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Pakistan admits India attack link

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I have major doubts. LET has constantly denied responsibility.

I dont know how we are trusting the Indians and what we found that really says they committed the attack. Nationalist circles are mad over the handling of affairs.
Time for India to think of carrots too, not just sticks
Siddharth Varadarajan

Now that the Mumbai terror probe has crossed the hurdle of Pakistani denial, India must shed its distrust

New Delhi: Ever since India handed over a dossier of investigative leads on the Mumbai terrorist attacks to Pakistan last month, officials here have been preparing themselves for the worst case scenario of Islamabad stonewalling or blocking the probe. What the Indian side did not really prepare itself for was a response of the kind it received on Thursday, with Pakistan’s Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik, not only acknowledging that terrorists had used Karachi and Pakistan to plan and launch the November 26-29 attacks in Mumbai but also providing additional details about some of the players and their modus operandi.

After expecting the worst, New Delhi today finds itself having to fashion a response to a Pakistani investigative effort that the entire world is likely to judge as serious and effective. So far, the Indian side had been thinking only in terms of the coercive diplomatic steps it could take in response to Islamabad’s lack of cooperation. Now that Pakistan has demonstrated more than a modest measure of cooperation, India will have to also evaluate the carrots, if any, it is prepared to offer to ensure the progress that has been made continues, and the planners of Mumbai are brought to book.

Simply put, Thursday’s press conference by Mr. Malik was the first time the Pakistani state has ever publicly acknowledged that specific individuals and organisations based on its territory were actively involved in staging a terrorist attack on India. The Indian side had been fruitlessly pressing its case on “cross-border terrorism” since the days of the Khalistan movement in the 1980s before Pervez Musharraf, who was Pakistan’s President at the time, agreed in January 2004 not to allow his country’s soil to be used by anti-India terrorists. But that was a general commitment which did not require the Pakistani establishment to swallow the bitter pill of specific liability.

What has happened, therefore, is a dramatic reversal of Islamabad’s long-standing policy of denial and its significance ought not to be minimised in any way. Having acknowledged the role of the Lashkar-e-Taiba and its commanders, Pakistan has also now essentially committed itself to proceeding against them. The international political cost to the establishment of turning back from here has risen dramatically and one can only imagine that the delay in the “finalisation” of the report was largely on this account.

In order for this positive turn to be consolidated, the Manmohan Singh government should resist the temptation to gloat or to pick quick holes in what the Pakistani investigation into Mumbai has revealed.

That this is indeed how India intends to proceed for the moment is apparent from the positive statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs on Thursday evening.

Though there is no reason to assume the details unearthed by Pakistan are genuine, the opposite assumption would also be incorrect. Indian investigators should be given time to examine the Pakistani response, especially the 30 queries Mr. Malik said Islamabad’s investigators have, and a constructive approach should be adopted to the issue of sharing further information and evidence.

India’s response should be communicated directly to Pakistan rather than through piecemeal or even misleading leaks to the media. In the interim, a moratorium on hostile rhetoric and accusatory statements is urgently required. In particular, New Delhi seriously needs to examine what political purpose is served by repeatedly saying some official agencies in Pakistan “must have” been involved in the Mumbai attacks.

Even if this suspicion were well founded, one has to ask whether public accusations will help or hinder the course of the investigation India wants Pakistan to conduct. It defies reason to imagine that Pakistani investigators will ever allow the Mumbai trail to lead to the ISI or elements of the intelligence agency. But even if it doesn’t, a probe that goes half way can still do some damage to the interests of those elements in the Pakistani military establishment who look at terrorism as a force multiplier.

If Mr. Malik’s remarks are taken at face value, it is clear that the Mumbai plot may be far more complex than what Indian investigators have imagined so far. There may be red herrings too but, prima facie, there is no reason to rule out the possibility that the conspirators operated out of more than one location.

In the immediate aftermath of Mumbai, Pakistan’s offer of a joint investigation into the incident was rejected by India because of its unhappy experience with the joint-anti-terror mechanism. And then Islamabad’s refusal to acknowledge the citizenship of Ajmal ‘Kasab’ — the gunman captured alive on November 26 — made the Indians even more sceptical about Pakistan’s intentions. A corner was turned when Islamabad acknowledged ‘Kasab.’ And what we have seen over the past month is the bare bones of a joint investigation in all but name.

Indeed, at his press conference, Mr. Malik confirmed something National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan had said in an interview earlier this month – that Pakistani investigators had been in touch with their Indian counterparts with follow-up queries to the Indian dossier. Though the MEA sought to deny the existence of these exchanges, this constructive process is now into its third iteration.

