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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

Also, as China is building Dam to stop Indus water.

The old thief India (in ur POV) can't steal ur water as China is not leaving any water to steal.
If u want to do some India bashing then the scene become different.

We are not talking about India.

We are talking about rightful Pakistani water which some one is stealing and i have proved the thief is China.

As any sane person will understand if China builds the Dam to stop water then from where India give water to Pakistan.

So, plz don't be ignorant.


If you are talking about water theft why talk only about India and not china..
oh..i forgot china is your so called true friend:D

you people want to say that before this Dam India never did anything regarding water theft??

& i am not blind, so stop using big fonts
So, you want to say that since India has stealing (in ur POV) water.

Now, China has the right to steal Pakistani water.

Then what are u complaining about.

whats makes you think only Pakistan is victim of Indian water theft ehh??

India has resumed construction of the Tipaimukh dam on the Barack River which ends a kilometer north of Jakiganj in Sylhet division in the north-east of Bangladesh. The river then divide into two – the Surma and Kushiara before entering Bangladesh.The dam construction work was stalled in March 2007 in the face of protests within and outside India. The Tipaimukh dam will be built 200 km from the Amolshid border, at Jakiganj, to construct a 162.5M water reservoir for hydro-power generation. The dam when completed in 2012 is supposed to provide 1500 megawatts (actually 400 MW) of power to the Indian state of Assam barrage is to be built 100 km from the Bangladesh border at Fulertal in India on same river for irrigation purposes.These two arrangements on the same Barrack River will bring a major disaster for Bangladesh, practically contributing to the drying up of 350 km long Surma and the 110 km long Kushiara Rivers which water most of the north-eastern regions of Bangladesh. As a result agriculture in large portions of Bangladesh will be affected, particularly in winter,n 1976 India put into operation the Farakka dam which more or less destroyed the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin, most of which lies in the deltaic plains of Bangladesh and in 1990 India also constructed a dam along the Teesta river thereby virtually making ineffective much of the Teesta dam project constructed down-stream in Bangladesh to support irrigation and agriculture in the north-west region of the country. India has evolved plans to divert waters, from the north of the country to its drought-prone southern and eastern states.Although the Indian and Bangladeshi governments have a water sharing agreement for the Ganges, there are none for the other 53 rivers that cross the border. With the Tipaimukh dam now underway, India seems to be going ahead with its mega-project of diverting river waters from its north to its south and east, thereby putting Bangladesh’s very survival at stake.

and for Nepal here is a link The Kosi river was once known as the sorrow of India's eastern state of Bihar - but it has now become Nepal's sorrow, This damwould flood forests and cultivated areas, and cause compulsory resettlement of people in Nepal

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India's river plans spark furore
as said by Indian Media back in 2001-2003

There will not be wars taking place for Oil, Gold or Wealth in this century........ there will be wars taking place for Water in this 21st century
This topic has been discussed to death.
Whatever India is doing is as per UN guidelines.If you have any problems take the matter to the UN.

But you won't stop china from constructing dam which doesn't even have water sharing agreement with you.Talk of Double standards.
emo its not hard to understand

first you have to find what china is doing and how many dams they are making

i know you love us too much that you can hear about china

but as an nation we will do all the need stps we required

you know

yeah Right, we have the same right don't we India even protested on dam that has got nothing to with her :lol:

any ways Baglihar Dam Issue is very old than this recen

India concerned over Pak dam project

Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury

The Pakistan government's approval for the construction of the mega Diamer-Bhasha dam in the Northern Areas, in Azad Kashmir (***), could initiate a fresh row with India.

New Delhi says the proposed project would not only be located in an illegally held territory but could also cause floods in Jammu and Kashmir. It is also concerned over reports that the dam may be built with Chinese assistance.

The 4,500-megawatt Diamer-Bhasha dam project was approved by Pakistan's Executive Committee of the National Economic Council last Thursday. Construction of the dam on the River Indus, some 400 km from Islamabad, would begin by October 2010 and be completed in eight to 10 years. Its payback period will be 30 years. Islamabad claims the project will be a lifeline for the country.

The project is the biggest ever approved in the history of Pakistan. Islamabad says that the 272-metre high concrete dam would have a storage capacity of 6.4 million acre-feet and would irrigate more than 33 million acres and help reduce sedimentation in the Tarbela Dam.

However, the Indian government, unhappy over the development, was contemplating raising objections with Islamabad on the issue, foreign ministry sources said.

Besides Indian reservations, the project faces internal issues.

The Bhasha water reservoir will be located in the Northern Areas and power will be generated in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP). The likelihood of the two regions getting into a tangle over hydropower royalties is high. Also, while the power plant will be located in NWFP, it will inundate large areas of Gilgit-Baltistan.

