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Pakistan admits India attack link

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Absolutely absurd this thread - one would think the Indians would be looking to the future, appreciating the fact that the GoP did what it said it would, and talking about potential prosecutions, cooperation etc.

Instead, we still have some people trying to score points with 'denial' rants.

The fact of the matter is that if Pakistan were to say that the eight people the police arrested were RAW agents intending to commit terrorism in Pakistan, the response from India would have mirrored the Pakistani one:

Where is the evidence? Give us evidence and information so we can investigate your allegations - etc. etc. Only a fool would think that any nation accused of such a crime would just say, oh so XYZ says so, then it must be true.

Pakistan acted completely appropriately, albeit somewhat slowly, despite the warmongering from across the border. Lets move on now and focus on the future and the next steps in this investigation.
^We will truly appreciate it only when the perpetrators of the Indian Parliament attack in 2001 are also arrested.

And Dawood + his gang arrested.
Decide your self wheather you want it by dialog or by supporting these terrorist insurgent in Kashmir? both can be
These are not freedom fighters they attack citizens not army.

Now u r talkg nonsense, Kashmiris have many parties fighting oppression by Indian Army, u have 500,000 soldiers in Kashmir, what are they doing, as per U.N. report your army has killed 90,000innocnts people and raped 10,000 women.

What the hell u r talking about. go read some facts before opening your mouth.
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Mumbai police admit local support for Mumbai attack
12 Feb 2009, 2141 hrs IST, PTI
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MUMBAI: Admitting for the first time that there was local support for the Mumbai terror attack, police commissioner Hasan Gafoor on Thursday
night said some Indian nationals were among the 16 men that also included Pakistanis who were wanted for their role in the carnage.

Gafoor also said that two Indians have already been arrested.

"Fourteen to sixteen men, which include Indians and Pakistanis, are wanted in the attacks," Gafoor told reporters here.

"We have included names of these men in the dossier which has been sent to Pakistan," Gafoor said.

Those wanted in the attacks had conducted 'recce', given financial and logistical support and "they belonged to north India", Gafoor said.

"Two Indians have already been arrested, while some are absconding about whom we have informed Pakistan. So there are Indians as well as Pakistanis."

Asked why names of Indians have been mentioned in the dossier, Gafoor said they likely escaped from India, and "we suspect that they might be hiding in Pakistan".
Mr. Am, you have suggested many times that Pakistan was working on it proper investigation and finally now it is complete. But no where this two article mentions that Pakistan was deligently working towards finallizing the investigation and it is complete. Infact, many articles regarding the mumbai attack it is rarely mention of Pakistan is diligently working towards it personal investigation, few article, but many do not mention of investigation.

Infact from the Pakistan offical it has always been a blatant refusial of India diligence / statements. Never the less, I simply believe that Pakistan has finally spoke the truth because of only international preassure, not because it finally found evidence. And the international preassure has put Gop under a frantic mode, and case in point is Mrs. Sherry response yesterday about the pressure it's been receiving.

What do you mean 'where is the article'? The press is not controlled by the GoP , they will publish whatever articles they want. The GoP however had announced from day one that they would cooperate and investigate were India to share evidence and information with them.

The first time India did anything of the sort was when it sent the dossier to Pakistan, which was not evidence, but it did have information related to the attacks in it, and that is when the GoP announced it was starting the investigation. Now we have the results of that investigation.

I fail to see what your point/complaint is here?
these words only come after Holbrooke pays a visit! :lol: looks like Rehman Malik's connections with British intelligence are starting to pay off!
^We will truly appreciate it only when the perpetrators of the Indian Parliament attack in 2001 are also arrested.

And Dawood + his gang arrested.

Unless you have concrete evidence similar to the one in this case, I doubt there will be much progress there.

Since DI is not in Pakistan, India will have to bark up some other tree for that.

What might be better for you is if you shut down his network in India, before blaming other nations.
I will hurt Pak and India cricket.
every one knows what miandad means to dawood.
and what miandad is in Pak cricket.