The Hindu : Front Page : Time for India to think of carrots too, not just sticks

Why do you Indians have to put up a pakistani flag and do this? Use your own flag. :agree:

Mumbai blasts are being discussed here. I thing you have trouble reading the title. Post relevant things only.

Moderators I thing we need to start a Ranting thread where all interested can waste their energies.
Pakistan has shown great courage and determination by taking action on terrorists. Now its India's turn to treat Pakistan with dignity and honour rather than arm twisting techniques.
In any case if the government goes any furhter it puts itself in peril. The attacks did not originate in Pakistan and there are so many loopholes in Indias theory that we are being delusional by even believing they came from our territory because this blame is NOT new and has been continuing for a really long time and we must remember samjhauta which was also blamed on LET but Karkares evidence was pointing to the fact that it was Hindu terrorists who committed the vile act. I was in lucknow when the attack happened and the blame immediately fell on Pakistan much in the same way as it did now. India has done this constantly and we all know USA is not our well wisher.

This is what will happen:
Here is a 7-point Parliament resolution authorizing Pakistan Air Force to shoot down CIA drones coming from Afghanistan and killing innocent Pakistani citizens. U.S. might expand its war into Pakistan. This is a time for concrete action. It’s now or never. If we have to then we must remove this government and install an interim technocrat based government until the situation in the country improves. We the people of Pakistan must demand these actions from this government and must not fall into the disguised rhetoric of our corrupt leaders.

The government will be overthrown and every corrupt animal and criminal will be dragged from his house and killed. We have had enough betrayal. We want our nation to become an example for the World and one of the most developed ones and that can only be done when Pakistani Nationalism replaces all and we think of Pakistan's National Interest in every decision. This does not just go for the government but for people like us who have a sacred duty to our land!

Questions raised in report

* Information about Indian officials involved in Malay village and Samjhota Express blasts in which Indian Muslims were targeted

* Details on the deaths of Indian Anti-Terrorist Squad chief Hemant Karkare and two of his colleagues and their driver, who survived the attacks

* Details on Samjhota Express attack mastermind Col Prohit, who was arrested on November 5 by Karkare.

* Information on a diamond trader from Indian Gujarat suspected of involvement in the Malay village blasts

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

"Details on Samjhota Express attack mastermind Col Prohit, who was arrested on November 5 by Karkare."

There is this big misconception that Col Purohit is the Samjhota Express attack mastermind.He was once only suspected by ATS for alleged involvement in Samjhota Express attack which was later dismissed due to lack of evidence to corroborate it.

Col Purohit is chagesheeted only in Malegoan blasts.period.
If we cant `rant` abt Kabul blasts, i wonder how we can discuss Samjhauta blasts here..not relevant to the topic..lets stick to bombay..
There is this big misconception that Col Purohit is the Samjhota Express attack mastermind.He was once only suspected by ATS for alleged involvement in Samjhota Express attack which was later dismissed due to lack of evidence to corroborate it.[/B]

Ahem surprisingly AFTER KARKARE DIED all of this seems to have disappeared and the links are now Not being investigated as they were before! Kakare was investigating links and had repeated several times Purohit had gotten 60 KG of explosives for the godamn blast.

Take THAT!:
Karkare's team discovered that Lt.Col. Srikant Purohit, of Indian military intelligence, had got 60 kg of RDX explosive from government supplies for use in the terrorist attack on the Samjhauta Express train in February 2007.

And THat:
Malegaon: Purohit involved in Samjhauta Express blast too?

Nashik, Nov 16 (IANS) Malegaon bomb blast accused Lt. Col. Prasad Purohit was Saturday further remanded in police custody till Nov 18 to facilitate investigations into new leads pointing to his possible involvement in last years Samjhauta Express bomb blast in Haryana state.

Special public prosecutor Ajay Misar told the chief judicial magistrates court here that Purohit as an army officer was in charge of 60 kg RDX in the Deolali army camp near Nashik during his posting there in 2006 and that some of the explosive material was supplied to Bhagwan Das, an absconding accused in the Samjhauta Express blast.

A witness to the RDX theft in the Deolali camp is present in Nashik, Misar said.

As many as 68 passengers, including some Pakistani nationals, were killed in the blast that took place inside the running train Feb 18, 2007, 90 km north of Delhi in Haryana state, Misar recalled.

Earlier, the army officer was brought from Mumbai for court apparance on expiry of his 10-day police custody remand.

Seeking a three-day extension of Purohits demand, Misar told Judge H.K. Ganatra that new leads have emerged from the army officers interrogation and narco-analysis test conducted on him in Bangalore.

