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Pak using militants as proxies to counter 'superior' Indian Army: US

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Any 'non-Indian' source to this? All I found in google were Indian sites.
Well I have a pdf copy of the report... I don't know if forum policies would allow me to post that here.

DM me if you want a copy.
World is so cruel! cant even see how much sacrifices we have made in war on terror. If it wasnt Pakistan then Usa and nato wouldnt survive even a day in afghanistan. It was Pakistan that stood with them till end, it was Pakistan who gave them ground and its own bases to fight terrorists, when everyone rejected to help usa, it was Pakistan who helped them fight terrorists. And when everyone rejected to accept afghan refugees, it was we who gave them our land to live, when afghan were dying of hunger it was we who gave them food, water and every possible support. Even though they are burden to our economy, we accepted all those afghan refugees happily.
Even though terrorists attacks our soldiers, our tribes from cross border still Pakistan didnt sealed the border, instead we kept on helping afghans. If we would have sealed the border then whole afghan population would have died of hunger. World is indeed blind, they cant even see these terrorists are blowing them selves up in Pakistan. They are destroying each and every property of Pakistan they are killing each and every Pakistani, from schools to universities from houses to shopping malls from police station to our bases from mosques to grounds they didnt spare any thing. Their target is Pakistan and people of Pakistan. Recently they attacked at wagah border killing 50 plus Pakistanis. Ever since war on terror began we have lost 80000 plus citizen and 15000 plus troops. Our economy has been destroyed completely, once Pakistan was among the best tourist spots of world but ever since we entered in this war we have been labeled as terrorists country, most dangerous place on earth, extremists etc.
I once heard about americans that "they will first use you then after using you they through you like tissue paper"
I guess this statement is right about americans

You have 100s of them working for you.

So you sacrificed a few of them to show you are against them. But doesn't mean it affects the overall strategy.

Even after so much damage, there are people in Pak govt. who support the militants. It seems like no sane people are left at the top.
Indian's hands are dirty with the blood of innocent Pakistanies,they have been sponsoring these hired killers to shed the blood of our innocents...

India has sponsored terror attacks against Pak: Hagel - Rediff.com India News

‘India financed problems for Pakistan’ from Afghanistan: Chuck Hagel – The Express Tribune
.یار بہنس کےاگے بین نا باجاو They are all blinded and brain wash creatures. They likes to live in ignorance and will probabaly gonna disrespect our peoples blood which has been wasted fighting war on terror by saying we have created terrorists etc
You have 100s of them working for you.

So you sacrificed a few of them to show you are against them. But doesn't mean it affects the overall strategy.

Even after so much damage, there are people in Pak govt. who support the militants. It seems like no sane people are left at the top.

The majority of your nation supports Modi the butcher, aka the terrorist of gujrat.


You hindus feel very smug about it, but If you had tried that in Punjab, we would have erased your race.
Pak using militants as proxies to counter 'superior' Indian Army: US

In a blunt assessment of terrorist safe havens in Pakistan, the Pentagon has told the US Congress that the country is using militant groups as proxies to counter the superior Indian military.

"Afghan-and Indian-focused militants continue to operate from the Pakistan territory to the detriment of Afghan and regional stability. Pakistan uses these proxy forces to hedge against the loss of influence in Afghanistan and to counter India's superior military," the Pentagon told the Congress in its latest six-monthly report on the current situation in Afghanistan.

