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Terrorist attack on Pak-Iran border martyrs four soldiers

Haven’t you got some woman protesters to shoot in Tehran, if I wasn’t a Pakistani I wouldn’t be on here now would I. My point still stands of your open door policy to Indian terrorists access in this part of world as trade port Chabhar now you are want to blame us Pakistanis for your Tehran mess s and duplicity.
Man stfu.
Wow. Most of these guys think I hate Pakistan or I’m a false flagger. They don’t understand the love I have for the country regardless of sects, ethnicity, language, culture, and traditions.
They can’t seem to understand people with different opinions, so immediately jump to conclusions. It seems like they think that the opinions of all pakistanis everywhere are one and the same.
I even posted photos from my trip to Taxila. SMH
I enjoyed that post. It sheds light to Pakistani history- something that very few Pakistanis actually know about or take pride in.
Nope. That group is virtually gone. Zardari extradited their leader. Pakistan has done enough cooperating with Iran. It's been a one-way street, with no benefit to Pakistan except repeated Iranian transgressions.

Don't worry about Saudi influence in Pakistan, it basically wiped out those groups. Now all that's left, is to clean the country up of Iranian groups. Pakistan is neither slave to Saudi or Iran, but those who desire to make it so are free to leave.

Not true. Pakistan never cooperated with Iran. Look what happened at Malaysia summit, because Iran was there Pakistan was blackmailed by Saudis to not attend but now Saudi is warming up to Iran. Did they care what Pakistan opinion is?

Iran requested Pakistan to establish joint task force but Pakistan never did, Iran wants to export electricity and gas but Pakistan always backtracked. Iran even spend billions to build their side of pipeline but Pakistan chickened out.

Saudi influence is very deep rooted in Pakistan. I dare Pakistan to build maddrassas and mosques in Saudi with own imam appointed, they will strip Pakistan naked. I dare Pakistan oppose Saudi warming up to Iran.

Bro, do you understand what type of world we live in? It’s dog eat dog world. Are you mad Pakistan doesn’t have the same influence on impact or is it that you have an issue because they’re Shias and build an empire? Let me know when was the last time a Shia group beheaded, blew himself up, or ran into a religious place and massacre scores of worshippers. You know who has done that and to mostly to Shias? Takfiris backed by the state of Pakistan.
Maybe you need get with the leaders of Pakistan and ask them why is Pakistan such a weak b*tch that gets pushed around. Go out in work and carve out an empire instead crying about those poor Pakistani Shias helping Iran establish itself as one of the premier powers in the Mid East.

Majority of the killings happened to Sunnis in Pakistan. Yes shias were also slaughtered. Only the wahabis got away with it because they won't kill their own but kill those who they call mushriks and kufaar.
Just day bef yesterday these poor policemen died in lakki marwat and later the brave dsp walked into the death trap who wasn't meant to be killed. And today you find 4 FC NCOs killed by gunfire.
Not true. Pakistan never cooperated with Iran. Look what happened at Malaysia summit, because Iran was there Pakistan was blackmailed by Saudis to not attend but now Saudi is warming up to Iran. Did they care what Pakistan opinion is?

Iran requested Pakistan to establish joint task force but Pakistan never did, Iran wants to export electricity and gas but Pakistan always backtracked. Iran even spend billions to build their side of pipeline but Pakistan chickened out.

Saudi influence is very deep rooted in Pakistan. I dare Pakistan to build maddrassas and mosques in Saudi with own imam appointed, they will strip Pakistan naked. I dare Pakistan oppose Saudi warming up to Iran.

Majority of the killings happened to Sunnis in Pakistan. Yes shias were also slaughtered. Only the wahabis got away with it because they won't kill their own but kill those who they call mushriks and kufaar.

Listen no one is defending our Pakistan has not made any mistakes in its choices, Pakistan is constantly juggling loads of balls and gets in to very sticky situations when trying very hard to keep neutrality in regional Muslim fights . For example, you forgot to mention Pakistan had gone against its own very national interests by seriously damaged its gulf relations by keeping out of Yemen war. Indians benefited hugely , in the gulf anger still to this day on the other hand the Iranian sympathisers never point to Iran & Indian axis aimed at Pakistan these days . All we get to hear is none stop Saudis and Pakistan their relationship. Concerning sectarian fights , Iran is no saint in this. One should take a look at Iraq what misery they have caused inside of that country sect warfare. Truly tragic
Listen no one is defending our Pakistan has not made any mistakes in its choices, Pakistan is constantly juggling loads of balls and gets in to very sticky situations when trying very hard to keep neutrality in regional Muslim fights . For example, you forgot to mention Pakistan had gone against its own very national interests by seriously damaged its gulf relations by keeping out of Yemen war. Indians benefited hugely , in the gulf anger still to this day on the other hand the Iranian sympathisers never point to Iran & Indian axis aimed at Pakistan these days . All we get to hear is none stop Saudis and Pakistan their relationship. Concerning sectarian fights , Iran is no saint in this. One should take a look at Iraq what misery they have caused inside of that country sect warfare. Truly tragic
Staying out of Yemen war was the wisest decision from Pakistani parliament, guess what, Pakistani army generals didn't give a shit about it.

Once i heard that Saudis tried hard to end Yemen war after jumping into the swamp. USA didn't allow it and Saudis complained of it. USA is fighting in Yemen you dumb idiot. It is not in interest of KSA to fight in Yemen.

Just day bef yesterday these poor policemen died in lakki marwat and later the brave dsp walked into the death trap who wasn't meant to be killed. And today you find 4 FC NCOs killed by gunfire.
There are infiltrating elements in ISI and Pakistani army. The remnants of CIA trained Mujahidin. They tried hard for an armed conflict btw Iran and Pakistan.

