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Pak will have to fight war if India doesn't talk, says Hafiz Saeed

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Ohh come they were religious riots...nothing to do with terrorism ..Hindu people also died in Gujrat and Ayodhya...You are miserably trying to link up religious riots and cross border terrorism..
When Hindus fight with muslims , Christians , Sikhs or any other its called religious riots but same if muslims do its called terrorism:angry:
its going around the world that same thing if muslims do its not acceptable but american Russians indians they are doing same ohhhhhhhh sory much much more than it , its called WOT ....
what are the standards no body knows....
@ Emo_girl
""Now Hafiz Saeed will determine what Pak needs to do, that Thackray is preparing the counter statement for sure ""
he is a patriotic pakistani. if india stop our water by building dams what else should we do rather dying from hunger its better dying in protecting our nation.
I don't think so, but anyone saying they have evidence and presenting it in court are too different things. Hafiz Saeed was tried and released by an independent judiciary.

There were no hard evidence presented by Pakistan investigators because there was no investigation done in the first place...If there is any sinceraity from the Pakistan side..Evidence against this guy can be easily found...I dont think Pakistan investigators are that dump..
same applies on India, where are the people who killed Pakistanis on your soil?

Why don't you people talk about that

There is a term 'war mongering' .............

What incident are you talking about?

There is a term 'war mongering' .............

Oh come on. You know it.
The Indian COAS said war under a nuclear overhang is very much a possibility not that there will be a tommorow.anyway he is a COAS and thats his job.He gave mere speculation


then tell me why have you all gone bonkers on statement of Hafiz Saeed, He can say whatever he want to say, He do not represent Pakistani Gov & Pakistani Armed Forces

jagjitnatt said:
What incident are you talking about?

Samjhota Express
If Saeed is so innocent, why doesn't Pak govt allow investigators from India or CIA investigate the case?
They should allow at least one foreign investigator to do the job.

CIA is not intersted in wasting its time on Indian day dreaming claims.

Whereas India even failed to investigate in its own territory. All the investigation so far has been done by Pakistan and recently FBI got some clues regarding Headly.

Besides its our country why should we allow India in the first place.

If the Indian evidence is so useless then why the world believes India? How did India convince the US, the UN, and the rest of the world that Pak non state actors were involved?

And the world is forcing Pakistan day and night :cheesy:

The UN even had included dead men on freezing list :P

Even your govt has accepted that Kasab is a Pakistani. Nawaz Sharif also accepted that. Just think over it once.

I am not saying that Pak was involved in the attacks, but some Pakistanis were and we just want them punished.

Kasab had denied all allegations and still says he had been implicated.

And our Govt did accept he is Pakistani and we are not denying that so go and Punish him.

All we are debating here that There is NO evidence against Hafiz Saeed so your useless shouting is nothing other than just shouting for the sake of shouting
When Hindus fight with muslims , Christians , Sikhs or any other its called religious riots but same if muslims do its called terrorism:angry:
its going around the world that same thing if muslims do its not acceptable but american Russians indians they are doing same ohhhhhhhh sory much much more than it , its called WOT ....
what are the standards no body knows....

NO mate the fighting was occured with in the country..people were behaving like mad dogs..Its not only muslims ,Christians and Sikhs who were killed in religious riots..Hindus too were murdered...i am not supporting it but its strictly internal matter of our country and there is a huge different between religious riots and Nationalities from other countries commit terrorist attack here...
same applies on India, where are the people who killed Pakistanis on your soil?

Why don't you people talk about that
The guy who did it is arrested and under trial here in India..any bold step done by Pakistan part..remember we work with out any Pakistan's evidence and those who are involved are in jail now?

There is a term 'war mongering' .............

What ever.. atleast he didnt kill nor asking in the name of religion to kill innocent people in the streets of Pakistan..
CIA is not intersted in wasting its time on Indian day dreaming claims.

Whereas India even failed to investigate in its own territory. All the investigation so far has been done by Pakistan and recently FBI got some clues regarding Headly.

Besides its our country why should we allow India in the first place.