The leads need to be probed in conjunction with the interrogation of self-proclaimed Sharada Sarvadnya Peeth Shankaracharya Swami Amritanand alias Dayanand Pandey, who was Friday remanded in police custody till Nov 26, the special public prosecutor said.

Purohits counsel Avinash Bhide opposed the demand for extended police remand, arguing that it was being sought only because the investigating agency was not been able to get any evidence to prove the army officers involvement in the crime during his 10-day custody.

The judge disposed of a complaint of Purohits torture filed by his kin after examining x-ray and other medical examination reports obtained from Bangalore Army Hospital, which did not corroborate the charge.

Purohit himself answered in the negative when the court asked him whether he was tortured in the police custody.

Meanwhile, a team of the Haryana police Saturday interrogated Pandey in connection with the Samjhauta Express blast. The interrogation was held in the Mumbai headquarters of Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS).

We should be the ones putting pressure on India to tell the truth. I am sick of this. We need to overthrow the government. Why Always Pakistan! Even a blind person can see something is obviously wrong with the version of events India has decided to throw to the World media in the hopes of framing Pakistan once again. I am sick and tired of this.

Pakistanis must overthrow this bullshit of a government. Are we being ruled by Indians here? What a Joke really. I have done social work and seen JuD workers work. I hate Mullahs and I am defending JUD. Holy Cow. When will Pakistanis find the Patriotism and start representing their people. We know this attack was not planned in Pakistan. The flimsy little evidence India gave us had almost all our circles laughing. They based their claims on a single admission and that also in Hindi as evidence? I posted the dossier as a joke on the board and everyone comes and laughs at it at PN65.

I have no clue why the government did this. Its suicide. PPP just comitted suicide. It will be destroyed.
I have major doubts. LET has constantly denied responsibility.

I dont know how we are trusting the Indians and what we found that really says they committed the attack. Nationalist circles are mad over the handling of affairs.

Nationalism is a tool to justify ANYTHING, its just too convenient. don't let it go.

You are expressing ur doubts becoz u've been supporting all these weird zaid hamid type theories all along. now sit back and think abt what other convictions of urs are made of smoke.
You want me to stick to what topic, you want to get away with putting my country down and that is how I see it, in discussions we must be able to freely correlate instances that are related in the way of violence and yours is Bombay and ours is Kashmir.

You on the other hand only want to talk about Bombay as it bothers you, we think every thing starts with India not being a good neighbor, in every respect.

We have accepted the fact that a non state actor acted in the Bombay, but you have yet to accept any thing, as per u India can do no wrong.

Enough is already said and being done about Bombay, are u still not satisfied.

Dahling, the problem with ur stand is that u'll link anything with anything in the past 1000 yrs and pull conclusions out of 'u know where'. the topis here is mumbai attacks, which are a terrorists attack where civilians were brutally murdered and an act of war was perpetrated by nationals of another country. the mad terrorist who spoke from the jewish centre also spoke of thousands of isssues, u sound just like him.

there has not been a single conviction yet, mumbai is not over, i guarantee u that.
Stop reacting to everything you see.

Moscow is an Indian in Moscow.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:i have heard that before sir actually the admins have asked me not to respond to such allegations,but what made you think such i dont know atleast not from such a senior member like you sir.
you are part of the administration team if my views are not welcome here fine just let me know i would never post there is no need for this.

thanks a lot.:cheers:
Thanks road runner.

I understand, i am aware of it, but these bad actors keep on with charade and hide behind different names to put Pakistan down.

did u not see him threatening us by mentioning Georgia, when i answered he backed off.

Some of these guys from India are clowns and so shall they be treated. they think they are smart, but u know we think of them.

i will stick to the point unless these clowns provoke by lies, I can understand all but lies.

yes sir your personal attack at me shows to everyone who is the clown please remove the dark band round your eyes you might see properly the things the way it is.

and if you take my sober conduct as a sign of backing off then you are mistaken,for certain people anyone who dosent agree with your views becomes an indian ,fine great logic :rofl::rofl::rofl:
maybe you havent read the other posts i posted on this forum then you would never have equated me with the indiands but anyways .

i wont derail the thread anymore sorry friends just continue but just frustrated with some of the imbeciles here.
Presumably if part of it was planned in Pakistan, the other half would have been planned in India?

Well they had a few days before said European country and Bangladesh, so it might be 5% in Europe and remaining 25 in B'desh.:pakistan:
I have major doubts. LET has constantly denied responsibility.

I dont know how we are trusting the Indians and what we found that really says they committed the attack. Nationalist circles are mad over the handling of affairs.

Nationalist circle who are true and well above the govt itself? Who are they?
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