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"Pakistan - 5,000 years old" PMIK in China

Good! Can you now please take back your beloved Brethren with you?
Indus valley civilization was spread as far as gujrat, haryana, parts of uttar pradesh so muhajirs have right claim over indus valley, they are free to stay where they want.

Ravana was a Brahamana. Rama was a Dravidian from North India which was Dravidian at that time.
Lol rama was from aryan civilization while you ravna dynasty is dravid, stay there on the banksof kavery.
Lol rama was from aryan civilization while you ravna dynasty is dravid, stay there on the banksof kavery.
My Dear Uttar Pradeshi Muslim Fraaand, I have decided not to post a hateful comment in response to a hateful comment. May peace be upon you!
My Dear Uttar Pradeshi Muslim Fraaand, I have decided not to post a hateful comment in response to a hateful comment. May peace be upon you!

Thank you

Good sarcasm
You mean bangladesh was not pakistan ?

Pakistan was always defined as PUNJAB, AFGHANIA (KPK), KASHMIR, SINDH, BALOCHISTAN, hence the name Pakistan.

Bangladesh was supposed to be a seperate nation, but Bengali Muslim league members wanted Pakistan to be a single state so Jinnah accepted the establishment of an East and West Pakistan under one government.
Pakistan was always defined as PUNJAB, AFGHANIA (KPK), KASHMIR, SINDH, BALOCHISTAN, hence the name Pakistan.

Bangladesh was supposed to be a seperate nation, but Bengali Muslim league members wanted Pakistan to be a single state so Jinnah accepted the establishment of an East and West Pakistan under one government.

Very intelligent,
Please stop this MQM inspired gangudeshi nationalism. Indo-aryans spread from Pakistan in to ganges. Even Zero was first used in Gandhara.

Pakistan was always defined as PUNJAB, AFGHANIA (KPK), KASHMIR, SINDH, BALOCHISTAN, hence the name Pakistan.

1933. Rehmat Ali. Maker of the name "Pakistan".

Now the question is how to implement Indus style Nationalism to the general populace I think the the most important think IK can do problem is they are two competing narratives well actually 3 one is the Islamist version where we the vanguard of the Muslim world 2nd is the westernised elite form of Secularism 3rd is Indus Nationalism,I prefer 3rd as it balances out and is easily can help make a self confident country who when asked who they are can answer but we need to counter Indian cultural imperialism in all forms sadly we failed at that diaspora as well

The 1973 Constitution is just an excuse by folks who dont want to implement change in the country it wasnt even a proper constitution but a compromise with religious clerics

I hate this word ‘Islamist,’ as it has no bearing on reality and is just a propaganda tool of the West.

Imran Khan was very correct in elucidating that there is only one Islam, and made-up terms like moderate or radical Islam are malicious and used to promote hate.

Moving on, Pakistan’s identity is not only Islam by itself, and no Muslim nation can function with only religion as its base.

The first Islamic nation of Prophet Muhammad saws came out of the historical experience of the Hijazi Arabs, and particularly the fusion of two main groups: Muhajireen and Ansar.

There is a historical experience (both pre-Islamic and Islamic,) along with a mission/goal (manzil) left to us by our ancestors.

We should aspire to recover the lofty views of our ancestors (Dilli Sultanat, Ghaznavi, Ghori, Mughal, Durrani) who viewed themselves as the pioneers of civilization and torch-bearers leading mankind from darkness into light (in not only religious, but political and military terms.)

Pakistani identity is a holistic world view which blends Islam with a nation’s past and its future destiny.

Pakistan existence starts from time when first Muslim entered in subcontinent.Otherwise there are different ethnic group and races currently living in india and failed to achieve their separate identity and representation.The main reason behind existence of Pakistan is Islam

There is a concept in Islam for a Qawm (people of similar origin.)

Arabs, Persians, Turks, etc. are Aqwam, separate and distinct from each other. They may share some commonalities, but are not the same.

Our Qawm is represented by:

-our Pre-Islamic/Islamic heritage

-racial origin (Iranic/IVC)

-geographical/ethnic identity (IVC)

-language (Iranic)

-culture (Persianized Sunni Islamic and nomadic Iranic origin)

-Daulat (Continuous sacred Ghazi state similar to Turks)

- Sufism (poets, teachers, and scholars of spiritual lineage from Persia, Turks, and Arabia)

This definition applies to two modern nation-states: Pakistan and Afghanistan, which are actually one state (and have been throughout most of history.)

I have to admit IV folks are quite smart!!! They know how to shed “liabilities” to increase “equities” and, thereby, collect “dividends”!!! For example, they converted to Islam en masse and became a priori stakeholder in the Muslim Empires!! Understood the concept of Pak and have been leveraging it!!! Saw the inferiority complex of BD folks w.r.t their Hindu masters, so took them out of their mind!! Fathomed the importance of nukes, missiles etc. and adopted them by “eating grass”!!! Etc., etc.....

Our whole history has been coming to a single point. This is our divine history.

Allah swt created our nation for a reason, molded us into what we are today, then chose us as the great defenders and propagators of the faith, and now that time is upon us where we will shape history forever.

Beware! UP/CP/Biharis in Karachi might get triggered by this thread.

It is time for some (not all) Muhajirs who idolize India to embrace the identity which they adopted after 1947.

We have no problem accepting migrants, as even many of us have some ancestry from Arabia, Persia, Central Asia, and Mongolia.
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Even Zero was first used in Gandhara.

Zero was used by Mayans, Babylonians etc... but they didn't have a symbol to signify it. It was these Buddhist manuals written in a Sarada script which was written in Gupta period have the earliest symbolic representation of zero so far. That doesn't prove there was no use of Zero before it.
Secondly, the greatness of Indus valley Civilization is Total and absolute rubbish. 1000 curses on the civilization which used to worship million big deities and billion smaller ones. This Indus civilization was so great that it was ruled and subjugated by a small minority for almost 1000 years. Moreover, the Indus Valley Civilization's own ideology was so bankrupt that it adopted the foreign Arabian ideology. The conversion to foreign ideology was so complete and absolute that Indus valley Civilization has now emerged as a torch bearer of a foreign religion by producing thousands of great scholars and millions of Mujahideen.
Absolutely correct. Our culture and our beloved religion directly come from arabia and that is our story.
- Sufism (poets, teachers, and scholars of spiritual lineage from Persia, Turks, and Arabia)

spiritualism was never tied to persian pre islamic culture of zoroasterianism as far as im aware of, those sufi traditions came after the spiritualistic traditions of buddhism and hinduism. SO chances are the islamic spiritualism came from a prior buddhist spiritual tradition which was existing in central asia.

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