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Pakistan and China should sign an agreement on division of Kashmir

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Do what you want on your own forum. This is ours.
Absolutely then make sure you host it on your land!- Once it is open source its fair game. Unless off course you want to ban me, which you wont, I wonder why?- Anyway you are not the webmaster here so scoot!
Are you saying the China has agreed for Orange/Yellow region to join Pakistan?

View attachment 642897
This is our map and China knows and recognize it.
This is our map and China knows and recognize it.

I am confused. This map includes Saksham valley, Siachin and Aksai chin as well.

Are you saying China plans to return these areas as well to Pakistan?
If only engaging in long war of attrition and gaining territory were as easy as signing papers

Not saying signing papers is easy like the one below

Recognized as part of China by Pakistan. Pakistan and China do not have any territorial claims against each other.

But as per the agreement the final boundary will be agreed upon later. Read Article 6 below.


The Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of Pakistan;
Having agreed, with a view to ensuring to prevailing peace and tranquility on the border, to formally delimit and demarcate the boundary between China's Sinkiang and the contiguous areas the defence of which is under the actual control of Pakistan, in a spirit of fairness, reasonableness, mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, and on the basis of the ten principles as enunciated in the Bandung conference;
Being convinced that this would not only give full expression to the desire of the peoples of China and Pakistan for the development of good neighbourly and friendly relations, but also help safeguard Asian and world peace.
Have resolved for this purpose to conclude the present agreement and have appointed as their respective plenipotentiaries the following:
For the Government of the People's Republic of China; Chen Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
For the Government of Pakistan; Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Minister of External Affairs;
Who, having mutually examined their full powers and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following:
Article 1
In view of the fact that the boundary between China's Sinkiang and contiguous areas the defence of which is under the actual control of Pakistan has never been formally delimited, two parties agree to delimit it on the basis of the traditional customary boundary line including natural features and in a spirit of equality, mutual benefit and friendly co-operation.
Article 2
(One) In accordance with the principle expounded in Article 1 of the present agreement, the two parties have fixed, as follows the alignment of the entire boundary line between China's Sinkiang and the contiguous areas the defence of which is under the actual control of Pakistan:

(1) Commencing from its north-western extremity at height 5630 metres (a peak, the reference co-ordinates of which are approximately longitude 74 degrees 34 minutes east and latitude 37 degrees 03 minutes north), the boundary line runs generally eastward and then southeastward strictly along the main watershed between the tributaries of the Tashkurgan river of the Tarim river system on the one hand and tributaries of the Hunza river of the Indus river system on the other hand, passing through the Kalik Daban (Dawan), the Mintake Daban (pass), the Kharchanai Daban (named on the Chinese map only), the Mutsjilga Daban (named on the Chinese map only), and the Parpik Pass (named on the Pakistan map only), and reaches the Khunjerab (Yutr) Daban (Pass).
(2) After passing through the Khunjerab (Yutr) Daban (pass), the boundary line runs generally southward along the above mentioned main watershed up to a mountain-top south of this Daban (pass), where it leaves the main watershed to follow the crest of a spur lying generally in a southeasterly direction, which is the watershed between the Akijilga river (a nameless corresponding river on the Pakistan map) on the one hand, and the Taghumbash (Oprang) river and the Koliman Su (Oprang Jilga) on the other hand.
According to the map of the Chinese side, the boundary line, after leaving the southeastern extremity of this spur, runs along a small section of the middle line of the bed of the Keliman Su to reach its confluence with the Kelechin river. According to the map of the Pakistan side, the boundary line, after leaving the southeastern extremity of the spur, reaches the sharp bend of the Shaksgam or Muztagh River.
(3) From the aforesaid point, the boundary line runs up the Kelechin river (Shaksgam or Mistagh river) along the middle line of its bed to its confluence (reference co-ordinates approximately longitude 76 degrees 02 minutes east and latitude 36 degrees 26 minutes north) with the Snorbulak Daria (shimshal river or Braldu river).
(4) From the confluence of the aforesaid two rivers, the boundary line, according to the map of the Chinese side, ascends the crest of a spur and runs along it to join the Karokoram range main watershed at a mountain-top (reference co-ordinates approximately longitude 75 degrees 54 minutes east and latitude 36 degrees 15 minutes north) which on this map is shown as belonging to the Shorgulak mountain. According to the map of the Pakistan side, the boundary line from the confluence of the above-mentioned two rivers ascends the crest of a corresponding spur and runs along it, passing through height 6520 metres (21,390 feet) till it joins the Karakoram range
main watershed at a peak (reference co-ordinates approximately longitude 75 degrees 57 minutes east and latitude 36 degrees 03 minutes north).
(5) Thence, the boundary line, running generally southward and then eastward, strictly follows the Karakoram range main watershed which separates the Tarim river drainage system from the Indus river drainage system, passing through the east Mustagh pass (Mustagh pass), the top of the Chogri peak (K-2), the top of the broad peak, the top of the Gasherbrum mountain 8068, the Indirakoli pass (names on the Chinese maps only) and the top of the Teram Kankri peak, and reaches its southeastern extremity at the Karakoram pass.
(Two) The alignment of the entire boundary line as described in section one of this article, has been drawn on the one million scale map of the Chinese side in Chinese and the one million scale map of the Pakistan side in English which are signed and attached to the present agreement. (Not attached in this book)
(Three) In view of the fact that the maps of the two sides are not fully identical in their representation of the topographical features the two parties have agreed that the actual features on the ground shall prevail, so far as the location and alignment of the boundary described in Section one is concerned, and that they will be determined as far as possible by joint survey on the ground.
Article 3
The two parties have agreed that:
Wherever the boundary follows a river, the middle line of the river, the middle line of the river bed shall be the boundary line; and that
Wherever the boundary passes through Daban (pass), the water-parting line thereof shall be the boundary line.
Article 4
I. The two parties have agreed to set up, as soon as possible, a joint boundary demarcation commission. Each side will appoint a chairman, one or more members and a certain number of advisers and technical staff. The joint boundary demarcation commission is charged with the responsibility, in accordance with the provisions of the present agreement, to hold concrete discussions on and carry out the following tasks jointly:
(1) To conduct necessary surveys of the boundary area on the ground, as stated in Article 2 of the present agreement, so as to set up boundary markers at places considered to the appropriate by the two parties and to delineate the boundary line of the jointly prepared accurate maps.
(2) To draft a protocol setting forth in detail the alignment of the entire boundary line and the location of all the boundary markers and prepare and get printed detailed maps, to be attached to the protocol, with the boundary line and the location of the boundary markers shown on them.
II. The aforesaid protocol, upon being signed by the representatives of the Government of the two countries, shall become an annex to the present agreement, and the detailed maps shall replace the maps attached to the present agreement.
III. Upon the conclusion of the above-mentioned protocol, the tasks of the joint boundary demarcation commission shall be terminated.
Article 5
The two Parties have agreed that any dispute concerning the boundary, which may arise after the delimitation of the boundary line actually existing between the two countries shall be settled peacefully by the two parties through friendly consultations.
Article 6
The two Parties have agreed that after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the Government of the People's Republic of China, on the boundary as described in Article Two of the present Agreement, so as to sign a formal Boundary Treaty to replace the present agreement:

