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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Nobody in my family is retarded.

One photo op and the Indians convert chest thumping trolling to ridiculing our martial traditions. The psyche of Indian posters here is truly interesting.

Its common sense to keep away a loaded rifle from a child so small.

I'm hoping this AK version atleast has a safety switch.

About you martial tradition :lol:
I count at least TEN Indian members debating with a single Pakistani Dude.

God bless Internet Hindus. :lol:

Feel strong and have fun. :enjoy:

We all are having fun with a Pakistani Internet Warrior cum Joker who is providing so much fun. :P

You can join him and make us laugh too. :lol:

I suggest to move this thread into Joke and Fun section.
only takes a clown or two to entertain a crowd

Nopes, on the internet, one intelligent is better than a dozen idiots.

Where the question of Hinduism and Islamist arise? We are just tagging him because he put the gun in 2 year innocent child's hand.God bless internet retards.:cheesy:

So basically you are trolling.....as i thought just a bunch of time wasters....or as you said it.....retards. !!
When the Indians are afraid of one rifle, how can they speak of winning wars? I have just showed this page to my friend, and he is laughing at Indian posters too.

You dar pokes would be laughed out of every corner of Pakistan. Internet ke sher. ROFL
Seems like you are fond of my baby cousin and his glasses. Even he could teach you how to use a "rifle".


Say hello to Kaka Jatt.

Funny Indian trollers these days.

Do you really feel proud of this picture? your people are really sick .Pakistan future is so bright keep going :tup:.
Do you really feel proud of this picture? your people are really sick .Pakistan future is so bright keep going :tup:.

Very proud. Kaka Jatt is my most loved cousin. Thanks for the well wishes. Inshallah we do have a bright future ahead of us.
@Razpak i tell you sau baat ki ek baat regarding you having martial tradition teaching kids to hold AK-47 ,and teaching kids to starp on suicide vests etc is all good and well.Problem starts when the kids having no choice and are forced to strap on suicide vest by the martial tradition men to blow up in markets and mosques etc.For the kids of elites like as of your cousin he has education in life to decide wats is good for him and bad for him he can hold gun to hunt etc but the real problem starts with marital tradition men using impoverished kids to blow them up and the elites like you come here and crib about it after every suicide bombing.I wonder if that cribbing condemnation from elites like you is due to the fact that the poor kid blew himself or is it that all ur martial tradition goes down the drain at that time?or is it that the martial tradition of the impoverished kid shows how low you are as a grown up elite in your own martial tradition?.Is it that the impoverished kid show you on what low level of martial tradition you are standing that your martial tradition starts condemning his act.And what one can say the martial tradition of those who use impoverished kids as human bomb?:rolleyes:
When the Indians are afraid of one rifle, how can they speak of winning wars? I have just showed this page to my friend, and he is laughing at Indian posters too.

You dar pokes would be laughed out of every corner of Pakistan. Internet ke sher. ROFL

This pic would now be used to show the Pakistani intentions about how they teach their kids. :lol:

At a age when he should be playing with toys/books/color pencils you have forced a AK-47 to him, this is how they brainwash kids in Pakistan. :agree:

True Story!
When the Indians are afraid of one rifle, how can they speak of winning wars? I have just showed this page to my friend, and he is laughing at Indian posters too.

You dar pokes would be laughed out of every corner of Pakistan. Internet ke sher. ROFL

Dont say such harsh things? What will left to us if laughed us so much :chilli:
Now thats becoming funnier... yeah brave superior shuppa duppa puppa martial race Pakistanis who NEVER surrender.So what happened when 1/3 of your army or almost 100,000 simply surrendered in 1971.Pak army OFFCIALLY proved to be the biggest buzdils of Asia. :lol:

If that was the case you would have been fighting against US since US is violating your security on daily basis.In real life you would hide under your bed and suck a lollipop and type furiously on a computer(which is what you are doing).You are the real Internet Pakistani Warrior.If you picked up a gun then go and fight the "enemy" and die on enemy land rotting with maggots so that your Army disown you and your family would never get back even your dead body :lol:

Yeah... beating up a dead soldier is a standard of Pakistani bravery because they cant fight face to face.You are making me laugh even more.Indians simply shoots and leave because we dont show bravery beating a dead body.Pakistan Army is a true coward which mutilates a dead body.

500 Indians Vs 4000 Pakistanis dead in Kargil and Pakistan won... so let's close the thread :cheesy::cheesy:

RazPak got his chaddi snatched again. :p:yahoo:


You mean he had on just troll serum and cologne? Odd dress regulations.
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