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Pak Navy able to repel border attack’

Yup, well, within a decade, IN technological superiority over any South Asian Navy will be greatest in history. A Navy is built in decades, ours is being built in shipyards as we speak.

Too add on that the future ships along with the Talwars and the Shivaliks along with Kolkata etc.. would have only B.Tech and B.E graduates in Officers rank... from last couple of years or so I guess only B.Tech and B.E graduates are allowed Naval SSB... Hence taking only engineers as its future officers.
PN should have bought more subs.........
This is nothing but warmongering coming from the PN Chief in a time where both sides are in a spat. Reality wise the PN navy has 1/3 number of surface combatants compared to the IN not to mention the IN ships are much more capable being fitted with weapons and electronics from Russia/France/Israel (combo of the 3) and i also believe the IN has more submarines albeit outdated. IN does not even need to go into Pakistan's EEZ to cause damage to cities like Karachi if they are using the moskit or BrahMos they can attack naval or land targets very easily.
Thats why Pakistan has mainly 'shoot n scoot' doctrine..
PAF wont need air superiority to launch a few ASM and back to base..
Plus PAF has enough BVRs and ground assets to buy time.

Any destroyer, frigate of the Indian Navy would have a substantial aerial protection..we are not going to put hundred million dollars into enemy comabt zone without adequate aerial coverage.

The Naval aviation arm of Pakistan if I am not mistaken is purely comprised of old, retrofitted mirages and only recently some JF-17s and honestly none come near the new fulcrums or the MKIs...and this if just for the air dominance over seas..the Jaguars with harpoons and P-8Is are altogether different story..
This is nothing but warmongering coming from the PN Chief in a time where both sides are in a spat. Reality wise the PN navy has 1/3 number of surface combatants compared to the IN not to mention the IN ships are much more capable being fitted with weapons and electronics from Russia/France/Israel (combo of the 3) and i also believe the IN has more submarines albeit outdated. IN does not even need to go into Pakistan's EEZ to cause damage to cities like Karachi if they are using the moskit or BrahMos they can attack naval or land targets very easily.

Yes sir, IN has currently 15 submarines (14 conventional, 1 SSN), but they certainly can't be called outdated.

IN operates 10 Kilo class subs which were procured b/w 1986-2000, they all have gone upgrades recently that have added atleast 10-15 years in there life:


IN also operate 4 German HDW sub which were commissioned b/w 1986-1994 & there are talks of it's upgrades to add another 10-15 years to these subs.

+ the 1 Akula lease has added an entirely new dimension to IN's sub capability as it has become the only regional navy to operate a nuke sub.

On the other hand PN operates 5 subs, 2 Agosta 70s were procured way back in 1979 & 1980 while the new Agosta 90 (3) with AIPs have been inducted few years back.

PN certainly have an advantage over IN with 3 AIP subs but this advantage has been somewhat checkmated by IN's acquisition of a SSN & 3:1 numerical superiority over PN.

With the addition of Scorpenes (6+3) + Arihant class subs (4) + P-75Is (6) + 1 more Akula i.e. 20 more subs in a decade & a half, IN's biggest weakness i.e. it's submarine arm will become one of it's major asset.
Why don't the pakistani's spend on PN?
I know that IN was also neglected but in the last few years it has jumped on to become a very fatal and modern force.
But conisering the threat to PN why are they so pandu?

Is it because the military complex is dominated by the army ?
the only way that Pakistan can hope to avoid a total blockade of its ports is if it moves all its operations to Gawadar! this would mean indian navy ships and carriers will have to venture further towards the arabian sea inorder to attack pakistani assets. All along the way Pakistani armed forces should then follow it up with harrasing the enemy flotila using its PAF and Subs along with torpedoes.

This is the ONLY way Pakistan can hope for a delayed blockade! but eventually jusgt the numbers would lead to a blockade.