"These relationships run counter to Pakistan's public commitment to support Afghan-led reconciliation. Such groups continue to act as the primary irritant in Afghan-Pakistan bilateral relations," the Pentagon said in the report running into more than 100 pages.

hello my friend. I woke up with this news flashing on timesnow. Was very unrealistic To be frank. I mean wwhen was the last time in 60 years we saw or heard of America openly Calls Pakistan a terrorist State ? I don't know how you guys are lookin at it but am looking it as a formal warning of Pakistan from the Nato . In two aspects.
1- The national security concerns of Americans and the EuropeansEuropeans getting bigger and bigger on the internal situation in Pakistan. Its the Terrorism . Home grown or Exported . Every time the terrorist attempt to take control of weapons from Pak amred forces. Which will be a devastating mistake which ll involve invasion of Pakistan by West . U may ask me I am i so obsessed with this invasion of Pakistan . The ans is NO. Pak is a nuclear state . But this won't stop the us to Pakistan. Isn't it ? If an terror hijacked war ship fires at us AC battle group or even destroying American ship and killing even 10 marines will be an act of War ? Thank god it dint happened. Good job by pak army men.

2) Even thou US support Pakistan many Nato countries ask different prospective on Pakistan . a) It's the alliance partner for China. And influence of china has on Pakistan will be alarmin for the West. But due to American pressure targeting terrorist camps inside Pakistan was averted . After taking over Iraq and Afghanistan.And us had there old game on using instability in relation ship bet India and Pakistan to sell the weapons to both of us and dominate our international views. But due to hard work of this new govt now Americans started to trust India. To an extend to come up with a joint statement of Terror Safe Heavens and to DISMANTLE IT COMPLETELY . Its very serious man . These us now just giving peanuts defence equipments to carry out operation deep inside Pakistan . Killing many people . If usa don't have to worr about the good relations with pak theynot gonna give weapons or aid but carry out bombing terror camps...

The majority of your nation supports Modi the butcher, aka the terrorist of gujrat.


You hindus feel very smug about it, but If you had tried that in Punjab, we would have erased your race.

get some peace of mind and life dude. Watch friends and chill hinduphobic :D
You have 100s of them working for you.

So you sacrificed a few of them to show you are against them. But doesn't mean it affects the overall strategy.

Even after so much damage, there are people in Pak govt. who support the militants. It seems like no sane people are left at the top.
you have nice logic! bravo
You are saying that we have 100 terrorists organization and totally under our control but why they never attacks india instead they always points their guns toward us. Dude if we had any terrorirts organization then they would have been blowing themselves up in india, India would have been broken up in several pieces and your army would have been fighting against them but the ground reality is 180 degrees opposite, instead our army, our people are busy fighting and killing them while you guys are busy arming and training them from afghanistan.
you have nice logic! bravo
You are saying that we have 100 terrorists organization and totally under our control but why they never attacks india instead they always points their guns toward us. Dude if we had any terrorirts organization then they would have been blowing themselves up in india, India would have been broken up in several pieces and your army would have been fighting against them but the ground reality is 180 degrees opposite, instead our army, our people are busy fighting and killing them while you guys are busy arming and training them from afghanistan.

Dude the attacks in India not happening because of 24*7*365 days HARD work by Indian Security Agencies.
They are your indian TTp miltants dont make your slef look fool we all know who are those terrorist what they are up too caz pak army is about fiinsh your terrorist then your army start open fire at Loc to keep us bussy at border but we have inoff and strong army and we will crush your rates as wagha border our people still were right beside army where your indian people lol scared of your owen terrorists to make it look like indian are scared of those blast wich are indian organizaion
Dude the attacks in India not happening because of 24*7*365 days HARD work by Indian Security Agencies.
You are wrong these attack are not happening in India because your country is financing all these proxies to destabilize Pakistan.
You are wrong these attack are not happening in India because your country is financing all these proxies to destabilize Pakistan.

Dude the world thinks otherwise. No one would listen to you till you actually stop supporting them. You cannot change world's opinion by harboring and nurturing them but denying at the face.
.یار بہنس کےاگے بین نا باجاو They are all blinded and brain wash creatures. They likes to live in ignorance and will probabaly gonna disrespect our peoples blood which has been wasted fighting war on terror by saying we have created terrorists etc

these bigots need to be shown mirror before they open their filthy mouths to malign us as their hands are full with the blood of innocent Pakistani's
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