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Pak not invited to Chicago summit: NATO

They are not begging you buddy .Its you who will starve if you dont get the aid you are supposed to get . It hurts but its true . Making your people starve and pretending bolder on other side is not an insult to US . Its your poor condition .:cry:
Your army has the capability to destroy but you think they are willing to kill them ? You are saying even worlds strongest NATO is unable to control terrorist intrusion . So do you think PA could handle that? Coming to your question who is the one using drone attacks to kill terrorists and save you ? Your netas and army are getting what they want from US under the table .
China wouldnt allow your nuclear tech to transfer to Iran . :tongue:How do you transfer the nuclear tech ? You think its child game? US has its spy systems and intelligence agencies ready . It would be great if you can remove US from/near your nuke research centers , then you can dream of transferring the to US .:P You can dream of tech transfer but Pakistani govt is not foolish as you think to transfer nuke tech .
lol so you will get the information of what ISI is doing? ISI is not an exception in your country where corruption is up every where . Even your military likes US a lot there are many who likes dollars. If US can try its best it can get a base that can be used to attack Iran . It has many switches of yours it can play Balochistan cards ....etc...

hehehehe ....... are you serious???
they have tried and are still trying their best for balochistan and S.W.A
we have blocked Nato supplies for about 6 months first they tried to pressure us then threaten us with Aid blocking now they again threatening us serious sequences. we have seen USA doing this for a long time. and you dont have to worry.
This is a good opportunity for Russia, China, India, Pak to get closer to each other.
This is a good opportunity for Russia, China, India, Pak to get closer to each other.

High Joke
you make pare of Russia & India
... Pakistan & China ..
but all four countries are not in the condition to make one force :confused:
The fate of NATO wont be decided in Chicago..
Their fate will be decide in Pakistan.
It was useless for Pakistan to go to Chicago when they have to decide in their own country whether or not allow the supply lines to open,which they wont.
Maybe Pakistan, china, India and Russia should hold a conference on Afghanistan and not invite Nato to the meeting.:rofl::rofl:
Maybe Pakistan, china, India and Russia should hold a conference on Afghanistan and not invite Nato to the meeting.:rofl::rofl:

Actually, that is a great idea, if implemented. Don't forget to invite Iran too. That way all close neighbors can participate.
hehehehe ....... are you serious???
they have tried and are still trying their best for balochistan and S.W.A
we have blocked Nato supplies for about 6 months first they tried to pressure us then threaten us with Aid blocking now they again threatening us serious sequences. we have seen USA doing this for a long time. and you dont have to worry.
Mean while our people are starving because of lack of money . Remember Zardari saying we dont have money when floods came? (Im not insulting you but it happened) You great great for stopping their supply routes for months . Mean while they are continuing drone strikes . If you are really serious try to stop drone attacks
Who cares? This is a conference for primarily NATO any intel we need relevant to Pakistan we can get from Turkiye being there.

Pakistan has these three choices, just like any other nation: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Simple, really.

I think there are more choices. Seeing having a formidable armed force with nuclear weapons and geostrategic territory relative to AFG Pakistan's options are increased.
NATO is now threatening Pakistan to open the routes :lol:
Mean while our people are starving because of lack of money . Remember Zardari saying we dont have money when floods came? (Im not insulting you but it happened) You great great for stopping their supply routes for months . Mean while they are continuing drone strikes . If you are really serious try to stop drone attacks

you take zardari serious???
in pakistan even if you ask 8 year old he would not take his words serious.
you do not know why this supply was stoped and that time was picked. when ever indians are finished with arguments they start this drone thing. we will stop it but with matter of time all the things do not start at once. few things just take time.
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