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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

A fascinating post. In earlier years, one could see posters realistic about the events of the various military confrontations, though unable to romanticize their past and dwell lovingly on a mythology built over the ages.

Now it is different. With every passing year, as those who lived through those actual events die out, there is more and more denial at fundamental level about military matters, rather more realism about the past.


Eventually there will remain no difference between History and Mythology. And finally even the mantle of Religious Doctrine will be drawn over to enshroud it all.

Incorrect, Muslims are the most targeted humans on earth today. Who is a real terrorist, a person who drops thousands of bombs on civilians or a civilian who fights illegal invading forces?

Ok if this incorrect so why muslim targeting muslim, kid blowing the mosque and Pathan killing Muhajir in Pakistan. Now few hour ago attack on Kabul , means Muslim kill Muslim is perfectly fine. Actually you don't follow the land rule and just forcing yours when your number increase. Just see the account who killed most muslim: Muslim itself, Hindu, Christian, jews or any other. Compare to muslim population Hindu number is nothing and still you have problem with us. If some thing happen you people put religion directly into that particular incident without a single blink. Their no place in the world where you don't have any issue, try to be an human, well all muslim are not same.

Sir ji wah hai, yani thapper bhi mar dia aur excuse bhi ker lia :)

You must watch. All you get and feed with lies from begging to show how Indian and specially Hindu your enemy in first place.

Hassan Nisar slaps Laal Topi Zaid Hamid - YouTube
Ok if this incorrect so why muslim targeting muslim, kid blowing the mosque and Pathan killing Muhajir in Pakistan. Now few hour ago attack on Kabul , means Muslim kill Muslim is perfectly fine. Actually you don't follow the land rule and just forcing yours when your number increase. Just see the account who killed most muslim: Muslim itself, Hindu, Christian, jews or any other. Compare to muslim population Hindu number is nothing and still you have problem with us. If some thing happen you people put religion directly into that particular incident without a single blink. Their no place in the world where you don't have any issue, try to be an human, well all muslim are not same.

Do you mean that Hindus don't kill other Hindus or Jews don't kill other Jews or that Christians don't kill other Christians? And is it not also a fact that the US, a Christian country, has executed more humans then either Muslims or Jews or Hindus?

You must watch. All you get and feed with lies from begging to show how Indian and specially Hindu your enemy in first place.

Hassan Nisar slaps Laal Topi Zaid Hamid - YouTube

Should India not be conceived as an enemy when she has illegal occupation of Pakistani land (Jammu Kashmir) and when she is involved in unrest in the country through terrorism (BLA/TTP etc.)?
Do you mean that Hindus don't kill other Hindus or Jews don't kill other Jews or that Christians don't kill other Christians? And is it not also a fact that the US, a Christian country, has executed more humans then either Muslims or Jews or Hindus?

Yes they kill and same with Jews and Christians but there is difference between massive killing or targeting killing in the name of religion. U.S is big country in geographical area means control more land as compare to India or Pakistan and any small country in geographical wise easy to control and good literacy rate may be like Sri Lanka.

In US lot of criminal activity so the criminal has to be executed. Their jails are not fill with Asian. But I saw in US death sentence is rarely they criminal get punish for 100,200 or may be 500 yr, so obvisoluy they are going to die in prison. But there is difference in criminal and terrorist.

Should India not be conceived as an enemy when she has illegal occupation of Pakistani land (Jammu Kashmir) and when she is involved in unrest in the country through terrorism (BLA/TTP etc.)?

No, we don't, Kashmir was independent it was not your property. You start sending mujahideen to Kashmir and rioting and robbing the people and showed worst nightmare to Majaraja then he sign with us. We are not there in first place.
I could reply with like.....
All the Hindus are not idiots but most idiots tend to be Hindus, however i'll not lower my self to your despicable level.
BTW, when did the likes of Col. Shrikant Prasad Purohit and co. converted to become a Muslim. !!

Well, you could, but then that would be an opinion (or a hissy fit) of an anonymous ip address with a face of PAF pilot in his avatar.. What executioner said though, while very misguided and inaccurate, is one of the most viral catch phrases today..
If the militia bolted that fast, how come we still hold over 1/3rd Kashmir? Not very smart making false claims right? But my insistence was on the fact that Pakistani Military was led by a British who refused Jinnah's orders to engage Indian Army. It was the Tribals that held their ground and repulsed multiple Indian Army's attempts to capture all of Kashmir.

God.....what will we get out of the wikimania! So the General leading the Army in an intense war was so ill informed that his decision was to call for a cease fire? Lets say that India had used less then 5% of her supplies and Pakistan had exhausted all supplies and that Pak Army was eating grass.......even then, which sane mind can accept that a Military with such overwhelming advantages in her favour would call and agree to a cease fire, especially when it was India that signed the ceasefire a day earlier then Pakistan did!

