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Pakistan admits India attack link

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Ok so we can continue debating or we can just wait what happens next and wait for further news from both Pakistan and India?
Odd the way India refused to give the DNA sample of Gupta, the Kalava wearing Hindi speaking terrorist, to Pakistan.
Again u play dumb, let me open you brain, we have got the facts and we will prosecute, now you should prosecute any thing that we give you the facts of and in Kashmir you have been committing atrocities and we want an international body to investigate, u have no objection on that do you.

you guys asked about Bombay attacks and we comply, now we ask you about Kashmir and i hope being such a clever people that u r you will allow amnesty.

You comply? As if you did us a favour. You were made to comply. Your government would have sidelined 26/11. Face it. What about the 6 meetings of ATM(Anti terrorism mechanism) where India handed proof, with specific location about parliament attacks, mumbai train bombings? Why is Dawood, Lakhvi, JeM chiefs still free men? How come a banned organisation LeT conducted an attack . Its time you stop fidgeting over Kashmir. You don't even know why you want Kashmir. Talking about IA's alleged HR violation.. the matter dates back to 1993. Those responsible have already been prosecuted. Get over with it. The only reason IA is there in Kashmir is to battle those terrorists that keep infiltrating. If you expect anything from India, it will only be considered once you have dismantled all terrorist camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
You comply? As if you did us a favour. You were made to comply. Your government would have sidelined 26/11. Face it. What about the 6 meetings of ATM(Anti terrorism mechanism) where India handed proof, with specific location about parliament attacks, mumbai train bombings? Why is Dawood, Lakhvi, JeM chiefs still free men? How come a banned organisation LeT conducted an attack . Its time you stop fidgeting over Kashmir. You don't even know why you want Kashmir. Talking about IA's alleged HR violation.. the matter dates back to 1993. Those responsible have already been prosecuted. Get over with it. The only reason IA is there in Kashmir is to battle those terrorists that keep infiltrating. If you expect anything from India, it will only be considered once you have dismantled all terrorist camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

stay calm little ANGEL
Hay Moscow man, why don't you allow Chechen the freedom to choose the path they want to and stop favoring India, Your country and India must accept the responsibility of being a member in good standing to apply the rules before advising others, apply the U.N resolutions passed for Chechen and for Kashmir, only after u have done so than come and advice us. there should be a Law that if a country does not apply the rules, the country should be thrown out of the U.N. and that should go for every one of all the U.N. members.

U sit in the highest position in U.N. and yet do not follow its resolutions. Can u tell me why.

watch this and tell me what is going on in Chechnya.

We do not condone any criminal acts, but in order for us to [prosecute we need ironclad proofs. Indian pussy footed for it and gave us instructions through their media, that is not how it works in courts of law.

Once the proof is there we will prosecute the guy if proven guilty, as u know that we cannot call him guilty until proven in the court of Law, only accused.

- Dirty War on Terror - Chechnya[/url]

Stop reacting to everything you see.

Moscow is an Indian in Moscow.
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Some coherence in ur thoughts and ability to stick to topic will be useful for dialoge here. Thanks.

You want me to stick to what topic, you want to get away with putting my country down and that is how I see it, in discussions we must be able to freely correlate instances that are related in the way of violence and yours is Bombay and ours is Kashmir.

You on the other hand only want to talk about Bombay as it bothers you, we think every thing starts with India not being a good neighbor, in every respect.

We have accepted the fact that a non state actor acted in the Bombay, but you have yet to accept any thing, as per u India can do no wrong.

Enough is already said and being done about Bombay, are u still not satisfied.
Stop reacting to everything you see.

Moscow is an Indian in Moscow.

Thanks road runner.

I understand, i am aware of it, but these bad actors keep on with charade and hide behind different names to put Pakistan down.

did u not see him threatening us by mentioning Georgia, when i answered he backed off.

