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Pak Taliban ****** force of Rohingya Muslims, Bangladeshi, Indonesian natio


Apr 28, 2011
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Washington: An Urdu-language ****** internet forum has reportedly published over two dozen high-definition images of what it calls the "Rohingya Mujahideen", with a note suggesting that the Pakistan Taliban has successfully established a ****** unit of Rohingya Muslims, Bangladeshi, Indonesian nationals.

According to the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of the Middle East Media Research Institute, a leading Washington-based research institute that specialises in translating and monitoring ****** media networks operating in local languages and through social media, these images have been posted on the Bab-e-Islam ****** Internet Forum and linked from a Facebook account on July 12.

The Bab-e-Islam Internet Forum images show this Pakistan Taliban created ****** outfit undergoing combat training somewhere in Burma.One image of these jihadis offering namaz has appeared in the web site Arrahmah.com.

Some of the images feature men with obscured faces that could be prominent Taliban commanders who went to train them. The Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of the Middle East Media Research Institute further quotes the Urdu written note, as saying that this new ****** force has entered Burma, Myanmar, under the leadership of Commander Abu Sufiya and Abu Arif.

The note also states that these mujahideen recently destroyed two Burmese military combat vehicles and killed 17 soldiers. They also beheaded three followers of Buddhism who they claimed were responsible for the killing of Muslims.A priest was also among the victims, the Urdu note informs.

Rohingya Muslims have been in international headlines over the past year after they were attacked by the majority Buddhists in Burma or Myanmar.

Hundreds of ethnic Rohingya Muslims have been killed and thousands have been displaced due to these attacks by Buddhists.

From the images, it appears there are around 100 to 200 Rohingya Mujahideen dressed in military fatigues and undergoing shooting practice.

The Washington-based research institute says the Urdu version of Ansarullah ****** forum in Arabic mainly functions via the Bab-e-Islam forum.

Brother the TTP is Indian proxy, these fake news stories are trying to project once again that Pakistan is centre of terror which couldn't be further from the truth.

Stop believing their nonsense because they are trying to implicate us as terrorists once again.

If TTP is an Indian Organisation and behind all the Killings in Pakistan; then, what is stopping Pakistan from raising this issue in UN and International Court of Justice:undecided: :angel:
Brother the TTP is Indian proxy, these fake news stories are trying to project once again that Pakistan is centre of terror which couldn't be further from the truth.

Stop believing their nonsense because they are trying to implicate us as terrorists once again.

World know this fact .... No one need to prove this
Not sure if "fundamentalist" or funnymentalist
It's actually a front by LeT which is a part of Pakistan Army and not TTP as TTP is fighting against pakistan army for shariah rule,though TTP has talked about fighting in Burma before they do not have the capability to send fighters outside afghan & Pakistan

Inputs with R&AW, India's external intelligence agency, confirm that LeT and its over ground avatar, Jamaat ud Dawah (JuD), are working to extend their footprint along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border by riding piggyback on the sectarian violence targeted against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar's Rakhine state. While JuD strongman Hafiz Muhammad Saeed is leading the anti-Myanmar campaign, espousing the cause of Rohingyas from various public platforms in Pakistan, his terror subordinates have been planning and undertaking visits to the Bangladesh-Myanmar border region. Agencies here fear the Bangladesh-Myanmar border may emerge as a new theatre of jihad in the not-too-distant future.

Apart from creating a new forum, Difa-e-Musalman Arakan (Burma) Conference (Defence of Muslims in Myanmar), in mid -2012 to mobilize support for an anti-Myanmar government campaign, LeT/JuD had deputed a two-member team — comprising JuD spokesperson Nadeem Awan and JuD Publications Wing member Shahid Mahmood Rehmatullah — last August to forge covert links with like-minded Islamic organizations in Bangladesh and Myanmar.

The team, after its return from Bangladesh, held a press conference in Karachi where they castigated Dhaka for neglecting the welfare of Rohingya refugees who had crossed over to Bangladesh from Myanmar. Intelligence agencies here believe the clandestine visit of JuD/LeT operatives to Bangladesh was linked to the bout of communal violence, targeted against Buddhists, which erupted in Cox's Bazaar and adjoining areas, soon thereafter.

Interestingly, other terror outfits such as Harkat-ul-****** Islami, Jaish-e-Mohammed and Jamaat-ul- Mujahideen Bangladesh - known to have links with Rohingya NGOs like Rohingya Solidarity Organisation - are also trying to exploit the Rohingyas' plight to establish new bases in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi security agencies are examining if Jammat-ul-Arakan, a new outfit comprising elements of JMB and extremist-minded Rohingyan activists, is running militant camps in Bandarban district along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

Links between Pakistani outfits and Rohingyas have come to the notice of Bangladeshi security agencies in the recent past. Bangladeshi Police traced the funds in bank account of one Maulana Mohammad Yunus, arrested last August from a madarasa in Rau Upazilla of Cox's Bazaar, to Maulana Shabir Ali Ahmed, a Karachi-based, Jaish-linked Bangladeshi national of Rohingya origin. Another madarasa operator, Abdur Rehman alias Imran alias Mustafa of Teknaf, Cox's Bazaar, is suspected to have coordinated arrival of Pakistan-trained Myanmarese mujahideen in various locations of Cox's Bazaar in end of last year.

