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Terrorist attack on Pak-Iran border martyrs four soldiers

Lmao.. An Iranian double account exposed..

They got whipped by the Arabs, Turks and everyone in between
Try again, not Iranian. Iranians have power projections, let me know when Uncle Sam lets you do the same. Go sell your women to the Americans, something you’re quite good at.
Lmao.. An Iranian double account exposed..

They got whipped by the Arabs, Turks and everyone in between

Of course they did.

And what do they have to show for it?
A highly developed nation, almost unmatched regional military power, being feared by literally every country that has interests in the region, and a GDP of almost $2 Trillion, that’s what
Of course they did.

And what do they have to show for it?
A highly developed nation, almost unmatched regional military power, being feared by literally every country that has interests in the region, and a GDP of almost $2 Trillion, that’s what

Feared by whom exactly.. Even Azerbajian doesn't fear them forget about Afghanistan.

Nobody fears them regionally nor the gulf. You need to wake up to reality.. Definitely not Israel
Lol, some people in west are speaking on behalf of Pakistanis.

These innocent border guards are victims of dirty politics. Pakistanis have to figure it out.
Try again, not Iranian. Iranians have power projections, let me know when Uncle Sam lets you do the same. Go sell your women to the Americans, something you’re quite good at.

They ain't Pakistan I assure you.. Look at happened to India that is what you call red-lines but Iran doesn't know anything else but they absorb and definitely not someone to look upto.

Call Pakistan whatever you want but we aren't a cuck country like Iran allowing free rain airstrikes on themselves by tiny jews..

Their alliance got genocided and brutalized by the Gulfies. Get outta with that soft azz shxt. They project nothing
Lol, some people in west are speaking on behalf of Pakistanis.

These innocent border guards are victims of dirty politics. Pakistanis have to figure it out.
Ignore these idiots. They are blind and deaf just as the Quran says. They’re upset why Iran is using Pakistani Shia volunteers in the Middle East, and why is Iran protecting itself. It shows the impotence of these guys. They are bastards of the highest order.
Ignore these idiots. They are blind and deaf just as the Quran says. They’re upset why Iran is using Pakistani Shia volunteers in the Middle East, and why is Iran protecting itself. It shows the impotence of these guys. They are bastards of the highest order.

There ain't no bigger bastard then you.. wearing a false flag here and coming with some gibberish nonsense instead of giving you RIP and moving on
Look at happened to India that is what you call red-lines but Iran doesn't know anything else but they absorb and definitely not someone to look upto.
You mean the non-stop wussy “we could have shot down 9 of their planes” or my favorite “drop bombs on outskirts of Indian military installations” and then claim we don’t want to escalate. Returning the Indian pilot in a couple of days, letting Indians send a missile into Pakistan and non retaliating? You don’t have an argument Eunuch.

There ain't no bigger bastard then you.. wearing a false flag here and coming with some gibberish nonsense instead of giving you RIP and moving on
Not a bastard, eunuch. Have family members that fought for the flag and gave their lives for it. What I have issue is with eunuchs like you.
You mean the non-stop wussy “we could have shot down 9 of their planes” or my favorite “drop bombs on outskirts of Indian military installations” and then claim we don’t want to escalate. Returning the Indian pilot in a couple of days, letting Indians send a missile into Pakistan and non retaliating? You don’t have an argument Eunuch.

You don't understand what deterence means.. We attacked India on broad daylight and send down 2 of their warplanes.

We didn't care if it even escalated to nuke warfare that is what you call bossing someone..

That is how you assert your dominance.. We took the initiative on that day and India never got that back..

In any relationship with India we have to be the Alpha there can't be otherway
Lol, some people in west are speaking on behalf of Pakistanis.

These innocent border guards are victims of dirty politics. Pakistanis have to figure it out.