In order to appease the locals, the name of the dam was changed from Bhasha to Diamer-Bhasha. But that hasn't stopped Gilgit-Baltistan locals from protesting.

Abdul Hamid Khan, the Balawaristan National Front chairman and exiled political leader from the Gilgit-Baltistan region, claimed that Pakistan was planning to build six mega dams (including the Diamer-Bhasha dam) in *** without consulting the local people. "More than half the indigenous population of the region would be affected. More than a million of the two million people in the region would be displaced," Khan said.

India concerned over Pak dam project: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

This topic has been discussed to death.
Whatever India is doing is as per UN guidelines.If you have any problems take the matter to the UN.

But you won't stop china from constructing dam which doesn't even have water sharing agreement with you.Talk of Double standards.

I never said that Chinese are doing any good, any ways Baglihar Dam Issue is very old than this recent Chinese Dam, I am stunned India didn't knew that water coming down to them is lesser than usual :cheesy:
isn't it?

This is issue is like 'life & death' situation for both countries & MUST be resolved
Oh come on if china is probably building this dam.Then either it is according to world guidelines or will probably become one after Pakistan's Concern.

On the Other hand INDIA has been systematically engaged in water theft building a number of huge dams to steal Pakistani water and tearing apart all the agreements.
Once again showing real Indian Face.
Link: Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan (Daily Times, 2nd June)


One good signal came when our Indus Waters Commissioner Mr Jamaat Ali Shah left for India last week for talks with his counterpart. Reported in Nawa-e-Waqt (May 31, 2009), Indus Waters Treaty Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah, while leaving for New Delhi to talk about waters shared by India and Pakistan, said that Pakistan was getting its share of waters under the Indus Treaty and that building a dam was the right of India. He said less water in Pakistani rivers was because of lack of rain, not because India had blocked it.
are you from china

if china block water then how you can complain to india we have to provide for our pepoples

First of all i am Pakistani.And i no way feel to justify my identity to an Indian.

And secondly you are justifying the breach of agreements and theft of water by giving absurd argument that we need it.So aren't we humans.Or do Aliens live in Pakistan that can survive without water.

Well what can anybody expect from India.They took Kashmir the same way.
I think in today's situation, its foolish to talk about India and Pakistan honoring treaties with each other. Today, both of them will try and hurt each other where they can.. Pakistan by instigating terrorism in India and denying it or blaming on Non state actors.. India by turning the screws via international pressure, Water control and presense in Afg. Each of these issues can not be addressed independently till the time the basic animosity gets sorted out..
well son your father or grandfather were indian

you took kashmir one day will will take P O K

huh.So what maybe they were.But time changes everyone.


Ya we took it so you killed 100,000 innocent kashmiri's for cooperating with us.

I think in today's situation, its foolish to talk about India and Pakistan honoring treaties with each other. Today, both of them will try and hurt each other where they can.. Pakistan by instigating terrorism in India and denying it or blaming on Non state actors.. India by turning the screws via international pressure, Water control and presense in Afg. Each of these issues can not be addressed independently till the time the basic animosity gets sorted out.

Hence it is Proved that one cannot trust India or take their word.
Oh come on if china is probably building this dam.Then either it is according to world guidelines or will probably become one after Pakistan's Concern.

On the Other hand INDIA has been systematically engaged in water theft building a number of huge dams to steal Pakistani water and tearing apart all the agreements.
Once again showing real Indian Face.

This shows ur ignorance.

Suppose if in future china bombed in Pakistan then also u will say that there must be some good because it is done by China.

Brother, plz be realistic.
First of all i am Pakistani.And i no way feel to justify my identity to an Indian.

And secondly you are justifying the breach of agreements and theft of water by giving absurd argument that we need it.So aren't we humans.Or do Aliens live in Pakistan that can survive without water.

Well what can anybody expect from India.They took Kashmir the same way.

If there is some disputes we can both sit and discuss.

But what can we expect from India type of attitude will not take u anywhere.

Also if u r expecting this from India then why r u complaining.

The bad guy India is doing u also do whatever u can.
huh.So what maybe they were.But time changes everyone.


Ya we took it so you killed 100,000 innocent kashmiri's for cooperating with us.

Hence it is Proved that one cannot trust India or take their word.

India had already done more than it should.

Indian leadership is coming out of Pakistani centric goodwill gestures and footless friendship approaches etc.
This shows ur ignorance.

Suppose if in future china bombed in Pakistan then also u will say that there must be some good because it is done by China.

Brother, plz be realistic.

lol.first you should be realistic making some hypothetical scenario doesn't help your advice.

If there is some disputes we can both sit and discuss.

But what can we expect from India type of attitude will not take u anywhere.

Also if u r expecting this from India then why r u complaining.

The bad guy India is doing u also do whatever u can.

Have you really read the above post of your Indian Brethren.

They are openly stating that any agreement doesn't mean anything to India.
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