Some of these guys from India are clowns and so shall they be treated. they think they are smart, but u know we think of them.

i will stick to the point unless these clowns provoke by lies, I can understand all but lies.
^^Everyone knows India is part responsible. That's why their dossier has been rubbished and thrown out and only part of the planning was done in Pakistan, according to the findings.

The Kerkare killing is clear evidence that India used this somehow, and is part responsible. When the DNA samples of Gupta are handed over, then that should set the fire crackling. I suspect India will hide them though.
remember British foreign minister who spoke of Kashmir and India had a fit, so international pressure is there, but the truth is do you want to do it or refuse for 60 years and keep killing innocents.

Kashmir is integral part of India. And it will be in India forever. The only reason for kashmir violence is pakistani terrorists because of whom GOI has to deploy so many troops
But still fact remains same as Quoted by NYT and many other world media. Pakistan is "safe heavens" for terrorists and non state actors.
India terms Pakistan’s response ‘positive’ Mumbai police chief says another dossier sent to Islamabad
Friday, February 13, 2009

NEW DELHI: India welcomed Pakistan’s admission on Thursday that the Mumbai attacks were planned partly in Pakistan, but said Islamabad must now dismantle the “infrastructure of terrorism” on its soil.

ìThis is a positive development,î a Foreign Ministry statement said in response to Islamabad’s announcement that it had filed a case against eight suspects, six of them in custody. ìIt remains India’s goal to bring the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks on Mumbai to book, and to follow this process through to the end,” the Foreign Ministry statement said.

ìWe would also expect that the government of Pakistan takes credible steps to dismantle the infrastructure of terrorism in Pakistan,î it said. ìThe government of India will now examine the issues raised in the response by Pakistan. After that examination, we will share whatever we can with Pakistan.”

It said Islamabad was still in the process of investigating the attacks, and had taken certain actions, including the arrest of some of those who were involved and filing a first information report. “Our high commissioner in Pakistan was informed officially by the Pakistan foreign secretary this afternoon of Pakistan’s response to the dossier of material that we had made available to Pakistan on January 5, linking the terrorist attacks on Mumbai to perpetrators in Pakistan. In their official response, the Pakistan authorities have admitted that elements in Pakistan were involved in the terrorist attacks on Mumbai,î the statement said.

Besides, the Indian police have sent another dossier to Pakistan, which includes the names of 16 people suspected of involvement in the Mumbai attacks, Mumbaiís police chief said on Thursday.

“The dossier that we have sent about the evidence contains 16 names and it has been sent to Pakistan,” Hasan Ghafoor told AFP by telephone. “Out of those 16 names, 10 are the names of the one person in custody and the nine dead (gunmen), and the six others who are wanted by us in this crime,” he said, adding that those six were “of Pakistani origin”.

Ghafoor said he was unable to say whether the six names they had submitted were the same as those currently being detained in Pakistan. Asked for his reaction to Pakistan’s admission, he said it was a “positive development,” echoing a statement from India’s Foreign Ministry.

He added: “It is also a very great reflection on the type of investigation by the Mumbai police. It shows that we had absolutely clinching evidence that has left no doubt about what we are accusing (people of).”

India terms Pakistan’s response ‘positive’ Mumbai police chief says another dossier sent to Islamabad
‘Attackers had Indian links’
Friday, February 13, 2009
News Desk

MUMBAI: For the first time, Mumbai Police Commissioner Hasan Ghafoor on Thursday admitted that the 10 terrorists who attacked Mumbai had “local support”.

He said these supporters had been identified and were among the 16 wanted accused on the list given to Pakistan. The rest on the list are Pakistanis. “We have identified the local (Indian) supporters of the Mumbai attackers and their names have been submitted to the Pakistani government as wanted accused in our case,” Ghafoor said.

He, however, refused to disclose how many locals were involved and their names. But in New Delhi, an Indian home ministry official said: “We’ll need to check with the Mumbai police on the statement.”