And the world is forcing Pakistan day and night :cheesy:

The UN even had included dead men on freezing list :P

Kasab had denied all allegations and still says he had been implicated.

And our Govt did accept he is Pakistani and we are not denying that so go and Punish him.

All we are debating here that There is NO evidence against Hafiz Saeed so your useless shouting is nothing other than just shouting for the sake of shouting

Getting angry?

Don't be. Just a few questions for you...

1. What should Kasab do now that he is caught? Should he say yes I did it and get hanged??? Who on earth would do that? Any sane person would say I didn't do a thing. He would try his best to puzzle everybody and buy some time.

2. How do you know there is no evidence against Saeed? that Indians didn't investigate anything. that the evidence India provided is rubbish. How can a common man know that? Its just that you heard in media. Is it credible?

The international media claims otherwise.

3. Why did he get banned by UN?

4. Why is GoP not arresting a man banned by UN?

And don't get angry. I get scared when I see an angry girl. :confused:
There were no hard evidence presented by Pakistan investigators because there was no investigation done in the first place...If there is any sinceraity from the Pakistan side..Evidence against this guy can be easily found...I dont think Pakistan investigators are that dump..

have you even read what evidence *cosmetic dossier, Indians gave us, I am 100% sure you didnt so let me show you all the stupididty of that dossier

