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"Pakistan - 5,000 years old" PMIK in China

Infographics of our Indus. Note it. We are there with other cradles of civilization. Europe does not even make a showing. Notice Ganga is still playing with bananas.


Our federation on the Indus Valley.



Notice where the Indus Basin is and where Ganga basin is. I don't need to add anything. Everything is clear.

this is ur favorite subject
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. It's official. I have been saying this for years. Our Prime Minister Imran Khan in China has confirmed "we [Pakistan] are 5,000 years old country. Yipee yee. Of course he did not bother with the "coterminous" part but given most Chinese grasp of English is poor it does not matter. Now it';s time for 200 million Pakistani's to note this.

Go to 11:35

I'm glad he accepted IVC.

We are a nation of Islam. You can end your delusions by reading Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

And how do you know what religion the people of IVC followed?
@Indus Pakistan your fundamental contributions, you should be proud of, are two.

1- Fighting for Civlisational Pakistan
2- Creation of term Gangu

Now regarding PMIK's statement in China... well, we haven't even scrached the surface of our Civilisational History yet... Archeology in Pakistan is intentionally neglected subject. For now!

If you recall a couple of years ago I did mention the stonehenges of Pakistan up North...

All major civilisational nodes of Ancient Pakistan are still alive and kicking.. well most of them. Just have a look at our historic cities... From North to South... still bustling.

The neglect and damage done to our historic sites because of corruption and incompetence is truly a NationalCrime.
More on it at a different time.

What would you say when Pyramids of Pakistan come to light?

Anyhow, I am happy and delighted that the broad day theft of Our Civlisation by GanguDaeshFacists is slowly being fought back... and now PMIK has staked that claim in China... hopefully, YoungPaks here and everywhere take it forward.

Our links to China are ancient... most recent one is of course we brought Buddhism to China!

Specail thanks to you for showing the actual landmass of OurCivlisation with Afghanistan and occupied parts by GanguDaesh...and Persia.

I hope Peace comes to Afghanistan and down the road a proper framework of reintegeration with The Heartland Pakistan can come into being.

All in good time!

P.S. I want that littel statue of OurDancer back from GanguFacistRegime!

Now the question is how to implement Indus style Nationalism to the general populace I think the the most important think IK can do problem is they are two competing narratives well actually 3 one is the Islamist version where we the vanguard of the Muslim world 2nd is the westernised elite form of Secularism 3rd is Indus Nationalism,I prefer 3rd as it balances out and is easily can help make a self confident country who when asked who they are can answer but we need to counter Indian cultural imperialism in all forms sadly we failed at that diaspora as well

I'm glad he accepted IVC.

And how do you know what religion the people of IVC followed?

The 1973 Constitution is just an excuse by folks who dont want to implement change in the country it wasnt even a proper constitution but a compromise with religious clerics
Well, this is what we have been trying to do... really.

Gangufication of PakSociety is alarming!

Fundamental onslaught has been entertainment and MarasiMedia.

Take these two out first. Then Shape the SocialConciousness towards Pakistanism.

The Biggest Threat to Idea of Pakistan is Gangufication.

Yes,but the problem is that people in Pakistan are too ignorant of history even in the 70 plus years the state has existed how many folks know the leaders,events or changes in society after Jinnah barley anyone lack of understanding of past leads to identity crisis
Now the question is how to implement Indus style Nationalism to the general populace I think the the most important think IK can do problem is they are two competing narratives well actually 3 one is the Islamist version where we the vanguard of the Muslim world 2nd is the westernised elite form of Secularism 3rd is Indus Nationalism,I prefer 3rd as it balances out and is easily can help make a self confident country who when asked who they are can answer but we need to counter Indian cultural imperialism in all forms sadly we failed at that diaspora as well

The 1973 Constitution is just an excuse by folks who dont want to implement change in the country it wasnt even a proper constitution but a compromise with religious clerics

Here's how we fix this:

1. Don't be so vocal in taking pride in anything that Islam considers abhorrent (which isn't hard, you just have to not mention all the statue/temple making)
2. Emphasise that IVC existed prior to Hinduism
3. Emphasise that modern Hinduism is a corruption of its original form
4. Emphasise that Buddhism and Sikhism are nowhere near as idolatrous as Hinduism
5. Emphasise that we don't know what religion IVC followed

History speaks for itself.

History says we don't know their religion.
We are a nation of Islam. You can end your delusions by reading Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Reading the constitution of Pakistan.. which one? the one in 1956, 62, 1973 - present?
Pakistan is only 'Islamic' on paper.. in reality this is no nation of Islam, if that was the case then there would only be few people left sitting in parliament, the rest would be hanging from the gallows. Furthermore I never said 'hey lets go back to Idol worship' the whole premise of my comment was to differentiate ourselves from our uncivilised neighbours... we are from the Indus valley civilisation, whether you like it or not.
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Here's how we fix this:

1. Don't be so vocal in taking pride in anything that Islam considers abhorrent (which isn't hard, you just have to not mention all the statue/temple making)
2. Emphasise that IVC existed prior to Hinduism
3. Emphasise that modern Hinduism is a corruption of its original form
4. Emphasise that Buddhism and Sikhism are nowhere near as idolatrous as Hinduism
5. Emphasise that we don't know what religion IVC followed

History says we don't know their religion.
Can you please explain what is Indus nationalism

You know the biggest excuse Islamophobes in the west and even their Indian lackeys use is that Muslims have no history but destroying or pillaging Pakistanis have it worst how can you defend your country and firstly your deen of you dont know both past histories I dont advocate for Islam being lessen in our society,or changing the government to a secular form all we are saying is Pakistanis need to be confident in their identity as a people instead of larping as Arabs,Turks, Persians or worse Indians
Here's how we fix this:

1. Don't be so vocal in taking pride in anything that Islam considers abhorrent (which isn't hard, you just have to not mention all the statue/temple making)
2. Emphasise that IVC existed prior to Hinduism
3. Emphasise that modern Hinduism is a corruption of its original form
4. Emphasise that Buddhism and Sikhism are nowhere near as idolatrous as Hinduism
5. Emphasise that we don't know what religion IVC followed

History says we don't know their religion.

We dont know about the religion of every individual. There must be some individuals who remained on the path of Tauheed, but I dont think that they ever adopted Tauheed collectively, in their entire history.

Reading the constitution of Pakistan.. which one? the one in 1956, 62, 1973 - present?
The present constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan.
Sorry but how does it matter ??

In the present, is Pakistan a nation that others would love to emulate ?? Has Pakistan developed a social, political and economic philosophy that can serve as guide to the rest of the world ??

Even little countries like Cuba have a better system than bigger countries like India and Pakistan.

@Indus Pakistan

Well we are the 1st EVER nation in all recorded human history to have been able to repel & fend off an enemy nation that is more than 7× bigger than us for over 72 years............:azn:

If the Egyptians, Iranians etc can take pride in their ancient history then why can't Pakistanis?

PS Which race or nation on earth wants to emulate india or indian Muslims?.......:lol:
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