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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Every country has terrorists. Only difference with pakistan is we have a court system where they get judged and put to jail. Unlike pakistan where they get to call your prime minister and threaten him with pranab mukherjees voice.

In essence you are implying that Parnab Mukherjee is a terrorist. :what:
I lol'd at this - a 4'11 terrorist with a girly voice and aviator sunglasses.
In essence you are implying that Parnab Mukherjee is a terrorist. :what:
Pranabs duplicate voice is good enough to terrify pakistan govt as was proved.
I did not mention accommodating terrorists in 5 star buildings, because we also accommodate kasab :-)
I lol'd at this - a 4'11 terrorist with a girly voice and aviator sunglasses.

That little one can knock ur block off Rafi, Goli haath se nahi dimaag se chalti hain.

I could reply with like.....
All the Hindus are not idiots but most idiots tend to be Hindus, however i'll not lower my self to your despicable level.
BTW, when did the likes of Col. Shrikant Prasad Purohit and co. converted to become a Muslim. !!

I think if we are discussing brains, u dont have aukaat to be even on the same page as us.

You are an incredible Indian idiot.

Hats off to you for your assessment.

Let me give u a perfect assesment Razpak,

I think you are bunch of morons who are perfectly capable of blowing each other of ur ilk off to the space.

I am not even thinking or saying it,i know it.

Come,blow my arrogance now.
I could reply with like.....
All the Hindus are not idiots but most idiots tend to be Hindus, however i'll not lower my self to your despicable level.
BTW, when did the likes of Col. Shrikant Prasad Purohit and co. converted to become a Muslim. !!

We know how world see you and your :pakistan:. And don't be a gentleman you already on despicable level. Stop blowing in the name Jihad.

Please you get hurt more if I post how many muslim don't like to be a muslim. And still force full conversion is on going process in your country.
And you are moron who giving a rifle to a kid for your self-esteem and honour among your society. Show this picture anyone let comment them on what they think.

You are same m0r0n who think porus was jat pakistani punjabi

oh you miss the movie then watch it


All non-muslim are kafir already for you so you don't have to explain yourself. It has been more than 65 yr you can't do anything so keep shouting. You already split in 71 and now because of this type attitude you got issue every where in the world.

when I talk on this Pakistani forum, my single line strategy is to show Pakistanis and Bangladeshi, all the ways to get progress, come in E7+Pakistan etc, and let their neighbors get progress at the same time. (the single line strategy of mine on this forum during any talk, in my any thread, with keep positing about Western mishandling of World which has resulted in so many wars........)

but, first pakistan is full of militants/target killings/ violence and Bangladesh is full of those people who just want to run from there, mainly to India. and I always have to get to face those Pakistanis/Bangladeshis here, who either want to get into India, wants me to support illegal infiltration of Bangladeshis in India, allowing pakistanis come to India, and if I say No, we then find a problem...... hence in other words, First Pakistan/Bangladesh have become troubling states in world and after doing mess in their countries, they want to get into India to do the same. and from my side I may say, if they can't make their nation by themselves, how can we think that they will let India get progress if Indians allow them to come??????

partition of India in 1947, was because of 'forceful' attitude of Mr Jinnah, who was ready for lakhs of deaths but he wanted a separate Muslim Ruled country "anyhow", as a federation of Britain also to down freedom fighters Mr Gandhi/Mr Kalam/Mr Nehru etc. and after destroying Pakistan and East Pakistan (Bangladesh), now new generation of Jinnah Saheb want to come to remaining India to destroy this part of India also, and they like only those Indians who may help them in this regard...... :meeting:

the reason why a popular Indian PM has said, when he faced Kargil experience just few months after his friendly bus visit to pakistan, as below:

"We can change history but not geography. We can change our friends but not our neighbors."--Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee
All Muslims Are Not Terrorist But Most Terrorists Are Muslim

Incorrect, Muslims are the most targeted humans on earth today. Who is a real terrorist, a person who drops thousands of bombs on civilians or a civilian who fights illegal invading forces?
Pakistani militia, invaded and captured territory of Hari singh's kingdom, When IA intervened, your militia bolted fast, pretty fast!

