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Pak is China's low cost hedge against India: former chief of RAW

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^^ seems like you are jealous of the sentence-

jealous??? :rofl: who in the world will be jealous of using by others? why do you think china is giving lots of free weapons to you? they are using you against India with these free weapons and now you are so proud to give them bases in your country. you said same about US not long ago .

does it not want you to have a friendly neighbor like china?- :lol:-

China and friendly neighbor?? :rofl: Ask this to Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Philipines, Bhutan and all other its neighbors.
Is it that time of the month again?

Take a look btw your legs and find out!

Indian insecurity flaring up and all these threads about Pak-China relationship?

The article is genuine avouchment by former chief of Intelligence agency about ground realities of neighborhood!
Still less then your paranoid media about Indo/US/Israel relationship, which we see on hourly basis.

The obsession is just "incredible".

And predictably boring.

You can't explain your countrymen better then this.:)
Countries the world over have strategic alliance, friendly relations and mutual interests.

The fact that an Indian had to address this subject proves their obsession and insecurity not forgetting they themself have to look towards minute Zionist states like Israel for their own security. The micro power is full of dream warriors. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Guys wakeup! , You once said the same thing for Americans that they will rescue Pakistan in emergencies. Things change... Be on your own! Don't depend on neighbours...As long as Indo-US relations , India knows where to keep US(Good example MMRCA deal)...

sorry to correct you mate thats not true. Our leaders have from time to time liked americans. The people the masses have allways been wary and not liked america. where as with china we the public have allways liked the chinese.

If true democracy existed and the will of the people was taken into account we would eternally be freindly with china and not with america

---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ----------

LOL, the source is a wordpress "blog". :lol:

Do you have any actual source showing that?

From your own link. :azn:

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just got up wtf is this make up on a defence forum? what are you guys trying to tell indians lol
Countries the world over have strategic alliance, friendly relations and mutual interests.

The fact that an Indian had to address this subject proves their obsession and insecurity not forgetting they themself have to look towards minute Zionist states like Israel for their own security. The micro power is full of dream warriors. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ok guys time to lighten the mood. Although indian govt looks to white americans and zionist israel for alliance their people dont all support american policy. As evidence I submit:

America - YouTube
Bl[i]tZ;2420484 said:
Pak is China's low cost hedge against India

Revived by Deng Xiaoping's four modernisations, China has used Pakistan's hostility towards India as a bridge for accessing West Asia not just as a counter to the US. It seeks geostrategic space and the rich mineral deposits of oil and gas, copper, gold, zinc, lead, iron-ore and aluminium in these countries including Afghanistan and Central Asia. There have been reports of a Saudi-Pakistan-China tie up on nuclear issues as well.

A Chinese official once told US officials that Pakistan was China's Israel. Pakistanis see China as an assured guarantor against India. The Deep State of Pakistan ” run by its military-jihadi combine, has to realise that the hard state of China is using Pakistan as a stepping stone for regional dominance and not as an end in itself.

Chinese ambitions extend beyond using Pakistan as a low cost secondary deterrent to counter India. Ayesha Siddiqa, one of Pakistan's better known analysts, makes a very valid observation when she says that China is an 'empire by stealth' which is "growing steadily without necessarily taking on the socio-political or economic liabilities of its client states." China will invest only in the extractive industries of Pakistan not in the country's development.

Gwadar on the Makran coast has significance and importance for China only if it has unimpeded access through Gilgit and Baltistan. There has been increased Chinese presence and activity in this region. The additional manpower is ostensibly meant for the several infrastructure projects in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Over time, as India has progressed, China's stance has hardened. It has played up issues ” like paper visas to residents of J&K or not granting visa to the Northern Army Commander and continued intrusions into Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh. It has continued with its concerted attempts to keep both Myanmar and Pakistan under its influence to cover both Indian flanks.

Had India heeded Sardar Patel's advice in 1950 we would not perhaps been in this state of feeling surrounded by China in our backyard and the prospect today that Pakistan could become China's Somalia instead of its Israel is no consolation to India.

The writer is a former chief of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

Pak is China's low cost hedge against India

Typical article and nothing new he wrote while being mention Pakistan as low cost hedge he just scored number in public but in 70% material of article he admitted potential threat from both sides & geopolitical importance of Pakistan. Pakistan's economy no doubt not comparable with China so China's support for Pakistan couldn't be called as low cost hedge but securing mutual interests against mutual enemy being in particular level of resources.
For the last 10 years china have the capacity to wipe out every problem of pakistan and if china really wanted by now pakistan could have become a developed country.

- china could have invested few billion dollars in developing thar coal, coal based power plants and wind power projects in pakistan

- china could have trained millions of pakistanis that make them employable it could have boosted pakistani industries + pakistan can export cheap skilled manpower all over the world

- china could have invested in pakistan's agriculture sector and research and development institutions in pakistan.

- china could have invested in the infrastructure like airports, sea ports highways, railways, metro in pakistan

- china could have collaborated with pakistani education institutes/universities for research & development, building high level of pakistani institutes with investment in infrastructure, labs, library, and latest curriculum.

- china could have passed on the technologies into pakistani industries and also provided some work to them

- china could have invested in building good hospitals in every pakistani city

But if china have done all this by this day pakistan could have easily become a developed nation then how can they use pakistan or suck its blood in the name of friendship. china is acting like a cat between the fight of two monkeys (India-pakistan)

Before a fool says that its because of corruption or politicians let it make it clear that before this govt. pakistan was having a military rule so no more blaming politicians. :blah: :blah:
China will fight India till the last Pakistani. Well done Puppets.
For the last 10 years china have the capacity to wipe out every problem of pakistan and if china really wanted by now pakistan could have become a developed country.

- china could have invested few billion dollars in developing thar coal, coal based power plants and wind power projects in pakistan

- china could have trained millions of pakistanis that make them employable it could have boosted pakistani industries + pakistan can export cheap skilled manpower all over the world

- china could have invested in pakistan's agriculture sector and research and development institutions in pakistan.

- china could have invested in the infrastructure like airports, sea ports highways, railways, metro in pakistan

- china could have collaborated with pakistani education institutes/universities for research & development, building high level of pakistani institutes with investment in infrastructure, labs, library, and latest curriculum.

- china could have passed on the technologies into pakistani industries and also provided some work to them

- china could have invested in building good hospitals in every pakistani city

But if china have done all this by this day pakistan could have easily become a developed nation then how can they use pakistan or suck its blood in the name of friendship. china is acting like a cat between the fight of two monkeys (India-pakistan)

Before a fool says that its because of corruption or politicians let it make it clear that before this govt. pakistan was having a military rule so no more blaming politicians. :blah: :blah:

ever wonder how Mushy is supporting himself in London?

before 2007 Pakistan's economy was developing fast.

only after 2007 was there huge chaos.
I dont want china to give per se like the west to pakistan. It makes a country reliant on hand outs, eg F16s america gives sells to pakistan, chinese do jv eg JF17 &and take us down th road of self sufficiency
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