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Pakistan Air Force will have to operate from Afghanistan to escape S-400: Senior Indian MoD official

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First pls take care of the muslim migrated on 1947,they are treated very badly in Pakistan,they have to make a seperate party called MQM and you still think they are indian and against PAK.
Indian Muslim knows this they will not fall into this trap.Stop this.
You better think how will you defend against S-400.
The belief that muslim migrants who came from Indian occupied parts to Pakistani controlled ones are oppressed is a false one. Urdu is the national tongue. Urdu speakers have access to better education and the urban centers and are voting for a militant party and despite this the rest of the ethnic groups tolerate them.

Muslims have always been loyal to Pakistan. it is just in the past 30 years that muslims in Indian occupied parts are gravitating to India. My uncle from Lucknow always said during cricket matches there would be bets and the muslims would vouch for Pakistan. I still know people in Lucknow loyal to Pakistan and many relatives and friends from that region share that feeling. India only gave us second class citizen rights and mistreated us. Any muslim can be caught and framed on false terror charges-very similar to the Jama Masjid and Samjhauta express case where innocent muslims were picked up.
S 400 is good assets to be gain in air defence field but it would not give India much edge due to less width of Pakistan as it can be covered with a range of 150-200 km.
But such system in hand of Pakistan will give much more edge to Pakistan over India due to larger area of country.

So, IAFshould manage to secure its assets if PAF plans to opt such systems.Sooner or Later it would happen.
Let them buy S-400 system first. :D
Bhai jan why don't you try to answer your members clearly implied genocide because it was HE who stated that the very reason RSS and Shev Sena exist is to eliminate the majority of the 200 million Indian Muslims with their rights completely removed from the Constitutions in a time of war with Pakistan instead of finding scapegoat reasons to move away from the topic.

For once in your life stop being a hypocrite.

Hummmmmmm RSS and shiv sena and all we want to eliminate minorities and still the people died in communal clashes in last 1 year is in 2 figure in a country of 1250 million. What about Pakistan where the secular person like you and many other on the forum lives. What happens to Ahemadias and shias? We know very well. Indian Muslims have silenly watched the conditions of migrant in pakistan and how the Mujahirs are treated in pakistan. Watch some discussion of Pakistani representatives with Indian Muslims on you tube and how Madni humiliated Musharraf. You will get an idea. Indian Muslims are considering themselves luckey that they did not do the mistake like some people did in 1947. They openly say that there is no better place for muslims than india. However, you can repeat your rant as you guys have a deep rooted habit of lying.
Times and geopolitics have changed a lot.

Things have changed a lot since past. Its not about $$$ anymore, its about security and geopolitics. Russians are feeling heat from NATO on their western flanks, the last thing they would want is to jeopardize other plausible access to outside world via CPEC. Russia technically is a land locked country in terms of practical trade routes and access to outside world. Their access to Bosporus is under pressure by Turkey for the reasons already known.
Mr . Khan ... U blv so ? With price of a barrel of oil at 25 $ all time low n u think , russia being energy dependent economy is not worried bou $$$
Ur very wrong !

When i was in 18s I heard about this deal first time in News Paper ,I joined Defence related community in 2003 .Its now 13 years of my life reading /Listening for many things ,One thing i can assure you from my experience .

1. PAF J10 deal is more like Rafale deal (Or they are waiting for you to complete Rafale)
2. IAF MRCA is no where finalized and there are more than few details on which both parties have differences. Thats the sole reason LM/SAAB/EU Consortium are looking for assemble lines in India .36 Rafale in G2G transaction might occur but time line is important already Rafale are booking orders with Egypt/Qatar Done deal ,Kuwait likely to go for this after US showing no interest in this order F18 hornet .UAE is actively seeking replacement for Mirage 2000 and likely to end up so there will be a big lag off .IAF missed the trick by delaying this .So if you say so but there are intial payments to be made before confirmation i dont think India has paid that yet
Dude, India does not have da luxury of big brothers dolling out planes n cash at regular intervals .....
Our money is hard earned ... Each n every penny
N u think 11 Billion dollars a joke ? R u a billionare man ?
We ain't gonna give 11 billion to french coz some defense freak was a infant or neonate or adolescent !
Rafales r seriousely freakin expensive machine n for da love of pdf , dont conpare it to j watevr ! Rafales r in a different league altogether!
Dude, India does not have da luxury of big brothers dolling out planes n cash at regular intervals .....
Our money is hard earned ... Each n every penny
N u think 11 Billion dollars a joke ? R u a billionare man ?
We ain't gonna give 11 billion to french coz some defense freak is gettin old ! Rafales r seriousely freakin expensive machine n for da love of pdf , dont conpare it to jf watevr !