The official said the ministry had not spoken about this because investigations were not over. “They were here many months before the attack doing the ground workÖ We know they are holed up in Pakistan,” Ghafoor said, adding that they had provided financial support.

The local supporters were from north India and had criminal records, said the police chief. The two Indian Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives — Fahim Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed —†in police custody, are not on the list.

‘Attackers had Indian links’
Response demonstrates Pak commitment: FO
Friday, February 13, 2009
Probe report handed over to Indian HC

By Qudssia Akhlaque

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Thursday underscored that Pakistan’s response to the Indian dossier on Mumbai attacks showed the government’s sincerity in seriously resolving the issue and hoped that India would reciprocate in the same spirit of cooperation.

“Our response has yet again demonstrated our sincerity, earnestness and our commitment to fighting terrorism and our sincerity to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks to justice,” Foreign Office spokesperson Abdul Basit told a weekly news briefing.

Basit was addressing the first news briefing after his appointment as the new Foreign Office spokesperson last week. To a question regarding the international community’s concern about the delayed response to the Indian dossier, he asserted: “Our findings clearly show that we are sincere in our investigations and we hope that India will respond in the same spirit of cooperation.” He confirmed that Pakistan had formally communicated its response to the Indian side earlier in the day.

“The Indian high commissioner in Islamabad was called to the Foreign office today and the material pertaining to the Mumbai terrorist attacks probe by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) was handed over by the foreign secretary,” the spokesperson said in a statement afterwards.

Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir on Thursday also briefed the G-8 heads of mission as well as representatives of China and the European Union (EU) on the progress made in the FIA investigation into the Mumbai terrorist attacks, the spokesperson said.

During the briefing, Pakistan’s desire to uncover the full facts and assist in bringing the perpetrators to justice as well as the government’s commitment to resume the process of normalisation with India were underscored, he noted, adding: “The G-8 countries expressed their satisfaction over the steps taken by Pakistan and termed them significant and positive.”

The spokesperson was evasive when asked if there was any likelihood of a high-level political contact between Pakistan and India in the near future. “That cannot be ruled out but I would not like to anticipate at this stage,” is all he said.

He was equally non-committal to a query regarding the status of the pending water disputes with India, saying: “I will refer you to the authorities concerned dealing with this issue.” The spokesperson maintained that Pakistan had not received any request from the international community to interview nuclear scientist Dr AQ Khan, who was declared a “free citizen” by the Islamabad High Court last week.

He declined to comment on the question of whether the security cover being provided to Dr AQ Khan by the government meant that his movements were being monitored. His non-committal response was: “This is mere speculation and I have no comments in this regard.”

There was no clear answer from the spokesperson when asked if President Barack Obama had raised the issue of Dr AQ Khan’s release with President Zardari on Wednesday. “I am not aware whether this issue was raised during the telephonic conversation. However, it came under discussion during Richard Holbrooke’s visit and we reiterated our position that as far as we are concerned, this is a closed chapter,” he categorically stated.

Continuing on the subject, he added: “We also reiterated our commitment to non-proliferation. We have put in place necessary legislative and administrative measures to ensure effective export controls and to prevent any possibility of proliferation from Pakistan.”

He side-stepped the question whether the issue of US drone attacks inside Pakistan was raised with Ambassador Richard Holbrooke during his meetings with the Pakistani leadership, saying: “Foreign Minister Qureshi has given a detailed briefing on the special representative’s visit and his meetings and I have nothing new to add to that.”

On the question of detained Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s release, the spokesperson referred to her sister’s recent meeting with the prime minister and US Special Representative Ambassador Holbrooke and stated: “We are working on the issue and we hope that our efforts will yield positive results.”

At the outset, spokesperson Basit announced that President Asif Zardari will be visiting China from Feb 20-23. During the trip, the president would also travel to Hubei, Yichang and Shanghai regions, the industrial hubs of China.

“The visit will provide an opportunity to both sides to explore avenues of economic cooperation and investments, particularly in agriculture, industry and energy sectors,” the spokesperson noted.