If they came from Iran, the dirty politics there should be investigated. Don't be surprised if Pakistan calls for an investigation report from Iran and propose joint border management efforts.
Ignore these idiots. They are blind and deaf just as the Quran says. They’re upset why Iran is using Pakistani Shia volunteers in the Middle East, and why is Iran protecting itself. It shows the impotence of these guys. They are bastards of the highest order.
I just wonder about their location, USA Denmark Britain etc.

Real Pakistanis are upset for this incident. People are free to seek for tge real cause but it is a matter of fact that Iranian border guards were being kidnapped and attacked from inside Pakistan.

No armed group is active in this side, they are completely destroyed and weakened to the point of death. Some seperatist elements sometimes raise some flags in Balochistan of Iran, point is they are unarmed and mostly with no connection to foreign intelligence agencies.
Feared by whom exactly.. Even Azerbajian doesn't fear them forget about Afghanistan.

Nobody fears them regionally nor the gulf. You need to wake up to reality.. Definitely not Israel

Ah yes, titanium the closet Zionist.

If they weren’t feared regionally, why the hell did America not respond in force to the drone attack on a base in Iraq a few weeks back?

They’re not afraid to break the teeth of people who challenge their interests when they need to, and they’ve had enough of being pushed around by western powers aiming to get their hands on Iranian oil, as seen with the western funding for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.

Netanyahu himself has mentioned that the biggest threat to Israel is Iran.
It’s the only country that brought the fight to the doorstep of the zionists, and aided the PLO.
Where is the rest of the Ummah?

Regionally, Saudi Arabia is terrified of Iranian influence upon their salafi doctrine, as well as wanting to protect their own oil reserves from Iran so much that they have partnered massively with the US to beef up their military.

Not only have they noticed the threat of Iranian influence, both Israel and Saudi fight wars against Iranian proxies that are virtually on their doorstep, and that they have lost billions of dollars in and thousands of troops.

And you’re telling me that they’re not afraid?

If they weren’t afraid, Israel and Saudi would’ve launched a ground invasion of Iran alongside the US. Heck, the US has waged war for even smaller matters. Vietnam is an example, where they were scared of a mere ideology being spread, so Much so that they invaded on the ground as well.

Iran not only poses an ideological threat, it threatens the U.S. interests in fuel and natural resources due to its massive supply. On top of this, it then goes and brings the fight to the doorstep of the US vassel of Wasreal and the Americans do nothing but sit and watch.

And you tell me that they are not afraid?
If they came from Iran, the dirty politics there should be investigated. Don't be surprised if Pakistan calls for an investigation report from Iran and propose joint border management efforts.
Why would i be surprised? It is a must, and it is decades that Iran insists on this cooperation.
You don't understand what deterence means.. We attack India on broad daylight and send down 2 of their warplanes.

We didn't care if it even escalated to nuke warfare that is what you call bossing someone..

That is how you assert your dominance in this.. We took the initiative on that day and India never got that back
That’s not deterrence, that’s cowardice. Meanwhile the Indians are boldly making plans to capture Azad Kashmir and GB. Deterrence would have been them getting their planes shot down and daring them to attack. Few months later they revoked 370 and made Kashmir part of the union. They’re coming after the waters next. Then what?
I think we’re both arguing for the same thing. It’s clear Pakistan badly needs a strong, clean, central government to stand on its own. Right now you have crackheads running the country who will sell everything to get their next hit (IMF).
That’s not deterrence, that’s cowardice. Meanwhile the Indians are boldly making plans to capture Azad Kashmir and GB. Deterrence would have been them getting their planes shot down and daring them to attack. Few months later they revoked 370 and made Kashmir part of the union. They’re coming after the waters next. Then what?
I think we’re both arguing for the same thing. It’s clear Pakistan badly needs a strong, clean, central government to stand on its own. Right now you have crackheads running the country who will sell everything to get their next hit (IMF).

Where is the plans? I don't see them.. Let them cross we shall see.

That is Alpha and you know it
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