SADLY our politicans and navy planners don't seem to have learnt from their mistakes of 71 when karachi harbour was bombed! and since 71 pakistan hasn't changed much in terms of strategic asset placements!
the only way that Pakistan can hope to avoid a total blockade of its ports is if it moves all its operations to Gawadar! this would mean indian navy ships and carriers will have to venture further towards the arabian sea inorder to attack pakistani assets. All along the way Pakistani armed forces should then follow it up with harrasing the enemy flotila using its PAF and Subs along with torpedoes.

This is the ONLY way Pakistan can hope for a delayed blockade! but eventually jusgt the numbers would lead to a blockade.

SADLY our politicans and navy planners don't seem to have learnt from their mistakes of 71 when karachi harbour was bombed! and since 71 pakistan hasn't changed much in terms of strategic asset placements!

How are you planning to do that? You still dont have the required number of subs to carry that kind of operations.

If you want to do something like that you also need to know that you are facing atleast 10 submarines in your area,
These statements first by the Indian Chief Air Marshall and now by the Pakistani Naval Adminiral are routine political actions initiated by states in high stress possible limited conflict scenarios.

They serve two folds: firstly, by warning the other state that the other side is ready and armed for conflict (a point that the people on the forum and elsewhere readliy interpret) and secondly, it is done to raise the morale of one's own nation.

Recall how the Indian media severely criticised the Indian government for its lukewarm response to a perceived Pakistani aggression and the same response from the Pakistani media against the government.

In such situations emotions run high and it's just as important for the State to ensure her own people that they are superior and able to tackle the problem namely the other State in every manner possible and traditionally this has come down to military conquest or defeat. Thus, the statements from the respective branches of the armed forces.
Strange but a signal to India, warning of serious consequences in return of any aggression. Something going to be cooked but not clear how Pakistan is ready to get reaction and stand solid.

PN is increasing it's surface fleet rather than subs....
something newer in policy is veing cooked...
FACs,F-22 p and then more F-22ps and then showing intrest in destroyers... :o
while PN even didnot decided with which sub they will chose to goo...
am hoping for French tech bt with not present budget of PN.
they too need to reolace Mairage...
J-11Bs testing was a good omen...
i hope if we can get them....
How are you planning to do that? You still dont have the required number of subs to carry that kind of operations.

If you want to do something like that you also need to know that you are facing atleast 10 submarines in your area,

you are NOT factoring in the Orions! orions as well as subs combied equal out the indian sub numerical superirotiy!

in this case indian orions would not be involved unless india has got air superiroty over pakistani airspace. surely flying towards gawadar would mean flying over pakistani airspace. hence the indian P8s are discounted out of this equation.
you are NOT factoring in the Orions! orions as well as subs combied equal out the indian sub numerical superirotiy!

in this case indian orions would not be involved unless india has got air superiroty over pakistani airspace. surely flying towards gawadar would mean flying over pakistani airspace. hence the indian P8s are discounted out of this equation.

Good Point - Who will protect your Orion`s from Aerial Assault ?!?
Good Point - Who will protect your Orion`s from Aerial Assault ?!?

SAMs. ofcourse the fighters will be busy at the border. the deeper the indian navy gets the more of a harrasing war they will face! with SAMs,subs,orions and missile boats involved!

BUT THIS IS IF PN develops gawadar! until and unless it does that this sceanrio is useless!
you are NOT factoring in the Orions! orions as well as subs combied equal out the indian sub numerical superirotiy!

in this case indian orions would not be involved unless india has got air superiroty over pakistani airspace. surely flying towards gawadar would mean flying over pakistani airspace. hence the indian P8s are discounted out of this equation.

Well you must take into account the TU 142s and the IL 38 which is also there on the Indian side. And we have aircrafts with longer reach. JUst think what will happen if we can give you a total blockade of the port which will draw out you ships into the battle that we want you to fight. And above all we are a brown water navy right now and our surface ship capabilities far exceed yours which you must agree. The Submarine arm that gives nightmares to our defence planners will be the first to be drawn out into the battle.

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