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Pakistan defence committee outlines PAC efficiency requirements
Jon Grevatt - Jane's Defence Weekly
08 January 2020

Pakistan's Standing Committee on Defence Production has outlined requirements for the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) to become more efficient and pursue exports. The priorities were laid out in a statement by the Senate committee on 7 January.

The statement said that the development of the PAC is required to support Pakistan's effort to "develop its combat worthiness [and] to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity". In line with this objective, the committee said it had identified several "directions" for the PAC.

These included investing in supporting indigenous "innovative research and self-reliance" as well expanded commercialisation through exports.

"Commercialisation of [PAC] products should be the next priority to not only earn much-needed foreign exchange but also to reinforce [Pakistan's] bilateral ties with friendly countries," said the committee.
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