Just becasue he is related through marriage does not mean he is in Pakistan. Part of the wedding ceremony was held in Dubai if you remember ..
What do you mean 'where is the article'? The press is not controlled by the GoP , they will publish whatever articles they want. The GoP however had announced from day one that they would cooperate and investigate were India to share evidence and information with them.

The first time India did anything of the sort was when it sent the dossier to Pakistan, which was not evidence, but it did have information related to the attacks in it, and that is when the GoP announced it was starting the investigation. Now we have the results of that investigation.

I fail to see what your point/complaint is here?

Main point is that this step is taken not by internal investigation, but more by international pressure to do so.
^We will truly appreciate it only when the perpetrators of the Indian Parliament attack in 2001 are also arrested.

And Dawood + his gang arrested.

dude Indian parliament was not attcked by Dawood, go read your own country's investigations.

u R so ignorant, it was blamed and I say it again blamed on poor Kashmiri young men as they were told to attack the parliament so that Indian Army could score some points, Read the horror story as it is narrated by your own people.

In doing the haphazard investigations your police played very dirty and blamed a poor Arabic professor in Delhi, what a sad story for Indian Muslims.
so stop blaming Pakistan again, read the full story and than come and talk to me, if u r honorable.

The Very Strange Story of the Attack on the Indian Parliament
Absolutely absurd this thread - one would think the Indians would be looking to the future, appreciating the fact that the GoP did what it said it would, and talking about potential prosecutions, cooperation etc.

Instead, we still have some people trying to score points with 'denial' rants.

The fact of the matter is that if Pakistan were to say that the eight people the police arrested were RAW agents intending to commit terrorism in Pakistan, the response from India would have mirrored the Pakistani one:

Where is the evidence? Give us evidence and information so we can investigate your allegations - etc. etc. Only a fool would think that any nation accused of such a crime would just say, oh so XYZ says so, then it must be true.

Pakistan acted completely appropriately, albeit somewhat slowly, despite the warmongering from across the border. Lets move on now and focus on the future and the next steps in this investigation.

I do agree that members here makes one feel that admiting once crime is a far bigger crime than commiting one.

Anyways, I never had the issue if Paksitan was not willing to take accusation, but denying it without any knowledge is as bad as India accusing it without any proof.

I dont think GOP would have been so unaware of Kasab and his team's plan. I say this because Indian Intl agencies had alerted coast guard and Navy about a sea borne attack, on inputs that terrorists/individuals were getting training from PN in karachi.

Anyways this topic is best l;eft as it is, no point blaming you guys for admitting / finding out that your territory/resources were used for this terror attack, thats absurd.

But i guess, the mods should also remove those two sticy threads about Indian bluff.
Just becasue he is related through marriage does not mean he is in Pakistan. Part of the wedding ceremony was held in Dubai if you remember ..

Haha....One of your top cricketers is married into the family of an international criminal. You can't make this stuff up now can you.

On a more serious note, I'm sure Pakistan can haul up Miandad anytime and ask him the whereaboud of Dawood. But obviously, a guy with such connections is untouchable. That would apply to both Miandad and Dawood obviously.
Main point is that this step is taken not by internal investigation, but more by international pressure to do so.

How can you say so, when Pakistan said that it would investigate if India shared information and cooperated, and it investigated when India shared information and cooperated (to a small degree)?

Pakistan isn't to blame for India's slow response in providing the dossier.

Now if Pakistan had said that it would not investigate, would not cooperate, and India had in fact shared evidence earlier, then I could see your point about Pakistan 'forced by international pressure'. But in this case Pakistan said from the get go what it would do, and followed up on those statements.

This whole 'international pressure thing' is IMO a continued demonization of Pakistan in India, to continue to spread dislike and hate against it, because it aims to undercut Pakistan's cooperation and actions by painting them as having been taken only under 'international pressure', despite evidence to the contrary, as I pointed out.
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