Oh by the way, the Indian Prime Minister was under so much pressure on that war that he suffered a fatal heart attack the very next day.

Sometimes I do understand that the only way a bully can continue is with false pride, exactly what Indians do. By the time ceasefire was imposed on us, we had liberated almost all of Kashmir and had repulsed Indian advances in Lahore back to the LoC. We were constantly pushing your military back after your military had gained initial advances in areas where battle was not expected. In simple words, Pakistan & India fight over occupation of Kashmir and it was expected that battles would be contained in Kashmir but India crossed the LoC and got upto Lahore as those areas were not defended but when we began our push, the Indians were suddenly in a hurry to sign the ceasefire.

There was a retreat, agreed. But the retreat began only after NS was summoned and ordered to do so by the US. The US obviously was under immense diplomatic pressure from Indian lobby as their military was unable to dislodge the fighters from key positions. A very important position point 5353 is held by Pakistan even today.

How much weight the prime ministers statements hold can be judged by the treatment the same prime minister got from the Army Chief. Any sane person can easily deduce why the exiled ex prime minister would make such statements. Even official Indian tally of martyrs on Pakistani side stand at around 1k. Ofcourse, fact is that around 350 fighters were martyred and most of them were martyred during the retreat and not during actual fighting.

Again, had India been in such a strong position and had it been Pakistan pleading for a CF, India would have ended the episode on her terms but is it not true that Pakistan still holds point 5353? Goes to tell you how good of a position India really was in. Matter of fact, the same Indian Army dared not cross the border just a couple of years later despite tall statements of invasion and then even surgical strikes! Even the so called might SU-30MKI's would disengage immediately as soon as the F-16's would start a chase.

Even in 01/02, India removed her forces from the border unilaterally and unconditionally. Had India held any position of strength against Pakistan unilaterally, India would not have hesitated to cross the LoC. But what my Indian friends may not know, the Indian Army knew that the result would be a Pakistani invasion and liberation of Kashmir and pushing of Indian Army back across the LoC at the very least. You never even gave Pakistan a chance to do that.....mighty Indian!

Read my post again and this time, ask someone to help you understand it.

Ok may be me being an Indian am not giving enough credit to pakistan for the wars, Should I post you 3 star Air Marshal Asghar Khan on record stating the diplomatic, political and strategic blunders of 65, 71 and 99, or do you want to look it up online. Lets see if you can diss him ????
No, we don't, Kashmir was independent it was not your property. You start sending mujahideen to Kashmir and rioting and robbing the people and showed worst nightmare to Majaraja then he sign with us. We are not there in first place.

get to know the history, written in UN and has been dealt on the international platform many times, as below: :coffee:

Jammu & Kashmir : Spineless India, Toothless UN

Despite of three all out wars between India and Pakistan only one in 1947 was fought by India to regain its own territory illegally occupied by invader Pakistan. On October 22, 1947 Pakistani army disguised as tribals and branded as Mujjahiddins invaded Jammu & Kashmir then an independent princely state ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh. The ruler of Kashmir, who on October 26, 1947 using the provisions of Indian Independence Act 1947 passed by the British Parliament merged his state with India. By virtue of the signed Instrument of Accession, the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir like other more than 500 princely states of pre-partition India became integral part of India. Thereafter Indian army initiated military actions to push out disguised Pakistani army out of own territories in Jammu & Kashmir but before regaining entire territories illegally occupied by Pakistan J. M. Nehru the then Indian prime minister unilaterally declared cease-fire on January 1, 1948. :meeting:

Thread Jammu & Kashmir : Spineless India, Cunning Pakistan, Toothless UN | Pakistan Defence Forum | BoardReader
and, I have explained attitude of India with its neighbors in my post#88 of the thread, as below;- :tup:

if we have a look on the disputes, India has either with Pakistan or China, the position of India is just to live with whatever India has. we lived in a time when people were asking question, "if India was in the good position in 1971 then why full efforts were not made to get the pak's occupied Kashmir? why only freedom of Bangladesh and what India got out of it? and once Pakistan had come in the position to lose, why efforts were not made to get the whole kashmir in 1971, the success or unsuccess was different.........." as India always claimed its right on whole Kashmir....

but Indian position is, as defined by many in India, that, even if India may have to leave whole kashmir then also its good until we may make the rest of India, a 'success' in world. hence we find India has done heavy fencing on the Indo-Pak border, neither India wants to go further nor they want someone to come this side also. also, the best part of India before 1947 in fact went to West Pakistan...... and the same we find Indian attitude towards China also, that is, India is just not interested in getting the land it lost in 1962, but somehow having peace on the chinese border is the main issue. Indian policy is just to maintain its current state and make it better in world.......

and then we find India now having heavy investments in Navy as the bigger challeneges in future is expected from sea. and you are right to say that, "Its the same for every country USA, Russia, China." as, more the other countries increase their defence expenditure, the neighbors also get worried while Indian side just wants to have a strength somewhere in between Pakistan and China only.............