  • The most striking point about the dossier is its vague and unprofessional character. Enormous reliance is placed on the interrogation of the captured terrorist, Mohammed Amir Kasab, despite the fact that there is an abundance of other evidence – eyewitness accounts, CCTV and TV footage, forensic evidence, etc. – which could have been called upon to establish when, where, and what exactly happened during the attacks. This gives rise to the suspicion that the interrogation is being used as a substitute for real investigation because it can be influenced by intimidation or torture, whereas other sources of evidence cannot be influenced in the same way.
  • Kasab and Ismail Khan were assigned to CST station (better known as VT), and allegedly entered the station and started firing indiscriminately at 'about 21.20 hrs' (p.5). But according to an eyewitness at VT, Bharat Patel, a chef at Re-Fresh Food Plaza which was riddled with bullet-holes, firing in the mainline station started at 9.55 p.m. [3]. According to CCTV footage, it was at 21.55 that passengers, who had earlier been walking around normally, began running for cover in the suburban part of the station while the railway police attempted to take on the terrorists, and at 22.13 p.m., the terrorists were still in VT station [4]. Motorman O.M.Palli said, 'I heard the last bullet sound at 10.32,' and when asked how he could be so sure of the time, replied, 'I am a motorman; I keep time by the seconds' [5]. So why does the dossier prepone the assault by 35 minutes, when there is evidence which enables us to establish its timing far more precisely?
  • The fact that an incident took place in Cama Hospital involving two Marathi-speaking attackers, and that this was widely reported in the papers, would obviously be a source of embarrassment if the dossier is bent on showing that the terror attacks of late November involved only Pakistani nationals. Presumably that is why this whole sequence of events (in Cama Hospital) has been omitted from the dossier? In fact, this omission raises several other questions. First and foremost, who were these Marathi-speaking terrorists, why were they in Cama Hospital, and what happened to them afterwards?
  • In fact, the battle in which Karkare and his companions were reportedly killed was not at the exit of the lane but several yards before the exit, in front of the branch of Corporation Bank at the side of St Xavier's College, which bore the marks of several bullet-holes. If we accept that Kasab and Ismail conducted the massacre in VT, then they would have escaped from VT station, crossed the footbridge over DN Road and run along the lane going past the back of Cama Hospital around 22.40. If they were not involved in the attack inside Cama, what possible reason would they have for hanging around for at least an hour in a lane which is on the edge of a police complex and would have been full of cops by then due to the standoff at Cama, when they could have hijacked any number of cars from the main road (Mahapalika Marg) and escaped? Even in the event that they had been told Karkare was a target (extremely unlikely, since Karkare's revelations regarding the Samjhauta blasts (see below) had been welcomed in Pakistan), neither they nor their handlers in Pakistan could possibly have known that he would be coming down that lane an hour later. Give all this, it seems most unlikely that they could have been the killers of the police officers and constables killed in Badaruddin Tyabji Lane. Which leaves us with the crucial question: who killed Hemant Karkare?
  • According to Jadhav's original testimony, Kasab and Ismail hijacked the the police vehicle in which Karkare had been travelling and drove it first to Metro Junction, where they fired three rounds at journalists and police vans (see [10]). There was indeed a shootout at Metro, captured on camera by a TV crew [13], but there is no mention at all of this incident in the dossier. Why not? Again, the implication is that the terrorists involved in the incident at Metro were not Kasab and Ismail but members of the other group, who drove there after killing Karkare and his companions.
  • Thirdly, the intercepted calls cited in the dossier are emphatic that no Muslims should be killed (p.53, 54), yet in the carnage at VT station, 22 of the victims – well over one-third of the total – were Muslims [14]. The Walliullah family lost six members, and many of these victims would easily have been identified as Muslims from their appearance. This almost suggests that Muslims were deliberately being targeted: the exact opposite of what the Pakistani handlers had ordered! One possible explanation of this, also suggested by the fact that there were simultaneous attacks on the mainline and suburban sections of VT, is that there were two pairs of terrorists attacking the station, one of which was not from Pakistan.
  • What is not mentioned is that on 6 December, two people were arrested by the Kolkata police for supplying three SIM cards for these very cellphones: Tausif Rehman and Mukhtar Ahmed. Rehman was reported to have obtained the SIM cards in the name of deceased persons and other fake IDs, while Ahmed passed them on to LeT operatives.
  • Initially seen as a breakthrough in the investigation, the arrests soon became an embarrassment when it was discovered that Ahmed was an Indian intelligence operative who had infiltrated LeT. This incident has been used to make the charge that the whole Mumbai terrorist attack was a 'false flag' operation masterminded by Indian, US and Israeli intelligence services [15]. This seems far-fetched, but it certainly appears that something more sinister than a mere 'intelligence failure' on the part of Indian intelligence services is involved. What the SIM card episode and other reports suggest is that some parts of the Indian intelligence establishment had prior intimation that an attack was being planned. This prior intelligence was specific enough to identify seaside targets, in particular hotels. Hotel managements were in fact issued a general security alert some weeks before the attacks. Despite this, no attempt was made to prevent the attacks.
  • This 'conspiracy theory' is able to explain several things which remain unexplained in the 'official version', for example: (a) why, despite prior intelligence of the attacks, nothing was done to prevent them; (b) the Cama Hospital incident involving Marathi-speaking terrorists, and the outbreak of firing and general mayhem at Metro Junction; (c) the carnage at VT, where far more people were killed than at any other location, and the high proportion of Muslims killed there (contrary to the instructions given to the main group of terrorists); and (d) last but not least, the murder of Hemant Karkare at a time when Pakistani terrorists could only have been present at that location if time had stood still during the hour or more when the battle at Cama Hospital was raging.

India's Terror Dossier: Further Evidence Of A Conspiracy

seiko said:
The guy who did it is arrested and under trial here in India..any bold step done by Pakistan part..remember we work with out any Pakistan's evidence and those who are involved are in jail now?

atleast i haven't read or heard a word about the people involved in Samjhota Express
& moreover our nationals were killed on your soil so no point in beating drums, unnecessarily
NO mate the fighting was occured with in the country..people were behaving like mad dogs..Its not only muslims ,Christians and Sikhs who were killed in religious riots..Hindus too were murdered...i am not supporting it but its strictly internal matter of our country and there is a huge different between religious riots and ...

O.K as you said then what CIA , RAW, MOSAD are doing in pakistan , Afghanistan and other muslims countries they also must be declaired Terrorists???????
Nop cause for them they are deffending their caus.... and as pakistani proves are not recognise by (USA, Inida ) UN....
""Nationalities from other countries commit terrorist attack here""
What about Samjhota Express???? did you bring justice in your own country ???
just shouting loud wont do anything..
O.K as you said then what CIA , RAW, MOSAD are doing in pakistan , Afghanistan and other muslims countries they also must be declaired Terrorists???????