Replying to a question, he said it was not clear whether any new bilateral agreements would be signed during the visit as the programme was still being worked out. “The president’s visit will strengthen the all-weather and time-tested friendship between Pakistan and China and deepen our multi-faceted strategic and economic cooperation,” the spokesperson stated.

When the spokesperson’s comments were sought on the Polish government’s contention that some individuals within the Pakistani government might be involved in the murder of Polish engineer, he said: “We are still awaiting confirmation from our agencies on the killing of the Polish geologist. But if it is true, then we obviously condemn this reprehensible act and we are committed to bringing the culprits involved to justice.”

On efforts to recover the abducted UNHCR official, the spokesperson said the security agencies were working on it. “We hope that through continued efforts of our agencies, Mr Solecki will be recovered soon.”

When his attention was drawn to reported accusation by the Afghan government that terrorist attacks in their country have roots in Pakistan and asked if these allegations had been officially conveyed to Pakistan, he said: “I am not aware of any official contact in this regard.”

Spokesperson Basit disagreed with the view that it was a diplomatic failure that the commission formed by the UN secretary-general to probe the assassination of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto was a fact-finding mission and not investigative in nature as Pakistan had initially demanded. “The terms of reference of this commission have been worked out in consultation with Pakistan and I do not see any failure of diplomacy on our side,” he underlined.

Asked when the probe would be formally initiated by the commission and its members arrive in Pakistan, he said: “The dates are being worked out and as soon as anything is finalised, it will be announced accordingly.” To another question regarding the cost of the commission, he said Pakistan would pay the seed money and some members of the United Nations would also contribute.

Response demonstrates Pak commitment: FO
Questions raised in report

* Information about Indian officials involved in Malay village and Samjhota Express blasts in which Indian Muslims were targeted

* Details on the deaths of Indian Anti-Terrorist Squad chief Hemant Karkare and two of his colleagues and their driver, who survived the attacks

* Details on Samjhota Express attack mastermind Col Prohit, who was arrested on November 5 by Karkare.

* Information on a diamond trader from Indian Gujarat suspected of involvement in the Malay village blasts

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
US, UK welcome Pakistan action

LAHORE: The United States and Britain on Thursday welcomed the registration of a first information report (FIR) in Pakistan against suspects of the Mumbai attacks, a private TV channel reported. The channel quoted US Statement Department spokesman Robert Wood as saying that US welcomed the probe conducted by Pakistan, adding the steps taken by Pakistan following the Mumbai attacks were proof of “serious investigation [on Pakistan’s part]”. Wood also welcomed the arrests of the Mumbai suspects by Pakistan. daily times monitor

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
It is now India’s turn to respond positively, says Zardari

* President tells ANP chief govt will continue its counterterrorism policy

LAHORE: Pakistan has investigated the Mumbai attacks transparently and it is now India’s turn to respond positively, a private TV channel quoted President Asif Ali Zardari as saying on Thursday.

The channel said the president was talking to Awami National Party (ANP) chief Asfandyar Wali Khan during a meeting at the Presidency.

The two leaders discussed the strategy for the upcoming Senate elections, the channel said. Sources told Daily Times that Zardari and Asfandyar resolved to cooperate with each other in the Senate election.

Continuation: Zardari condemned the targeted killing of ANP leader Alam Zeb Khan on Wednesday, adding the terrorists could not stop the government from implementing its counterterrorism policy. The sources said President Zardari said the government would not allow any one to disturb the law and order in the country and offered full support and cooperation to the ANP to bring normalcy in the province.

Increasing Taliban presence in the Tribal Areas has adversely affected security in the NWFP, with the Taliban and Al Qaeda-linked terrorists threatening major towns of the province. The Taliban targeting important government figureheads has been a constant worry for the ANP government, desperate to restore peace to the province.

The visit of United States Special Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke also came under discussion during the meeting. daily times monitor/staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
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