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Pak tops list of America hating countries: Survey

We have right to hate a country that plays strategic games in our country and kills our innocent public on the name of so called Terrorism. America herself is a biggest terrorist of the world.

Dear “Son of Mountains”

We don’t deny the fact that disagreements have prevailed during the course of our relationship. We were faced with certain challenges that left us questioning our commitment to each other. But at the end of the day, it is our ultimate desire to defeat terrorism that continues to hold the utmost importance. We’ve been able to overcome many challenges associated with the WOT. We’ve learned from our mistakes, and our officials from the highest level continue to meet to address our shared concerns. The bottom line is that we cannot ignore the importance of working together to combat terrorism. Conspiracy theories have been present from the beginning. Those who choose to side with conspiracy theories will continue to do so! The facts simply allow us to separate truth from fiction. We are fighting the same terrorists and continue to suffer at the hands of the same terrorists. Those same terrorists also see our nations as a common threat to their evil mission. We have said over and over that it is in our best interest to have a safe and secure Pakistan. We cannot have a stable region without a stable Pakistan. We have come a long way since the beginning of the WOT. We’ve seen the benefits of working together to negate the common threat. We certainly hope to continue our partnership for the sake of achieving our shared objectives.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
well said @Son of Mountains, specially when they target women and children through attacks,supports our corrupted regimes and on the others side showed up with US-AID programme.....
This is the hight of biasedness of american govt that on one side they themselves deal with taliban and on the others side they forbid us to even talk to them--their so called war on terror has given us nothing except war,blood and fire--
Infact they used afghanistan as a launch pad against Pakistan--they want to leave afghanistan and want to Engage pak with afghan by so that we ended up like iran-iraq----
What they have done with Dr.Afia Siddique and with us is unforgettable......we will never forgive them---we don't want their goddamn aids and all--we want usa TO LEAVE US ALONE SO THAT WE CAN PROSPER LIKE OTHER CONTRUES..

Thanks for endorsing my words bro.
Trust me, if US leaves us alone, we will be thankful too much........and that will be actual time of prosperity, growth and development of Pakistan :pakistan:
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Thanks for endorsing my words bro.
Trust me, if US leaves us alone, we will be thankful too much........and that will be actual time of prosperity, growth and development of Pakistan :pakistan:

and why wouldn't I-- as you are man enough to speak right on their faces--not like a shameless hypocrite who speaks very nicely infront of them and critisize them on their back-!!!
Dear “Son of Mountains”

We don’t deny the fact that disagreements have prevailed during the course of our relationship. We were faced with certain challenges that left us questioning our commitment to each other. But at the end of the day, it is our ultimate desire to defeat terrorism that continues to hold the utmost importance. We’ve been able to overcome many challenges associated with the WOT. We’ve learned from our mistakes, and our officials from the highest level continue to meet to address our shared concerns. The bottom line is that we cannot ignore the importance of working together to combat terrorism. Conspiracy theories have been present from the beginning. Those who choose to side with conspiracy theories will continue to do so! The facts simply allow us to separate truth from fiction. We are fighting the same terrorists and continue to suffer at the hands of the same terrorists. Those same terrorists also see our nations as a common threat to their evil mission. We have said over and over that it is in our best interest to have a safe and secure Pakistan. We cannot have a stable region without a stable Pakistan. We have come a long way since the beginning of the WOT. We’ve seen the benefits of working together to negate the common threat. We certainly hope to continue our partnership for the sake of achieving our shared objectives.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

To shake hand with US in very start was a great Blunder for Pakistan......We needed and still need to tie up with China, Korea, Arab world and Iran promptly skipping US, for a prosper Pakistan.
This in spite of $11.740 billion in military aid and $6.08 billion in economic aid since 2002. America has contributed the maximum to Pakistan's flood and earthquake victims. It has even leaned on a reluctant IMF to release a $11 billion tranche to Pakistan.

Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of U.S. assistance. Nearly $3 billion in U.S. aid to Pakistan is planned for fiscal 2012-2013. About $1.6 billion of the FY2012 funds are security-related and most of the remaining $1.4 billion is for economic development.

In contrast what has China given Pakistan? Not a damn dime! But yet they are are considered Pakistan's all weather friend. Strange are the ways of the world!! :no:
First of all my ignorant fellow friend let me enlighten you US did gave AID but that was not free secondly look at all the Sanctions US has implemented on Pakistan since 1960's and now they are giving Aid but that ain't free they are taking the lives of Pakistani Soldiers and even killing civilians and on the second hand did China has done any kind of those things NO
Firstly, there are genuine negative sentiments of the people towards US.

Secondly, if you look closely, Egypt and Pakistan receive a lot of US aid, but hate the US.

The thing is that while the govts and armies of these countries take aid and colloborate with the US, they blame the US in public for political gains.

Be it the so called Afghan Jihad against the Soviets or war of error, both Egypt and Pakistan have been US colloborators, but have blamed the US so that people do not know the extent of their cooperation.

People interested in knowing the reasons should read Tariq Ali's -

The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power.
Pakistan is one of the TOP Hating America country... but Pakistan is also one of top country where people apply for American Immigration :devil:

FYI: Pakistani's hate AMERICAN GOVT and their policies not AMERICA
This in spite of $11.740 billion in military aid and $6.08 billion in economic aid since 2002. America has contributed the maximum to Pakistan's flood and earthquake victims. It has even leaned on a reluctant IMF to release a $11 billion tranche to Pakistan.

Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of U.S. assistance. Nearly $3 billion in U.S. aid to Pakistan is planned for fiscal 2012-2013. About $1.6 billion of the FY2012 funds are security-related and most of the remaining $1.4 billion is for economic development.

In contrast what has China given Pakistan? Not a damn dime! But yet they are are considered Pakistan's all weather friend. Strange are the ways of the world!! :no:

It is called '' jis thaali me khana usi me chhed karna''
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