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Pak using militants as proxies to counter 'superior' Indian Army: US

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Dude up-to you, this negative world opinion only affects your country's future and your country image. Do whatever you like. I just hope there is no terror infrastructure in South Asia.
You can laugh all you want but you should never forget that your proxies will soon bite your country back so think about your country security as well.Your country dream of making Pakistan like Afghanistan will cause destruction for your country as well.
Jinki jalti hai unhe jalne do, not like people don't already know this "slap you in the face" fact.
Only response they will ever give is their fabulously growing denial.
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Dude up-to you, this negative world opinion only affects your country's future and your country image. Do whatever you like. I just hope there is no terror infrastructure in South Asia.
Look mate its not rocket science, its really easy to percieve. First when they were using us, we were their allies but now all of a sudden we became terrorists country when they thought they can not further gets more benefit from us. Its all politics and a great game.
And do you guys ever realized you guys are also a part of this world, today you guys are in their good books that is because they feels that you guys can deliver to their expectation. But have you guys ever realized the fact that what if tomorrow they calls you a terrorists state. Will you guys then gonna accept it, just like what you guys are doing right now.
You can laugh all you want but you should never forget that your proxies will soon bite your country back so think about your country security as well.Your country dream of making Pakistan like Afghanistan will cause destruction for your country as well.

Are you not aware ??? Your country already a Afganistan
you have nice logic! bravo
You are saying that we have 100 terrorists organization and totally under our control but why they never attacks india instead they always points their guns toward us. Dude if we had any terrorirts organization then they would have been blowing themselves up in india, India would have been broken up in several pieces and your army would have been fighting against them but the ground reality is 180 degrees opposite, instead our army, our people are busy fighting and killing them while you guys are busy arming and training them from afghanistan.

Check out what the afghan, Iran and China is complaining about. There are individual groups that are targeting all these countries operating out of pakistsn. There are India specific terrorist groups as well. The problem these India specific groups face is approach - the India Pakistan border is heavily militarized, plus India is not a Muslim country for these terrorists to find a base. They will be hunted down like the dogs they are.

Pakistan is ripe for such groups to fester unlike India.
Whats new.....we all know this.
Look mate its not rocket science, its really easy to percieve. First when they were using us, we were their allies but now all of a sudden we became terrorists country when they thought they can not further gets more benefit from us. Its all politics and a great game.
And do you guys ever realized you guys are also a part of this world, today you guys are in their good books that is because they feels that you guys can deliver to their expectation. But have you guys ever realized the fact that what if tomorrow they calls you a terrorists state. Will you guys then gonna accept it, just like what you guys are doing right now.

So blame yourself for letting them create terrorists on your soil.

they might have used you then, but now they want you to end them. So you gotta end them.

But creating and supporting terrorists was a mistake then and is a mistake now. Only thing is you were not called out then as it suited some external govts. but not you are being called so as it doesn't suit them. But that does not mean you were right ever.

You created and supported monsters on your soil thinking you would benefit. You played your country into their hands.

Anyhow you let others play your country. Your fault only. but the point is you can at least stop the mistake now, and end all infrastructure and support for terrorists. You need not continue the mistake you made earlier.

For India I need not worry as India never let anyone play them and wont let that happen in future also. So at best the west can hate India like they do China right now. But we wont face the situation like you as we never set our home on fire (for others benefit or even our own benefit).
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Check out what the afghan, Iran and China is complaining about. There are individual groups that are targeting all these countries operating out of pakistsn. There are India specific terrorist groups as well. The problem these India specific groups face is approach - the India Pakistan border is heavily militarized, plus India is not a Muslim country for these terrorists to find a base. They will be hunted down like the dogs they are.

Pakistan is ripe for such groups to fester unlike India.
These groups dont operate from Pakistan, they are in afghanistan along with the Raw and indians who are their only support. Even the talibans leader is somewhere hiding inside afghanistan. Those who are present here, our army is doing an action against them. But what india is doing? its putting pressure on eastern borders thorugh continuous cease fire violation inorder to divert our attentions from the war against terror so that they could save their rats,
And nodoubt India has played a very nice stratergy its raw has totally deepened its roots inside afghanistan and from their they are sending their terrorists inside Pakistan to carryout attacks.
Oh dear.

I just asked. I was just trying to help. You seek self-pity with laser-guided precision; I thought it was time for a fix.

I have humiliated you before and made you cry regarding your father. I am not interested in mud slinging
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