Iran is already engaged in an armed conflict with west from Yemen and Syria to Ukraine. Iranian role in fighting against Zionists is undeniable and imagine someone claims Iran is managing a massacre on Pakistani border guards. What kind of a moron would do that?

They are completely active in Pakistan. If they can remove your PM, then for sure they can make rift.
Looks like retaliation.

Something was on the cards starting in march. FC was targeted as soft target although IBOs and different ops are conducted by other forces too. Seems some gains have been made by Pakistan to provoke an escalation leading to this incident.

Its probably the Jandullah militant wing. It was trained to fight Iran but ended up attacking Pakistanis. Pakistan should grow a pair and make a special joint security force with Iran to guard the border, fight smugglers, terrorists together. Need to stop being slaves, even master Arabia has improved relations with Iran.
Take a step back. Why do you think this happened ? And why is this reported on media ?
Staying out of Yemen war was the wisest decision from Pakistani parliament, guess what, Pakistani army generals didn't give a shit about it.

Once i heard that Saudis tried hard to end Yemen war after jumping into the swamp. USA didn't allow it and Saudis complained of it. USA is fighting in Yemen you dumb idiot. It is not in interest of KSA to fight in Yemen.

There are infiltrating elements in ISI and Pakistani army. The remnants of CIA trained Mujahidin. They tried hard for an armed conflict btw Iran and Pakistan.

Iran is already engaged in an armed conflict with west from Yemen and Syria to Ukraine. Iranian role in fighting against Zionists is undeniable and imagine someone claims Iran is managing a massacre on Pakistani border guards. What kind of a moron would do that?

They are completely active in Pakistan. If they can remove your PM, then for sure they can make rift.

Its not even those Mujahideen but the liberal agents of CIA inside the ISI who have been making sure that the Pakistan remains a client state since 1947. There are definitely some great officers in the ISI who are serious to their job and you might've seen two officers recently assassinated who had some great roll in Pakistan Counter Terrorist operations but the people close to the current government are the ones who made sure that Khan is kept away from the authority. He had no tolerance for such false flags or letting the land to be used against a neighbor.

Looks like retaliation.

Something was on the cards starting in march. FC was targeted as soft target although IBOs and different ops are conducted by other forces too. Seems some gains have been made by Pakistan to provoke an escalation leading to this incident.

Take a step back. Why do you think this happened ? And why is this reported on media ?

Its is indeed true that Jundullah went rogue right when CIA asked Pakistan that they're no longer to be used.
It’s is indeed true that Jundullah went rogue right when CIA asked Pakistan that they're no longer to be used.
It’s a cat and mouse game. Attack, defend, counter attack. The part of “defend” is where FC lost 4 martyred.
It’s a cat and mouse game. Attack, defend, counter attack. The part of “defend” is where FC lost 4 martyred.
FC is highly corrupt and lawless. They've to keep certain smugglers happy against the other ones, you never know what triggered the attack.
FC is highly corrupt and lawless. They've to keep certain smugglers happy against the other ones, you never know what triggered the attack.
I do know what triggered the attack and I mentioned that to PK, looks like you don’t.
Thanks to this "tend to assist one another", Iran's borders extend all the way Lebanon, Iraq, and beyond. Iran literally invaded Iraqi oilfields and guess what the Shia Iraqi's in govt do? Instead of threatening Iran to vacate, they urged the Iraqi govt to negotiate! So Iraq is filled with Iranian puppets to ensure the country never becomes independent and is an extension.

Remember the Iraqis protesting not too long ago? Puppets in the Iraqi govt and so-called anti-Iran Sadr party helped crushed those protests, mostly Shia brethren.
Of course Iran does that throughout the region from Lebanonnwith its shia Hezbollah proxy to Yemen with its shia Houthis proxies against Saudi Arabia, to Iraq where they virtually control most of the shia militias/proxy groups and have spies and puppets in the Iraqi government and Parliament to Syria where they have significant military oresence to prop up the embattle Syrian shia allied President(almost puppet) Assad regime to Afghanistan(with their own shia groups there who have been used in syria as well) and even Pakistan. The fact that the country models itself as a bastion for Shia Islam and s a revolutionary Islamic state also helps draw in religious passionate fundamentalists to fight its cause and act as spies/partners for her interests.
I am not by any means blaming Iran, I actually admire their tactics. Afterall, its normal for the country to use any means necessary to protect its interests and further its influence and control throughout the region. So they are free to use any means necessary to achieve that. That's what geopolitics is about. Geo politics has never been a clean game, its a dirty game. So I don't blame Iran one bit to be honest, its up to the other countries to underdtand this and act accordingly, if they cant understand this and try to protect their own interests, then they only have themselves to blame not Iran....A man gotta do what he has to do 😁
I do know what triggered the attack and I mentioned that to PK, looks like you don’t.
That was a possibility. But you won't deny that FC is corrupt as hell and keeps smugglers happy don't they?

Being FC's Wing Comd is a dream job for any Lt. Col. Makes you richer than Malik Riaz, unofficially.
point to ponder is that why has Iran become so powerful that they can attack on Pakistan with impunity?
That was a possibility. But you won't deny that FC is corrupt as hell and keeps smugglers happy don't they?
I don’t deny that PTI is full of lotas too

Why are you trying to score brownie points. Has IK played with your head so much that a negative propaganda has to be shouted everywhere. Why ? Because your Demi-God IK said so

The same Demi-God who prostrated on the door of a Sufi dervish to get a seat as PM.

Give it a break

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