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...itary-expenditure-2011-a-6.html#ixzz22NbX0tvf
Tumhari nasal k liye kuch asia hi hai: Sau chuhe khake billi haj ko chali

Translated in English-- After eating 100 rats, the cat now goes for a pilgrimage"

In rozas Pakistani members are still talking false things... jhooth bolna is in blood.

Let the internet Hindus flex their tiny muscles - it's the only place they can do it. ;)

Let the Internet Pakistani Rambos fight Hindus since they lose badly in any direct war and even proxy wars. :lol:

Well our farm has plenty of workers to take care of business, but our profession is to keep watch on the eternal enemy.

So you have inherited farms and living like a parasite on the inherited money.But the enemy is in within you who has destroyed you and Pakistan.The real enemy(US/NATO/Afgans/Talibunnies) is REGULARLY attacking you from the western borders and you are keeping your guns on easter border waiting for an attack which never comes.You have LOST Bangladesh and freedom struggle is gaining in Balochistan and SindhuDesh.If you are so brave then pick your gun and fight with the real enemy.But we know you are a buzdil Internet Pakistani showing guns and hiding behind 3 years old kids. :lol:

Out of 60 pages I have posted how many times?

I remember saying somewhere around 30 that the topic has been discussed already. How many kargil threads are on this forum?
I then continue reading comments from indians trollers about getting f---ed and other crap for pages on end.

Apparently "Professional" members are allowed to troll with their countrymen, while we are supposed to sit back and keep reading this garbage.

This is happening because Pakistanis simply REFUSE to admit their defeats. Still after surrendering in masses they claim to be brave and "fight till death" crap.This really entertain us.

TIGER HILL point 5353 is in pakistan controll higest peak in the region
who have clear view on national highway 1.D

You idiot Tiger Hill is with India and Point 5353 is with Pakistan.Both are different. :lol:

Oh wow and you won Kargil war since Kargil war was all about 5353 :lol: what a brainwashed gadha.

btw Kashmir is with us so if you are so brave and belong to the shuppa duppa poopa martial race then come and get it because Indian Army is waiting for you.Every 10 years Pakistan needs a spanking by Indian Army :lol:

You are an incredible Indian idiot.

Hats off to you for your assessment.

You are an incredible awesome brainwashed humiliated Pakistani who keeps coming getting his chaddi snatched everytime. :lol:

And hey btw 500 Indians Vs 4,000 Pakistanis dead but Pakistan won Kargil:cheesy:
Well, you could, but then that would be an opinion (or a hissy fit) of an anonymous ip address with a face of PAF pilot in his avatar.. What executioner said though, while very misguided and inaccurate, is one of the most viral catch phrases today..
Albeit, we are accustomed to the drama queens on the forum, none the less, i don't see any members displaying a self portrait along with their credentials in their profile portfolio. Suffice to add that it's not my opinion but an own goal by some body who must have done his home work.

90% of Indians are fools: Justice Katju - Hindustan Times
Albeit, we are accustomed to the drama queens on the forum, none the less, i don't see any members displaying a self portrait along with their credentials in their profile portfolio. Suffice to add that it's not my opinion but an own goal by some body who must have done his home work.

90% of Indians are fools: Justice Katju - Hindustan Times

Yes, we are fools and still we are not called a failed state..whereas Pakistan having such intelligent people like u, is failing miserably..so tell me what is the use being intelligent? i would rather be a fool....

In every which way, the Kargil misadventure set Pakistan back so badly that it is unlikely to ever contemplate a repeat of such a low-on-wisdom operation. But then, it doesn’t have to: the way it’s been conducting its anti-India campaigns subsequently, by sponsoring terrorist attacks in Kashmir and in cities across India, has proved far more “cost-effective” for Pakistan, while still giving it deniability, even if it convinces no one.

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True by every word. But you have to be aware of the fact that it will do Pakistan no good. You have been seeing the fruits of all the wrongdoings your spy agency has been doing.

India may be suffering from the terror, but you have to accept the fact that we Indians are not so afraid to be in crowded places, compared to the situation in Pakistan.

Terrorism can never be a solution to these issues. Do not think that India will ever do an Israel in the event of a terrorist attack (situation in 2003 and 2008).

I would rather suggest the word 'counter-productive' replacing the word 'cost-effective'. Reason being that Pakistan is paying heavily in blood and money to this venomous monster.

a.k.a. - Try convincing someone in this world that Kasab is neither a Pakistani, nor trained by terrorists who are funded by the ISI. Deniability does not suit it anymore....
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