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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse


I had respect for ur post but now i hv doubts :).

It was not a full war..10000 indian soldiers fought against 80000 chinese and if u call 65 as stalemate then so does 62..we ended with having arunachal .


who thrown their resources fully on pakistan??..we dint..
u sent massive resources to kashmir region but left ur punjab exposed and we striked punjab so u had to go back and save punjab leaving kashmir aside and ur tanks even reached inside kashmir and u were better equiped with U.S tanks but had poor skills to use them and those tanks were sitting ducks :)..and overall india was defensive and retained wat we had and india occupied 3 times more land than u got of india..but forces gone to their positions...

so wat was result??..

u tried for few objectives but couldnt get it..
and we din have any objective and even we returned occupied land too...:no:
and ask gen musa who was heading ur army how it was ur failure... :)


we underestimated LTTE strength and it was first experience to send the forces..even U.S lost 60000 soldiers in vietnam without achieving anything..so?

4) 2002..

it poor trooling...2-3 soldiers got killed and 50 + got injured..as per report inside parliament..:lol:
so keep ur stuff inside ur brain..

5) 2008.
we have resources to give u respsonse from ur western border..so why shud we go for direct attack when we can do it indirectly, like poison who works slowly.its same tablet which u hav prepared for us few times ago ;)

62 - total defeat
65 - stalemate
87 - death by a thousand cuts
02 - full of sound and fury but signifying nothing
08 - veena malik with ISI tattoo on Indian Magazine Cover :D
62 - total defeat
65 - stalemate
87 - death by a thousand cuts
02 - full of sound and fury but signifying nothing
08 - veena malik with ISI tattoo on Indian Magazine Cover :D

yada yada......:blah: :blah:

open ur eyes ,i will pray for u :D
A kid holding a gun even he didn't belong any terrible area or any poor family or people who do this for living and don't you are preparing for Jihad, teach him do jihad for studies. But I think its make you happy, then stop sharing this

All Muslims Are Not Terrorist But Most Terrorists Are Muslim

Yes we are terrorists for all Indians and will remain terrorists till we break India into 500 or more principalities that it was before partition.

hor chupo. :)
How did we run when we managed to hold 1/3 of Kashmir? Why couldn't India take all of Kashmir? We held our ground but India had Tanks and Fighters which greatly outnumbered and outgunned the Militias. But still we managed to hold 1/3 of Kashmir which is a great achievement.

How did you run? - Pretty fast I guess,



Pakistan was able to acquire roughly two-fifths of Kashmir, including five of the fourteen eight thousanders plus peaks of the world, while India maintained the remaining three fifths of Kashmir, including the most populous and fertile regions.

No battleplan survives first contact. The fact that an outnumbered, outgunned and outmanned Pakistani Army fought the numerically superior Indians and held them at way when Indians decided to launch an attack into Pakistan shows that if both countries were on an even footing, India would have lost more badly than its defeat to China in 1962. :D

Invading pakistani forces ended up defending lahore, indeed a stalemate....

And just like in 1965, your generals would be dreaming of having Tea in Lahore. :D

We did not retreat, we withdrew our forces to a more strategic location. We held you guys at bay even though u guys threw everything at us.

only in pak circles, are the stories of indian dreaming of tea and whisky in pakistan,

Is it any wonder why India has lost so many wars.

1962 - total Indian defeat against China

1965 - an Army 3 times as big as Pakistan and yet could not defeat it

1987 - got badly mauled by LTTE and ran away like cowards

2002 - deployed troops at border but 700 died in accicdents

2008 - attack at mumbai and no response from India

1962 - indeed a defeat by India against a much larger and better equipped Chinese forces

1965 - Pakistan "lost heavily" during the 1965 war, India's hasty decision to call for negotiations prevented further considerable damage to the Pakistan Armed Forces, hence a learning experience

1971- Well planned war, comprehensive pakistani defeat, with the biggest unilateral unconditional surrender, and also one largest tank casualty.

1987 - please learn the facts

2002 - Shivering musharraf calls for nuke strikes

2008 - attack at mumbai and no response from India

Was that a legitimate admission of accepted pakistani agression, all these years your officials have been crying non-state actors.
Was that a legitimate admission of accepted pakistani agression, all these years your officials have been crying non-state actors.