From This probably you will understand what i mean

Dassault not to start work on Qatar Rafale Order Until Advance Payment Received
Our Bureau
01:57 PM, November 14, 2015

French President François Hollande and Cheikh Tamim Ben Hamad Emir of Qatar witness the signing ceremony. Photo Credit:Dassault-Aviation.
- A +
Work on building the Rafale aircraft for Qatar will not start until the Gulf nation first pays a deposit for the 6.3 billion Euro deal to purchase 24 fighter aircraft including 2 billion Euro worth weapons.

Various French newspapers reported disquiet in the French government and Dassault over the non-receipt of an unspecified amount as first installment. It is in this context that the proposed visit of the Prime Minister of Qatar, Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, to Paris starting next week assumes significance.

“No down payment, no contract in force,” commented The Tribune newspaper, continuing that Qatar had signed the contract in early May for the Rafale fighter equipped with the latest weapons including Scalp and Meteor air-to-air missiles. The aircraft are to be delivered from 2018 onward at the rate of 11 aircraft per year, a schedule which Dassault Aviation would find difficult to keep unless the deposit is paid and production commenced.

Various other reports have suggested that the slump in the price of oil, which dictates much of the Gulf nations’ budget priorities, could be a reason for Qatar to go slow on the Rafale purchase.

The Qatar deal, coming soon after Egypt signed up to buy the Rafale was celebrated in Paris as breaking the single export customer jinx. Rafale’s sales prospects in India is yet to materialize while there is a question mark over its sales prospects in the UAE.

Reports from the Dubai Air show say that the UAE government just fell short of announcing a major deal, believed to be the Rafale purchase, on the last day of the show.
Hummmmmmm RSS and shiv sena and all we want to eliminate minorities and still the people died in communal clashes in last 1 year is in 2 figure in a country of 1250 million. What about Pakistan where the secular person like you and many other on the forum lives. What happens to Ahemadias and shias? We know very well. Indian Muslims have silenly watched the conditions of migrant in pakistan and how the Mujahirs are treated in pakistan. Watch some discussion of Pakistani representatives with Indian Muslims on you tube and how Madni humiliated Musharraf. You will get an idea. Indian Muslims are considering themselves luckey that they did not do the mistake like some people did in 1947. They openly say that there is no better place for muslims than india. However, you can repeat your rant as you guys have a deep rooted habit of lying.
Mean while in Most peaceful country for Muslims aka India
I won't say 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai': Owaisi to Mohan Bhagwat - IBNLive
From This probably you will understand what i mean

Dassault not to start work on Qatar Rafale Order Until Advance Payment Received
Our Bureau
01:57 PM, November 14, 2015

French President François Hollande and Cheikh Tamim Ben Hamad Emir of Qatar witness the signing ceremony. Photo Credit:Dassault-Aviation.
- A +
Work on building the Rafale aircraft for Qatar will not start until the Gulf nation first pays a deposit for the 6.3 billion Euro deal to purchase 24 fighter aircraft including 2 billion Euro worth weapons.

Various French newspapers reported disquiet in the French government and Dassault over the non-receipt of an unspecified amount as first installment. It is in this context that the proposed visit of the Prime Minister of Qatar, Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, to Paris starting next week assumes significance.

“No down payment, no contract in force,” commented The Tribune newspaper, continuing that Qatar had signed the contract in early May for the Rafale fighter equipped with the latest weapons including Scalp and Meteor air-to-air missiles. The aircraft are to be delivered from 2018 onward at the rate of 11 aircraft per year, a schedule which Dassault Aviation would find difficult to keep unless the deposit is paid and production commenced.

Various other reports have suggested that the slump in the price of oil, which dictates much of the Gulf nations’ budget priorities, could be a reason for Qatar to go slow on the Rafale purchase.

The Qatar deal, coming soon after Egypt signed up to buy the Rafale was celebrated in Paris as breaking the single export customer jinx. Rafale’s sales prospects in India is yet to materialize while there is a question mark over its sales prospects in the UAE.