Provided that in the event of that sovereign authority being Pakistan, the provisions of this agreement and the aforesaid Protocol shall be maintained in the formal Boundary Treaty to be signed between the Peoples Republic of China and Pakistan.
Ariticle 7
The present agreement shall come into force on the date of its signature.
Done in duplicate in Peking on the second day of March, 1963, in the Chinese and English language, both texts being eqully authentic.

Marshal Chen Yi,
Plenipotentiary of the
People's Republic of China

Zulfikar Ali Bhutoo,
Plenipotentiary of the
Government of the Government of Pakistan

I think the time have come for Pakistan and China to sign an agreement on the division of Indian occupied J&K.

Green regions go to Pakistan while the Orange/Yellow regions go to China.

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This is what i was thinking for a long time. We need to solidify our claims and have an understanding with china from now. Pakistan get the muslim majority areas. Mostly ladakh belongs to china. Your map is good but i think siachen belongs to Pakistan and thus the division should be sich as we have an eastern border with chinese aksai chin. More like the map below. If Inshallah successful, the new border will give Pakistan huge advantage. The length of LOC n working boundary is more than 900 km, the new border on map would reduce that to about 200 km, saving us massive equipment, soldiers n cost that can be utilized elsewhere. It will also increase distance of our capital Islamabad from the border. It will also give us control of rivers. Delhi and northwest india would be covered from north and west. Strategically it would stabalize everything.

This is what i was thinking for a long time. We need to solidify our claims and have an understanding with china from now. Pakistan get the muslim majority areas. Mostly ladakh belongs to china. Your map is good but i think siachen belongs to Pakistan and thus the division should be sich as we have an eastern border with chinese aksai chin. More like the map below. If Inshallah successful, the new border will give Pakistan huge advantage. The length of LOC n working boundary is more than 900 km, the new border on map would reduce that to about 200 km, saving us massive equipment, soldiers n cost that can be utilized elsewhere. It will also increase distance of our capital Islamabad from the border. It will also give us control of rivers. Delhi and northwest india would be covered from north and west. Strategically it would stabalize everything.

View attachment 642909

Great brother and I agree. I was lazy hence was using available pictures on the internet to make my point.
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Reported for propagating false narrative- This will give others to open a thread about dividing Pakistan with Afghanistan/Iran and India - Would that be ok?
That's not really comparable kashmir is a disputed territory and he only talked about that territory and not the whole India so come up with a better argument.
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Hindus have no claim on Kashmir.

Hindus said that only majority muslim populated districts in Punjab and Bengal should go to Pakistan, why do they demand Kashmir?

If hindus claim Kashmir, Pakistan must claim All of indian punjab, himachal, and harayana as they were part of british punjab.
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