The Bangladesh agencies tracking Shafiul Alam, a dual Pakistani-Nepalese passport holder who travels frequently from Pakistan to Bangladesh, recently found that he and Abdul Karim alias Mohammed Nur Alam, a Nepal-based Rohingya operative linked to hawala and fake currency trafficking networks, had been trying to set up training camps along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border for Rohingya extremists, in consultation with Pakistan-based LeT commander Ustad Abdul Hamid.

Not sure if "fundamentalist" or funnymentalist

What ever it is, it will spread entire south Asia if we do not take adequate actions.. Sri Lanka included..
That's rich coming from you, Tamil Tiger supporting goons.

There is no proof TTP has any links with Pakistan.

The only proof is Chuck Hagel saying TTP and BLA have indian links.

Liars just like the TTP, you are both the same.

The TTP are all made of Pakistanis. Not Indians disguised as paistanis. Some day you will have to face that fact. Until and unless you do that, you wont be able to tackle them effectively. This denial is what allows them to thrive.

From an Indian POV, it is great that Pakistanis fail to acknowledge the reality, and think that Tehrik-i-taliban-PAKISTAN is made up of Indians and jews and CIA. Living in denial will ensure that the mess is never addressed, and the state continues to be weakened from within.

So yes, dear fellow, TTP is fully comprised of Indian hindus, CIA Christians, and Israeli jews, there is not a single muslim or Pakistani there. Look at them, you can easily see by their looks that they are all Indians and americans and Israelis, not Pakistani muslims:



That's rich coming from you, Tamil Tiger supporting goons.

There is no proof TTP has any links with Pakistan.

The only proof is Chuck Hagel saying TTP and BLA have indian links.

Liars just like the TTP, you are both the same.

India's support for the Tamil Tigers ended after Rajiv Gandhi's death in 1991 or even before that when we sent our IPKF to fight them in Lanka. It's a known fact.

And Chuck Hagel never stated any such thing. He only said that India finances trouble for Pakistan in Afghanistan. You are interpreting it in your own convenient way.
That's rich coming from you, Tamil Tiger supporting goons.

Against a regime that openly supported you in a war against us. That was pretty liberal considering that Indira went soft.

After giving you birthing rights and maintenance access in 71 war, SL could have been a target for IAF fighter bombers and naval aircraft.

But that is now a moment of past as the scores are even and we're willing to move on.

There is no proof TTP has any links with Pakistan. The only proof is Chuck Hagel saying TTP and BLA have indian links.
Liars just like the TTP, you are both the same.

You're so thick that you've still not got the hang of what he's telling.

Look around you. Now you have gun-totting lunatics all over Asia.

Because of YOU and your Amrikkans.

TTP may not be your backed group but these Jehadi groups are now forming alliances to attack everyone.

Now apart from us, Myanmar, Thailand and the whole Southeast Asia is in this mess.

All thanks to your Wahhabi indoctrination.

Half the time you Pakistanis blame Saudis.

But what did you Zia ul Haq do?

Now you've kicked the hornet's nest and put the entire Southern and Southeastern Asia in danger.

Washington: An Urdu-language ****** internet forum has reportedly published over two dozen high-definition images of what it calls the "Rohingya Mujahideen", with a note suggesting that the Pakistan Taliban has successfully established a ****** unit of Rohingya Muslims, Bangladeshi, Indonesian nationals.

According to the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of the Middle East Media Research Institute, a leading Washington-based research institute that specialises in translating and monitoring ****** media networks operating in local languages and through social media, these images have been posted on the Bab-e-Islam ****** Internet Forum and linked from a Facebook account on July 12.

The Bab-e-Islam Internet Forum images show this Pakistan Taliban created ****** outfit undergoing combat training somewhere in Burma.One image of these jihadis offering namaz has appeared in the web site Arrahmah.com.

Some of the images feature men with obscured faces that could be prominent Taliban commanders who went to train them. The Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of the Middle East Media Research Institute further quotes the Urdu written note, as saying that this new ****** force has entered Burma, Myanmar, under the leadership of Commander Abu Sufiya and Abu Arif.

The note also states that these mujahideen recently destroyed two Burmese military combat vehicles and killed 17 soldiers. They also beheaded three followers of Buddhism who they claimed were responsible for the killing of Muslims.A priest was also among the victims, the Urdu note informs.

Rohingya Muslims have been in international headlines over the past year after they were attacked by the majority Buddhists in Burma or Myanmar.

Hundreds of ethnic Rohingya Muslims have been killed and thousands have been displaced due to these attacks by Buddhists.

From the images, it appears there are around 100 to 200 Rohingya Mujahideen dressed in military fatigues and undergoing shooting practice.

The Washington-based research institute says the Urdu version of Ansarullah ****** forum in Arabic mainly functions via the Bab-e-Islam forum.


How peaceful... :rollseyes:

After ULFA another terrorist group in Bangladesh. :pissed::pissed:

These ***** will never gonna learn.

LeT, JeM, Rohingyas, Pakistani soldiers, PLA, Maoists and now their stupid alliances....

Oh boi.... seems that the new administration will have to face some serious challenges even before the elections have taken place.

Thanks to the PEACEFUL PEOPLE, now every gun-totting co-religionist of theirs in our neighbourhood is forming terrorist alliances.

WTF is this? Marvel Comics' Parallel universes? :pissed:

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