolution. Kindly look up to that document it will be eye opener for Indians as well as Pakistanis on this forum. Besides that it is Pakistan which has ceded the Kashmir territory to China.

_ It is for Pakistan to smell the coffee where every now and then somebody drops the drop the word "nuke them". Jaise Nuclear bomb na hogaya , moongfali ka dana ho gaya jehda man kita ooh kha lavey. When Pakistani establishment starts with nuclear threat it simple means that they do not have conventional capability to withstand India thus providing enough feed for war mongers just across Pakistan in India. Pakistani and Indians need to understand one thing no country with nuclear capability will be happy with lose of geography whether India, Pakistan, Russia, or China. They all will resort to nuking the other if pushed to a corner then at that stage it doesn't matter whether one has "No First use policy" or it it has policy to use " Only when substantial area is lost". It is status quo in Kashmir the sooner we all realise the better for all of humans living in sub continent. No matter what whether somebody likes it or not.

Seriously treaty needs to be scrapped and India's Share should be increased to 50%

Do you really know what you are talking about?
It's not just the Brahmaputra river you need to worry about regarding the Chinese.....

We need to start somewhere, right ? :D

Now that china has offered to step in, this is a golden opportunity for India to use this to our advantage.
Stopping water is what a coward enemy does best.
What else can they do anyway, except blow up schools or markets....
sending proxies too is cowardly, now its hard to quantify cowardness . now you expect to hurt us and expect nothing in return is stupidity.
It's not just the Brahmaputra river you need to worry about regarding the Chinese.....

Unless off course China wants to loose Indian markets and trade, and want an overt enemy at its door step. I say China will stay neutral.

As on the topic...there is no need to punish common Pakistanis, for the aggression of its establishment.
Stopping water is what a coward enemy does best.
What else can they do anyway, except blow up schools or markets....

What about the cowards who send terrorists behind our back .... If this is the only way we make the enemy understand the pain then why not exercise ..... We are not for one who like to see ppl suffer but this should be used to freeze the terms of peace ....
We need to start somewhere, right ? :D

Now that china has offered to step in, this is a golden opportunity for India to use this to our advantage.

The problem is that you may be finished right at the starting point, I don't see the advantage there.

Unless off course China wants to loose Indian markets and trade, and want an overt enemy at its door step. I say China will stay neutral.

As on the topic...there is no need to punish common Pakistanis, for the aggression of its establishment.

The South China Sea, do you think they are bothered by the Indian "market". Your own analysts are writing about a nasty Chinese response, your media says the same thing. Why haven't they picked up on this?
I'm with you, no one should play with water in the region, especially one with so much interdependence.
The problem is that you may be finished right at the starting point, I don't see the advantage there.

That is the worst case scenario.

Best case scenario is that we use this to have a treaty with China too, Get BD a treaty with China, force pakistan to end terrorism AND give the control of Indus river to kashmir.

India has EVERYTHING to gain from this, pakistan has EVERYTHING to lose.
That is the worst case scenario.

Best case scenario is that we use this to have a treaty with China too, Get BD a treaty with China, force pakistan to end terrorism AND give the control of Indus river to kashmir.

India has EVERYTHING to gain from this, pakistan has EVERYTHING to lose.

No you have everything to lose. China signing a treaty? They did in 2013, but that will be torn up and far worse will follow.
The problem is that you may be finished right at the starting point, I don't see the advantage there.

China has not entered into any treaty for sharing river waters with any country

SO why should we care ; And after all Terrorism is an International war crime

China signing a treaty? They did in 2013, but that will be torn up and far worse will follow.

With whom did they sign
No you have everything to lose. China signing a treaty? They did in 2013, but that will be torn up and far worse will follow.

Let us agree to disagree.

My logic is faultless, and you are banking on 'hope'.

China is far too smart to fall for this trick and get involved. I have ZERO doubt that they will stay away except for making a few comments and publish a few articles in global times.
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