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Pak is China's low cost hedge against India: former chief of RAW

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Is it that time of the month again?

Indian insecurity flaring up and all these threads about Pak-China relationship?

The obsession is just "incredible".

And predictably boring.

What a great value add by the think tank.

On second thoughts, why does it look like a typical lackey's post?

Someone right from the "fort of Islam". ;)

Let it be.

These Indian tantrums surface periodically when their own insecurities get the better of them. All their 'points' have been refuted several times, but there's always another Indian who pops up with the same crap. There's a billion more where they came from. They are all raised on hate propaganda. We can't educate them all.

India is an artificial entity that needs an external bogeyman to maintain its unity. For 60 years, the bogeyman was Pakistan. Now it's China.

Another (not so) subtle attempt to lick... And try to be useful to the Chin kaffirs. ;)

The only artificial entity is the "fort of Islam" in the Dharmic land, not in the Arabian desert.
This article is about India and China (including references to Tibet, Pakistan, the US etc.) by a person who has seen classified intelligence and knows about geopolitics and history probably more than any of us.

Why are Pakistani's running on steroids here?
Bl[i]tZ;2422643 said:
This article is about India and China (including references to Tibet, Pakistan, the US etc.) by a person who has seen classified intelligence and knows about geopolitics and history probably more than any of us.

Why are Pakistani's running on steroids here?

correction i think i see a Pakistan in the title somewhere....
Why I have to worry that thing out of my control, I was even born at that time but 100+ indians 1 meal per day still the reality of today

Well, you are one of the generation of forced single child brats that some of your experts predicted. All of you on this forum...

And there is a strong possibility that all of you are in cubes next to each other, doing your full time paid job posting here.

Worry or not, you are living it. ;)

..And believe me we don't give a damn about India either, it's your india media always bring China as discussion. We have has a free way to go and seem that south Asia is our destination :lol:

You may want to escape your reality in East Asia, not gonna happen.

I've never said that North east Asia belong to China...you Indians can come any time :lol:

Doesn't matter what you say or don't say. East Asia is anti Chin.
Bl[i]tZ;2422643 said:
This article is about India and China (including references to Tibet, Pakistan, the US etc.) by a person who has seen classified intelligence and knows about geopolitics and history probably more than any of us.

Why are Pakistani's running on steroids here?

I didn't get the feeling.

Most are just being dutifully obedient lackeys, waving Chin flags.
It is just a suggest, whether you will do or not, that's you problem, OK, If you want to beat your enemy, know it first. I hate japanese, But I am happy to learn Japanese to can browse japanese website!! If such you kind of indian are always in india, I am so happy, whether you are interested in chinese, I don't matter, It will not hurt me. When you face a enemy, Know you well or don't know you a little, which enemy do you like?? Just enjoy you english that inherited from your colonialist!!! By the way, you answer let me so happy!! You can guess why!!!

It's really upto you, whether want to hate japanese or not. Feel free.

If Indians make you happy .. again you are welcome.
I agree to some extent, especially your top leadership don't want to go in such position - credit should be given to MM Singh, indeed a very smart man in South Asia.

But what will happen when he leaves the office?

I wouldn't give him the entire credit in regard to Independence of Indian foreign policy.

Indian foreign policy is more to do with political dynamics of NDA and UPA or to be more accurate BJP and Congress. Each know Independence of foreign policy holds of highest regard because of the colonial rule and any act perceived as yielding to foreign power is political suicide.
I raise my CHALICE to toast 60+ years of China-Pakistan Strategic Partnership and Friendship. We are proud to be China's loyal and reliable friend and China's enemies are our enemy and China's friends are our friends

u mean china's *****?
I dont know why mods don't close this thread.

These kind of "articles" belong in places like bharat ratsh!t
Not that its accepted but if the general is correct then looks like chinese have done a good job. Indians allways seem to be more worried about pakistan and talking about pakistan and are having to use resourses to defend against pakistan rather then their own developmenst etc. For example india and china have similar populations and china seems to be well ahead in whichever field you want to compare
Bl[i]tZ;2422643 said:
This article is about India and China (including references to Tibet, Pakistan, the US etc.) by a person who has seen classified intelligence and knows about geopolitics and history probably more than any of us.

Why are Pakistani's running on steroids here?

because its PDF and they cannot brag much about them selves so better find peace in bragging about their allies
you think you Indians have treated your kind better than us?? LMAO, go ask those over 100+ millions Indians with 1 meal per day and those helpless farmers that want to comitte suicide...you must wondering where Maoists are from????

Isn't that India alway want to get China's attention? now we will pay attention to India on every single move...for your information South Asia is not India, so let us know if Sri-Lanka, BD and Pakistan are agree with South Asia is under India's juridiction.

SL,Pak,BD are little minions.Thats all.

India is pretty much south Asia,all of their cultures also came from India pretty much.They got **** of their own.
SL,Pak,BD are little minions.Thats all.

India is pretty much south Asia,all of their cultures also came from India pretty much.They got **** of their own.

Minions? like bhutal,nepal,bangladesh maldives? etc son Pakistan is the man in south asia whom aunty india is shyt scared off.....small states etc are dominated by india... Pakistan on the other raises his fist to india.

As for the pathetic,bullshyt insults hope mods ban ur a$$ which is on fire.
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