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PDF Pakistanis are supporting Turkey because Turkey supported Pakistan on Kashmir and for some reason most of the internet Pakistanis don't like Kurds
I have watched few episodes of translated Turkish dramas those are better than Pakistani dramas but are boring
I don't think Turkish dramas are very popular in Pakistan

Are you of Pakistani origin and in the post you made a couple days ago I agree on one small point you made about Pakistanis that I rant about all the time in recent years since the push of Turkish PR on Pakistani airwaves and that watermellon seller Erdogan speech about Israel and about Turkish power has gotten Pakistanis hooked on Turkish propaganda whereas in the 90s, 80s it was about the Arabs and the Palestinian cause now its about supporting Turkey everywhere even if its policies are against Muslims of Kurdish and Arab origin Pakistanis must form a coherent idea of who they are as a people rather than larping as Arabs,Turks or a section of Shia in Pakistan who harp on being Persians

Pakistanis needs something to look up to, Arab look up to earlier old Islamic victories and their culture. Persian day dream about old persian empire. Turkey got Ottoman Empire. Hindus are trying to jump on the Maurya, Ashoka and other mythical civilizations. Even Afghans claim every Hasish smoker, who manage to crossover into India to be their Heritage.

What Pakistan needs is something to look up to, something to idealize. Hang every Slave convert SOB, who criticizes Mughal Empire, cuz we are the closest successors and beneficiary of Mughal empire. If we don’t do that, we will be looking left and right till the end of times.

Restore ranks, and traditional in military and govt machinery, instead of signing old British tunes. Highlights Indus Valley civilization link to current Day Pakistan. Build upon it. Otherwise some other nation will claim Pakistan to be their part of history.
The irony is our River Indus is the root for so many places -

  • Indo-nesia
  • Indi-ana [USA]
  • Indi-es [West Indies]
  • Indo-China
  • Indi-a [Gangaland]
  • etc

the irony is, india is from a sanskrit name, sindh or sindhu, which means river, some pakistani nationalists want to be different and differentiate between india and pakistan, racially different, culturally diff, historically diff, even linguistically, geographically diff etc.

To be honest let foreign policy decided by GHQ and not by the idiots on PDF or the dumb politicians yes but before the 2013 bans it was getting more popular in the late 2000s early 2010s
First Turkish drama in Pakistan I think was ishq mamno a channel urdu1 and Geo kahani started playing Turkish and Australian or some other country's translated dramas
Pakistanis needs something to look up to, Arab look up to earlier old Islamic victories and their culture. Persian day dream about old persian empire. Turkey got Ottoman Empire. Hindus are trying to jump on the Maurya, Ashoka and other mythical civilizations. Even Afghans claim every Hasish smoker, who manage to crossover into India to be their Heritage.

What Pakistan needs is something to look up to, something to idealize. Hang every Slave convert SOB, who criticizes Mughal Empire, cuz we are the closest successors and beneficiary of Mughal empire. If we don’t do that, we will be looking left and right till the end of times.

Restore ranks, and traditional in military and govt machinery, instead of signing old British tunes. Highlights Indus Valley civilization link to current Day Pakistan. Build upon it. Otherwise some other nation will claim Pakistan to be their part of history.
I always thought that Pakistanis think, they were the succesor of Mughal civilization. But, as far as I can see here, there is no such general acceptance.
Pakistanis needs something to look up to, Arab look up to earlier old Islamic victories and their culture. Persian day dream about old persian empire. Turkey got Ottoman Empire. Hindus are trying to jump on the Maurya, Ashoka and other mythical civilizations. Even Afghans claim every Hasish smoker, who manage to crossover into India to be their Heritage.

What Pakistan needs is something to look up to, something to idealize. Hang every Slave convert SOB, who criticizes Mughal Empire, cuz we are the closest successors and beneficiary of Mughal empire. If we don’t do that, we will be looking left and right till the end of times.

Restore ranks, and traditional in military and govt machinery, instead of signing old British tunes. Highlights Indus Valley civilization link to current Day Pakistan. Build upon it. Otherwise some other nation will claim Pakistan to be their part of history.

Why don't we look up to Muhammad (SAW) and ask Allah for guidance? At the end we will be standing in front of him on the day Qiyamah, you think any of our predecessors are going to help us out?

Why is it that we take pride in what came before us? We had no role to play in it whatsoever. What good does it do to flaunt it? Have you forgot about the Hadith where it is said "that no one with an atoms weight of pride will enter Jannah".

Why do we Muslims continue making the same mistakes over and over and over? I don't know, may Allah help us all.
Why don't we look up to Muhammad (SAW) and ask Allah for guidance? At the end we will be standing in front of him on the day Qiyamah, you think any of our predecessors are going to help us out?

Why is it that we take pride in what came before us? We had no role to play in it whatsoever. What good does it do to flaunt it? Have you forgot about the Hadith where it is said "that no one with an atoms weight of pride will enter Jannah".

Why do we Muslims continue making the same mistakes over and over and over? I don't know, may Allah help us all.
For religious matter, we should look up to teaching of Islam but God in Quran stated that, we have divided people into different races/tribe or groups so that they can identify each other. So you can be Muslim but to work efficiently, you are sub divided into different groups.
For religious matter, we should look up to teaching of Islam but God in Quran stated that, we have divided people into different races/tribe or groups so that they can identify each other. So you can be Muslim but to work efficiently, you are sub divided into different groups.

Do what you want brother, I am not going to argue with you like some people here like to do. However I just don't like the idea of looking at something beyond Islam, it evokes pride. Have a great day, Salamalikum.
I always thought that Pakistanis think, they were the succesor of Mughal civilization. But, as far as I can see here, there is no such general acceptance.
It’s little complicated, Pakistan have all kind of ethnicities living together. Two major groups in Pakistan are pushtun (Lodhi) and Punjabi (Rajputs). Both are warrior nations with their own history that they are proud of. Mughal’s defeated both ( Ibrahim Lodhi and Hindu Rajput Kings) before they went on conquering rest of the India. Than there are also others ethnicities. So unlike British, Turks or other countries, where majority is British or Turk, actually people with Mughal heritage are relatively low compared to other ethnicities.

Do what you want brother, I am not going to argue with you like some people here like to do. However I just don't like the idea of looking at something beyond Islam, it evokes pride. Have a great day, Salamalikum.
Even if you create a single empire out of all the Muslim countries, you will still have to sub divide each group so that every group functions properly for a single goal. Unless you have a magic wand to erase all barriers.
Yes. And?Sanskrit is sister like language to Avestan. Jamaicans speak English but it is their masters language and does nit make them English.

Ditto Sanskrit. Aboriginals of Ganga.

so who is the master of sanskrit language, your iranian or british lords?

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