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Pak not invited to Chicago summit: NATO

I think there are more choices. Seeing having a formidable armed force with nuclear weapons and geostrategic territory relative to AFG Pakistan's options are increased.

So what option(s) is/are created for Pakistan by what you mention in the matter under discussion?
Present Pakistani regime is going against the will of super powers. Zaradari is in favor to fight for NATO interest in this region. But can't ignore the countries economic condition. It election year. Unfortunately West is not capable to resolve Pak economic issues. Pakistan need oil to resolve its urgent energy issues. Open trade doors. One of reason PPP govt open the doors of trade with India. West is not happy when Pak wants to buy oil from Iran. But what Pakistan has options ? ....Pak analyst said on tv , should Pakistan pay the price again for Afgan war, how the Loas become victim of US failure in Vietnam ?
Safriz we all know the supplies will ultimately open in any case. but blocking them for 6 months and opening them on our demands what i wish for.

Many were saying here that supply blockage wont last for days...
But i was saying all along that this time its going to stay because the people of Pakistan don't want it..It wasn't governments decision,and people still dont want it...
NATO and USA's failed diplomacy hasn't won any hearts and minds in the last 6 months and if the supply route opens it will wreck anarchy in the country..
Its all started from Salala post attack. US give apology and all good. This apology won't have any impact on US supremacy. Plus time for democratic govt of Pakistan to show some balls and come up with final agreement on table and establish the rule of engagement with US govt. This time Pak army want PPP govt to come with solution of Pak-US standoff. But it seems eventually, illiterates of Gillani cabinet will look at army to organized the policy.
what a joke!!! none of the regional countries were invited, but Jordan and some Arabic countries are invited?

just goes to show where are there priorities.....

clearly, it makes sense Pakistan not being invited and Iran not being invited. To ignore these 2 countries (even China!) just goes to show how delusional NATO has become. (i'm surprised they even snubbed india)

furthermore, the SOLUTION to Afghanistan and "success" in Afghanistan rests in AFGHANISTAN. Not at some value-devoid roundtable meeting in Chicago - tens of thousands of kilometers away

i personally don't expect much to come out of this meeting, but oh well -- not our problem
why pakistan is so stubborn regarding apology on salala attack ? why not to demand apology for every drone attack who has killed small children and innocent men and women ? Is their blood is less worthy ? why this inconsistency in approach ?
i personally don't expect much to come out of this meeting, but oh well -- not our problem

Oh, but it IS a huge problem for Pakistan if things in Afghanistan don't go its way post-2014.
India,Russia,China and Pakistan have not been invited
i guess they forgot to invite the whole asia

maybe they think the Qataris -who have become pretty big for their boots i must say - will bring with them 'miracles'

Oh, but it IS a huge problem for Pakistan if things in Afghanistan don't go its way post-2014.

you're right...and that's why we've hedged our bets early because it's already known that NATO will sooner or later be history in Afghanistan
well this shows that neither NATO or USA have any concern about the future of afghn, they simply want to withdraw leaving the taliban to take over again.

had they been sincere they would have done much more to ensure pakistan support.
you're right...and that's why we've hedged our bets early because it's already known that NATO will sooner or later be history in Afghanistan

It is precisely this "hedging" that has landed Pakistan in this predicament! NATO forces will be in Afghanistan at least till 2024, if not longer. How much later is "later" by your reckoning, and can Pakistan afford to double down on its bets for that long?
the value-added from this meeting will be about as much in value as this guy's contribution

It is precisely this "hedging" that has landed Pakistan in this predicament! NATO forces will be in Afghanistan at least till 2024, if not longer. How much later is "later" by your reckoning, and can Pakistan afford to double down on its bets for that long?

already double-down'd and waiting.

May the Lawwwwwd forgive us for gambling :lol:
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Wow after watching that redneck, I'm glad I'm in NY.
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