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AFG AF aircraft which defected to pakistan in the 80s at Peshawar AFB. The US was keen to evaluate these Soviet machines.


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IL28 (Harbin H5) was evaluated as a possible replacement for the B-57 but was quickly rejected in the late 60s.


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J-10B still needs Russian engine after domestic engine fails.

Staff Reporter 2015-08-09

After Shenyang Liming Aircraft Engine Company failed to reduce the failure rate of the WS-10 Taihang engine developed for Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group's J-10 fighter, the Chinese jet will have to be equipped with the Russian-built AL31FN-S3 engine, according to the Beijing-based Sina Military Network.

China has successfully fitted its J-11 fighters, the design of which is based on the Russian-built Su-27, with the Taihang engine. This proves that the country is already capable of building engines for advanced combat aircraft. However, the Taihang engine has been proven unsuitable for the J-10 because its bypass ratio is way too big for the fighter, which would reduce the aircraft's maneuverability during supersonic flight, according to the report.

The failure rate of the AL-31FN engine on the J-10 is much higher than the AL-31F on Su-27 fighters. Unlike the Su-27, which is designed as a twin-engine fighter, the J-10 is a single-engine aircraft, meaning that the requirement of the J-10B's engine is even higher than the Su-27 and J-11. Without a proper domestic engine, China must fit the aircraft with the Russian-built engine until the problem is solved.

Until the problem is solved, the development of J-10B can not be completed since the aircraft was originally upgraded to be fitted with a domestic engine.

Besides this technical problem, China needs to prove for political purposes that it is capable of build domestic fighter engines.


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IL28 (Harbin H5) was evaluated as a possible replacement for the B-57 but was quickly rejected in the late 60s.

The IL-28 (even the Soviet version) was markedly inferior to the Canberra. On the other side of the border, the USSR also offered the IL-28 to the IAF, bundled with the MiG-21 Fishbeds; and at dirt-cheap "friendship prices". But the IAF dismissed it out of hand, refusing to even evaluate it.
is that true that paf is nearing the deal of su 35 with russia as asst president vlamdir kohzin said it
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