Yes Yes, please pass it to MEA. Ask them to launch a complaint against Pakistan in the UNSC and request the Americans to impose sanctions on us. Please Please.

yada yada......:blah: :blah:

open ur eyes ,i will pray for u :D

Paan Sigh Shah Ji,

kadi band akhhan naal vi dua kar deya karo :smitten:

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Why do you guys have to post stupid misleading statements? Upon partition, Pakistani military was commanded by a British, who refused to engage Indian Military in Kashmir upon Jinnah's orders. Our militia had to face the Indian military and were able to hold on to the area already liberated.

Pakistani militia, invaded and captured territory of Hari singh's kingdom, When IA intervened, your militia bolted fast, pretty fast!

Get out of Indian controlled Wikipedia and face facts, I have been posting this again and again that just because there are 7-8 Indians for every Pakistani it does not mean their stories become facts. It was your military commander that exposed the fact that your military had exhausted her war supplies and was not equipped to continue the war where as on the other hand, Pakistan could have continued to fight for a much longer period. Fact is, had India been in such a strong position as is posted on Indian sites or India dominated web then India would not have ended the war in a stalemate.

India's chief of army staff urged negotiations on the ground that they were running out ammunition and their number of tanks had become seriously depleted. In fact, the army had used less than 15% of its ammunition compared to Pakistan, which had consumed closer to 80 percent and India had double the number of serviceable tanks.

Personally, I would have taken even a stalemate as considerable insult as the adversary was 1/7th the size or even smaller. But where Indians are concerned, no insult is 'low' enough.
Absolutely true, but then again facts are not on your side buddy, What started out as a pakistani agression saw indian troops taking the fight back to pakistan, right upto your cities. I call that a a pretty dismal performance for the so called martial race, what say?

If you want to know what happened in Kargil, all you have to do really is look at what happened later in 01/02. You may not have learnt your lesson as the lesson taught to you may have been very misleading but your Military had learned the lesson in '65 and so never really dared to cross the border either in '99 or in '01/'02. Big talk of invasion and surgical strikes proved to be hot air as usual.

If you want to know what happened in kargil, you need to look up facts about kargil,
> there was a comprehensive retreat
>your-ex priminister claimed it as a mistake
>your own priministers account of 4000 casulty despite being in higher postions of tactical advantage
>your army saw it's own jawans and officers being deccimated with our airforce and arty, but stood witness helplessly
>Your army couldn't even claim the dead bodies of its own officers and jawans
>Your priminister was pleading to clinton for intervention
>Pakistan's primary diplomatic response, one of plausible deniability linking the incursion to what it officially termed as "Kashmiri freedom fighters", was in the end not successful
>G8 nations supported India and condemned the Pakistani violation of the LOC at the Cologne summit. The European Union also opposed Pakistan's violation of the LOC.
>China, a long-time ally of Pakistan, insisted on a pullout of forces to the pre-conflict positions along the LoC and settling border issues peacefully.
>Other organizations like the ASEAN Regional Forum too supported India's stand on the inviolability of the LOC

Spartans at Thermopylae were not ordered to retreat, however they eventually perished 'heroes'. The rest of the post does not merit a response.

A nation that surrender 55000 military personell doesn't deserve to be equated to spartans in any way or form, sorry!
You are an incredible Indian idiot.

Hats off to you for your assessment.

And you are moron who giving a rifle to a kid for your self-esteem and honour among your society. Show this picture anyone let comment them on what they think.

You are same m0r0n who think porus was jat pakistani punjabi

oh you miss the movie then watch it


Yes we are terrorists for all Indians and will remain terrorists till we break India into 500 or more principalities that it was before partition.

hor chupo. :)

All non-muslim are kafir already for you so you don't have to explain yourself. It has been more than 65 yr you can't do anything so keep shouting. You already split in 71 and now because of this type attitude you got issue every where in the world.
All Muslims Are Not Terrorist But Most Terrorists Are Muslim

I could reply with like.....
All the Hindus are not idiots but most idiots tend to be Hindus, however i'll not lower my self to your despicable level.
BTW, when did the likes of Col. Shrikant Prasad Purohit and co. converted to become a Muslim. !!
Every country has terrorists. Only difference with pakistan is we have a court system where they get judged and put to jail. Unlike pakistan where they get to call your prime minister and threaten him with pranab mukherjees voice.
The indians are still filling their dhoti's - like their ancestors used to - when they heard the name "Babur" LoL.
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