If the militia bolted that fast, how come we still hold over 1/3rd Kashmir? Not very smart making false claims right? But my insistence was on the fact that Pakistani Military was led by a British who refused Jinnah's orders to engage Indian Army. It was the Tribals that held their ground and repulsed multiple Indian Army's attempts to capture all of Kashmir.

India's chief of army staff urged negotiations on the ground that they were running out ammunition and their number of tanks had become seriously depleted. In fact, the army had used less than 15% of its ammunition compared to Pakistan, which had consumed closer to 80 percent and India had double the number of serviceable tanks.

God.....what will we get out of the wikimania! So the General leading the Army in an intense war was so ill informed that his decision was to call for a cease fire? Lets say that India had used less then 5% of her supplies and Pakistan had exhausted all supplies and that Pak Army was eating grass.......even then, which sane mind can accept that a Military with such overwhelming advantages in her favour would call and agree to a cease fire, especially when it was India that signed the ceasefire a day earlier then Pakistan did!

Oh by the way, the Indian Prime Minister was under so much pressure on that war that he suffered a fatal heart attack the very next day.

Absolutely true, but then again facts are not on your side buddy, What started out as a pakistani agression saw indian troops taking the fight back to pakistan, right upto your cities. I call that a a pretty dismal performance for the so called martial race, what say?

Sometimes I do understand that the only way a bully can continue is with false pride, exactly what Indians do. By the time ceasefire was imposed on us, we had liberated almost all of Kashmir and had repulsed Indian advances in Lahore back to the LoC. We were constantly pushing your military back after your military had gained initial advances in areas where battle was not expected. In simple words, Pakistan & India fight over occupation of Kashmir and it was expected that battles would be contained in Kashmir but India crossed the LoC and got upto Lahore as those areas were not defended but when we began our push, the Indians were suddenly in a hurry to sign the ceasefire.

If you want to know what happened in kargil, you need to look up facts about kargil,
> there was a comprehensive retreat
>your-ex priminister claimed it as a mistake
>your own priministers account of 4000 casulty despite being in higher postions of tactical advantage
>your army saw it's own jawans and officers being deccimated with our airforce and arty, but stood witness helplessly
>Your army couldn't even claim the dead bodies of its own officers and jawans
>Your priminister was pleading to clinton for intervention
>Pakistan's primary diplomatic response, one of plausible deniability linking the incursion to what it officially termed as "Kashmiri freedom fighters", was in the end not successful
>G8 nations supported India and condemned the Pakistani violation of the LOC at the Cologne summit. The European Union also opposed Pakistan's violation of the LOC.
>China, a long-time ally of Pakistan, insisted on a pullout of forces to the pre-conflict positions along the LoC and settling border issues peacefully.
>Other organizations like the ASEAN Regional Forum too supported India's stand on the inviolability of the LOC

There was a retreat, agreed. But the retreat began only after NS was summoned and ordered to do so by the US. The US obviously was under immense diplomatic pressure from Indian lobby as their military was unable to dislodge the fighters from key positions. A very important position point 5353 is held by Pakistan even today.

How much weight the prime ministers statements hold can be judged by the treatment the same prime minister got from the Army Chief. Any sane person can easily deduce why the exiled ex prime minister would make such statements. Even official Indian tally of martyrs on Pakistani side stand at around 1k. Ofcourse, fact is that around 350 fighters were martyred and most of them were martyred during the retreat and not during actual fighting.

Again, had India been in such a strong position and had it been Pakistan pleading for a CF, India would have ended the episode on her terms but is it not true that Pakistan still holds point 5353? Goes to tell you how good of a position India really was in. Matter of fact, the same Indian Army dared not cross the border just a couple of years later despite tall statements of invasion and then even surgical strikes! Even the so called might SU-30MKI's would disengage immediately as soon as the F-16's would start a chase.

Even in 01/02, India removed her forces from the border unilaterally and unconditionally. Had India held any position of strength against Pakistan unilaterally, India would not have hesitated to cross the LoC. But what my Indian friends may not know, the Indian Army knew that the result would be a Pakistani invasion and liberation of Kashmir and pushing of Indian Army back across the LoC at the very least. You never even gave Pakistan a chance to do that.....mighty Indian!