They are intelligence agencies. Its their job to collect intelligence, at what costs is upto them. If they are found in other countries, they will be tried under that country's law. You are free to arrest them or whatever. Intelligence agencies keep sending agents to other countries. Even ISI sends agents here in India. They get arrested sometimes, sometimes they don't. But if they start killing people, then thats terrorism and should be punished under a different law, and then they should report to the agencies and decide what to do.
Your Indian dossiers dont have anything other than pics of Rs10 Toothpast and Iranian made washing powder "PAK" :woot:

Really ! The U.N. seemed satisfied enough to slap sanctions on JuD. Guess it must have been a very special toothpaste !:hitwall:

Neither Hafiz Saeed is proven to be involved in terrorism in India.

Seemed enough for the U.N. see article below.

JuD, Hafiz Saeed added to UN terror list

United Nations: Acceding to India's request, a UN Security Council committee on Wednesday designated Jamat-ud-Dawah (JuD), the frontal organisation of Lashkar-e-Taiba, as a global terrorist organisation and its leader Hafiz Mohammad Saeed a terrorist in the wake of their alleged involvement in the Mumbai terror attacks. With this they are subject to freezing of assets, travel ban and arms embargo.

Moving quickly, given the seriousness of the issue and the information provided by India in support of its demand, the Security Council Al Qaeda and Taliban Sanctions Committee at its meeting held at the UN headquarters on Wednesday afternoon approved the names as requested by India.

In addition to this, the Sanctions Committee also designated two other LeT leaders as terrorists. They are Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, chief of operations of Laskhar-e-Taiba, and Haji Muhammad Ashraf, chief of finance of the group. These names were added at the request of the US.

All the three are Pakistani nationals and their names have appeared in connection with the Mumbai terrorists attack.

The Sanctions Committee also designated Mahmoud Ahmed Bahaziq, an India-born Saudi national, as a terrorist. He served as LeT leader in Saudi Arabia and raised money for the terrorist outfit.

In addition to JeD, the frontal organisations of two other Pakistan-based terrorist outfits have also been included in the Security Council's terror list. These include Al Amin Trust of the banned Al Rashid Trust and Pakistan Relief Foundation of Al-Akhtar Trust International.

JuD, Hafiz Saeed added to UN terror list

And oh BTW if all those 11000 Pages dossiers by India hold clear evidence then why dont you Indians present to the world in the open

Let me just enlighten you on the facts:

There are hours & hours of intercepted phone calls using voip featuring Pakistani "non-state actors". This was actually tracked down by the FBI to Karachi. If you want, you can actually listen to them on Channel 4/HBO documentary "Terror in Mumbai".
There are two gentlemen; Mr.David Headley and Mr.Tahawwur Rana who are actually charged by the FBI in this case along with a retired Pakistani army officer. Even if you choose to discount Kasab's confession, there is enough evidence as accepted by your government to charge Pakistanis in this case.
That Rs.10/- toothpaste must really be something for the whole world to believe this evidence.:cheesy:
have you even read what evidence *cosmetic dossier, Indians gave us, I am 100% sure you didnt so let me show you all the stupididty of that dossier

India's Terror Dossier: Further Evidence Of A Conspiracy

You guys will never tired of conspiracy theories right??Is the content of the dossier being publicized to civilians or to media??any credible links that its published in media??As for as Marathi people there are more than 1 lak phone calls from all over mumbai over the suspected terrorist in their area..people were confused at that time..they viewed any one and every one as terrorists..

atleast i haven't read or heard a word about the people involved in Samjhota Express
& moreover our nationals were killed on your soil so no point in beating drums, unnecessarily

I was talking about the arrest of Abhinav bharat the hindu militant organisation ..members were arrested and trial is going on..there possible involvement in Samjotha Blast is also investigated another suspect is LeT.. yes the same Sayeeds baby ..if you want to prove it ,arrest him and question him.. may be he will spill some beans or give him to us..
bwahahha guys leave the crap and watch Hockey Match
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