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Pak warned of dire consequences if India attacked: Ex-Obama aide

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nobody ever talks about Pakistanis who were attacked in india, on 18 February 2007.

Investigation is still going on whether the culprits are local or Arif Qasmani & co. of LeT aka JuD.

So please hold your horses.
How's losing 170million worse than losing 1billion+?

Loss of life is loss of life be it one or 1000.

Is this the way Chinese math works? You can so easily disregard the value of life of 170million people?

Is that how you value Pakistani lives?

so they are less valuable if they are only 170million?

What did I say earlier?

The question is, if all lives are equal... than what is worse. The loss of 170 million or the loss of 1+ billion. Clearly 1+ billion is a greater loss.
Original Post By Chinese-Dragon

Clearly then Pakistan must be sacrificed for the benefit of an even greater 1.3 billion Chinese.
What did I say earlier?

Clearly then Pakistan must be sacrificed for the benefit of an even greater 1.3 billion Chinese.

Haven't you heard of the famous quote by the Chinese general ?

We will fight India to the last Pakistani ?
Clearly then Pakistan must be sacrificed for the benefit of an even greater 1.3 billion Chinese.

You speak as if we are so powerful that we can control the destinies of other nations. :lol:

India was the one who started the problems in the subcontinent, now they are coming back to roost. Our only addition to the mix was helping Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons.

Now ask the Pakistanis if that was a good thing or a bad thing from their perspective. :azn:
What did I say earlier?

Clearly then Pakistan must be sacrificed for the benefit of an even greater 1.3 billion Chinese.

That is evil to say the least.

So the lives of 170 million people do not matter as compared to lives of 1 billion + people.

What a sad way Chinese math works in.
We Pakistanis support principle stand of kashmiris what ever kashmiris will decide we will accept. Let them decide through self determination.

Then what are you waiting for. Let JKLF contest elections, get out of Azad Kashmir
Your way of thinking still too old, well its an advantage for us... You know wat! There is nothing we have like internal emotion or humanity feeling when we talk about War with india.........!!!

The real soldiers and their families know what war is... not us, my point is the chinese are playing you like a drum, and the chinese posters here are to be believed they seem gleeful in the complete destruction of both Pakistan and India. Brandishing nukes at the drop of a hat doesn't happen in real life.
That is evil to say the least.

So the lives of 170 million people do not matter as compared to lives of 1 billion + people.

What a sad way Chinese math works in.

Keep putting words in my mouth, we both know that Pakistanis will favour us anyday over Indians. :lol:

And I'll clarify for the third time. To me... all human lives are "worth" the same.
And it was the same CPC that did not lift a finger when Pakistan was dismembered in 1971, that was the same CPC that actually condemned Pakistan in Kargil & refused to help.

Does that tell you something ?

If you don't know I will tell - that China will not come into a direct war with India for the sake of Pakistan.

And before you post the "smashing 1962" again..it was not for the sake of Pakistan.

See, it is in Chinese interest to stay safe while inflicting maximum damage on India through Pakistan.

But how should that matter to us? We have to assume the worst case scenario in which the Chinese are fully and directly involved.
You speak as if we are so powerful that we can control the destinies of other nations. :lol:

India was the one who started the problems in the subcontinent, now they are coming back to roost. Our only addition to the mix was helping Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons.

Now ask the Pakistanis if that was a good thing or a bad thing from their perspective. :azn:

Do not divert the issue, CD.

Answer the question.

Are lives of 170 million people less valuable than those of 1 billion + people?

Is that how Chinese math works?
Yes but wars are fought between militaries.

Nuclear bombs kill innocent civilians also. In fact., mostly they kill innocent civilians only.

Hence the remark about loss of innocent's lives is relevant. Very relevant.
Then why indian made their nuclear bomb? War among nations 21st century will be more disasterous then ever.. . WW2 is a lesson for all.. We have rights to do everything for self defence purposes.... Like america did when they formed NATO.....
Yes but wars are fought between militaries

Nuclear bombs kill innocent civilians also. In fact., mostly they kill innocent civilians only.

wars in general will always see civilian casualties, common Jack!!!! man don't talk like naiive "tree-hugger"

War doesn't decide who's RIGHT
But only who's LEFT!

of course in today's age, dynamics and nature of wars are also changing....

oh and by the way, i laugh at the indians who actually think that Samjhauta Express attack was carried out by the now non-existant "LeT"

on one hand you claim that is isn't the uniform Col. who had dealings with radical saffronist groups; but on the other hand you seem convinced that it's the former. Don't you think expediting the trial would do wonders?

what do you say, Cap'N Jack??
India chose that path for herself in 1959.

And it is all circumstantial of course. The last Sino-Indian war was triggered when India was trying to meddle in our "core interests" in Tibet... today it is the South China Sea, which also qualifies as a "core interest".

Everything is an opportunity.

That is your version of the story, it does not matter.

All that matters is that India prepare for the worst case scenario, with China being a belligerent.
Keep putting words in my mouth, we both know that Pakistanis will favour us anyday over Indians. :lol:

And I'll clarify for the third time. To me... all human lives are "worth" the same.

If all lives are worth the same then why did you say that the lives of 170 million Pakistanis are less valuable than those of 1 billion + Indians?

This is what you said.

How am I putting words in your mouth?
India was the one who started the problems in the subcontinent, now they are coming back to roost.

What do they teach you people in schools ?

It all started with Kashmir -- the illegal invasion of the Independent princely state of Kashmir, ruled by a Maharaja, by the tribal invaders backed up by the Pakistan Army regulars.

Yes, the We will fight India to the last Pakistani , told by a Chinese holds true for all of you.
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