Reports from the Dubai Air show say that the UAE government just fell short of announcing a major deal, believed to be the Rafale purchase, on the last day of the show.
Sir ji , we will give the money .
Its not 501 rs for shaadi ka shagun !
Its 11 billion !
Sir ji , we will give the money .
Its not 501 rs for shaadi ka shagun !
Its 11 billion !
There is a wise saying "Money Talks bullshit walks", French are ruthless when it comes to money and trust me on this I work for a french company :) .
Mr . Khan ... U blv so ? With price of a barrel of oil at 25 $ all time low n u think , russia being energy dependent economy is not worried bou $$$
Ur very wrong !

I am just showing you the other side of the coin. Why do you think Russia jumped into Syrian conflict? Why do you think Russians are cozying up to Pakistan? WHy Nawaz Shareef was touring the CIS state all the way to Belarus? Russians are already onbaord with CPEC thanks to China. It will serve their economy, trade and energy interests in longer run. To jeopradise all that for the sake of some $$ from India for short term gains, I am not sure Russians are that stupid. Plus, Indian alignment with American and western civilization has not gone well with the Russians. You are making Russians look like beggars for $$, when you yourself have been on top of the list of countries receiving USAID.
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I also have read your retired heroes etc tearing apart your successes. And international versions too. But that isn't topic.

But looks like fanboy in you is urging you to talk about those bogus victories. Isn't it??? :lol:

your logic is screwed. You want to use Iron dome against barrage of artillery and even more foolishly want to put S400 in its range. That's pure moronic. I hope Indian military planes are that stupid. :)

Simple solution, we will just keep S400 80-100km inside the border.. if you think you can bring your artillery right upto border, you are most welcome...

Fanboys started with Ballistic missiles and switched cruse missiles, then to Tactical nukes and now they came down to artillery shells; Yet no F16 and JF17 ready to kiss the tar mat and show yindos there asli aukat.:D
Hummmmmmm RSS and shiv sena and all we want to eliminate minorities and still the people died in communal clashes in last 1 year is in 2 figure in a country of 1250 million. What about Pakistan where the secular person like you and many other on the forum lives. What happens to Ahemadias and shias? We know very well. Indian Muslims have silenly watched the conditions of migrant in pakistan and how the Mujahirs are treated in pakistan. Watch some discussion of Pakistani representatives with Indian Muslims on you tube and how Madni humiliated Musharraf. You will get an idea. Indian Muslims are considering themselves luckey that they did not do the mistake like some people did in 1947. They openly say that there is no better place for muslims than india. However, you can repeat your rant as you guys have a deep rooted habit of lying.

First I'm not a secular or what ever that's supposed to mean, secondly I'm an Urdu Speaker myself (both of my parent's migrated from India to Pakistan) and I'm a proud Pakistani Muslim and there is no such thing as oppression for Shia's or non Muslims here I know this because I live here, two of my neighbors are Hindu families and I have many Shia friends but of-course you would keep stating that is not the case and non Muslims are oppressed here or I'm lying blah blah blah, again trying to bring scapegoat reason to overturn the topic and the topic is your member here on this very thread clearly stated that in time of war with Pakistan the organisations like RSS and Shev Sena will cut down more than 200 million Muslims of India (it is because of this very reason which he stated they exist) and their rights taken away from them from the constitution just to eliminate a potential threat, now I don't want you to cook up fantasy stories to try to deviate from the topic and tell me will this happen? and if not then why did your members stated such a thing?.
Hummmmmmm RSS and shiv sena and all we want to eliminate minorities and still the people died in communal clashes in last 1 year is in 2 figure in a country of 1250 million. What about Pakistan where the secular person like you and many other on the forum lives. What happens to Ahemadias and shias? We know very well. Indian Muslims have silenly watched the conditions of migrant in pakistan and how the Mujahirs are treated in pakistan. Watch some discussion of Pakistani representatives with Indian Muslims on you tube and how Madni humiliated Musharraf. You will get an idea. Indian Muslims are considering themselves luckey that they did not do the mistake like some people did in 1947. They openly say that there is no better place for muslims than india. However, you can repeat your rant as you guys have a deep rooted habit of lying.
Culturally and Demographically,India is a Hindu/Sikh and Buddhist land with more than 1 billion adherents.

But Hindustani musalman have distinct identity and equal rights like Hindus and since we share our ancestors (Hindus) they are more closer to us than say a Arab Musalman.
Culturally and Demographically,India is a Hindu/Sikh and Buddhist land with more than 1 billion adherents.

But Hindustani musalman have distinct identity and equal rights like Hindus and since we share our ancestors (Hindus) they are more closer to us than say a Arab Musalman.

Hindustani Muslims have greater privilege through the minorities act which they are not supposed to be entitled to.
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