A nation that surrender 55000 military personell doesn't deserve to be equated to spartans in any way or form, sorry!

Read my post again and this time, ask someone to help you understand it.
I think if we are discussing brains, u dont have aukaat to be even on the same page as us.

Naturally, since you neither have the morals or brains to distinguish between your zaat and aukaat. !!

Let me give u a perfect assesment Razpak,

I think you are bunch of morons who are perfectly capable of blowing each other of ur ilk off to the space.

I am not even thinking or saying it,i know it.

Come,blow my arrogance now.
Nothing compared to your despicable race who feel brave and almighty by forcing human excrement down your own kind......any wonder you are just full of it. !!
I could reply with like.....
All the Hindus are not idiots but most idiots tend to be Hindus, however i'll not lower my self to your despicable level.
BTW, when did the likes of Col. Shrikant Prasad Purohit and co. converted to become a Muslim. !!

Sir ji wah hai, yani thapper bhi mar dia aur excuse bhi ker lia :)
If the militia bolted that fast, how come we still hold over 1/3rd Kashmir? Not very smart making false claims right? But my insistence was on the fact that Pakistani Military was led by a British who refused Jinnah's orders to engage Indian Army. It was the Tribals that held their ground and repulsed multiple Indian Army's attempts to capture all of Kashmir.

God.....what will we get out of the wikimania! So the General leading the Army in an intense war was so ill informed that his decision was to call for a cease fire? Lets say that India had used less then 5% of her supplies and Pakistan had exhausted all supplies and that Pak Army was eating grass.......even then, which sane mind can accept that a Military with such overwhelming advantages in her favour would call and agree to a cease fire, especially when it was India that signed the ceasefire a day earlier then Pakistan did!

Oh by the way, the Indian Prime Minister was under so much pressure on that war that he suffered a fatal heart attack the very next day.

Sometimes I do understand that the only way a bully can continue is with false pride, exactly what Indians do. By the time ceasefire was imposed on us, we had liberated almost all of Kashmir and had repulsed Indian advances in Lahore back to the LoC. We were constantly pushing your military back after your military had gained initial advances in areas where battle was not expected. In simple words, Pakistan & India fight over occupation of Kashmir and it was expected that battles would be contained in Kashmir but India crossed the LoC and got upto Lahore as those areas were not defended but when we began our push, the Indians were suddenly in a hurry to sign the ceasefire.

There was a retreat, agreed. But the retreat began only after NS was summoned and ordered to do so by the US. The US obviously was under immense diplomatic pressure from Indian lobby as their military was unable to dislodge the fighters from key positions. A very important position point 5353 is held by Pakistan even today.

How much weight the prime ministers statements hold can be judged by the treatment the same prime minister got from the Army Chief. Any sane person can easily deduce why the exiled ex prime minister would make such statements. Even official Indian tally of martyrs on Pakistani side stand at around 1k. Ofcourse, fact is that around 350 fighters were martyred and most of them were martyred during the retreat and not during actual fighting.

Again, had India been in such a strong position and had it been Pakistan pleading for a CF, India would have ended the episode on her terms but is it not true that Pakistan still holds point 5353? Goes to tell you how good of a position India really was in. Matter of fact, the same Indian Army dared not cross the border just a couple of years later despite tall statements of invasion and then even surgical strikes! Even the so called might SU-30MKI's would disengage immediately as soon as the F-16's would start a chase.

Even in 01/02, India removed her forces from the border unilaterally and unconditionally. Had India held any position of strength against Pakistan unilaterally, India would not have hesitated to cross the LoC. But what my Indian friends may not know, the Indian Army knew that the result would be a Pakistani invasion and liberation of Kashmir and pushing of Indian Army back across the LoC at the very least. You never even gave Pakistan a chance to do that.....mighty Indian!

Read my post again and this time, ask someone to help you understand it.

A fascinating post. In earlier years, one could see posters realistic about the events of the various military confrontations, though unable to romanticize their past and dwell lovingly on a mythology built over the ages.

Now it is different. With every passing year, as those who lived through those actual events die out, there is more and more denial at fundamental level about military matters, rather more realism about the past.
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